The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 892: Battle of Suzhou City

The eastern border of the Song Empire is all bordered by the Tianqi Empire.

Jingdong East Road and Huainan East Road are adjacent to Qingzhou Province of Tianqi Empire.

Guangnan West Road, Guangnan East Road, Fujian Road and other areas are bordered by the Tangzhou Province of the Apocalypse Empire.

Such a long national border created an excellent offensive position for the army of the Apocalypse Empire.

With no natural danger to defend, Zhao Kuangyin could only join hands with Yang Jian.

At this time, the Yue Family Army led by Yue Fei was confronting Xie Xuan's Beifu Army.

Yang Ye's Yang family army is rushing to help Yue Fei who is stationed in Suzhou City.

And Liu Bei and Shi Wansui led the army all the way south to resist the Tangzhou Army of the Apocalypse Empire.

From this moment on, the entire Song Empire entered a state of national war with all its strength.

With Ji Fa's decree, all civil servants and officials in the Song Empire did not raise any objections.

Whether they are traitors or loyal ministers, they cannot get rid of their mortal status after all.

Mortals are driven by immortals, of course!


Outside Suzhou city.

Xie Xuan led the Beifu army to station troops here.

He had heard that Cheng Mu was full of praise for Yue Fei, so he decided to give Yue Fei a chance to survive.

If Yue Fei knew current affairs, it would belong to him in the Apocalypse Empire. That Yue Fei and the Yue Family Army can still survive.

If Yue Fei is stubborn, then he will send Yue Fei to the Immortal Temple!

"General Qi, General Nieba has led his army to break through Mizhou!"

But at this moment, there was news from Tianniao.

Nieba led the Basword Army and broke through the city of Mizhou in the Song Empire.

Mizhou belongs to Jingdong East Road, and it is only less than a thousand miles away from Kaifeng City, the capital of the Song Empire.


Xie Xuan nodded.

Now that Nieba has already started, he can't waste any more time.

The battle strategy negotiated at the beginning was that the two armies would advance side by side and take care of each other.

How could his Beifu Legion lag behind the Tyrant Sword Army?

"Beifu soldiers, attack the city!"


At his command, a steady stream of Beifu ghost soldiers attacked the city wall.

They don't use siege equipment, and they are not afraid of life and death.

As long as Xie Xuan is here, they are invincible!

"Kill the enemy!"

On the city wall, Yue Fei saw the heavy expression of the powerful Beifu ghost soldiers.

He repelled the mighty army of the Tang Empire, and the Beiwei army under his command even killed the demons who came to throw away their helmets and armor.

However, the moment he saw the Beifu ghost soldiers, he was horrified.

How could there be such a powerful army in this world?

At first, he thought that the first-class super god-level army was already the pinnacle of the current army.

When the strength of several soldiers of the Beiwei Army under his command had risen to the top level, he was still arrogant.

He believes that his Yue family army should be proud of the heroes of the earth and stars.

But when he saw the Beifu ghost soldiers whose strength was peerless, he fell into an abyss.

These ghost soldiers are not rangers, and they don't have the terrifying talents of rangers.

But how could the strength of these ghost soldiers be stronger than his Beiwei army?

So in order to defend Yangzhou City, he could only ask Yang Ye for help!

This is a battle to defend the country, and one cannot defend the country by dying on the battlefield.

Now only by uniting the two most powerful armies of the Great Song Dynasty, can there be any hope of resisting Xie Xuan's Beifu Army.

But now that the war has started, Yue Fei can only wait for Yang Ye's help while fighting.

Rumble! Rumble!

On the city wall, giant crossbows with divine arms roared.

Although the soldiers of the Song Empire were weak, their weapons of war were as vicious as beasts.


As the famous and famous giant crossbow of the Song Empire, the ten-meter-long crossbow seemed to freeze the world as soon as it was revealed in the air.

After the huge roar, rows of Beifu ghost soldiers fell down, their stumps and broken bones scattered all over the ground.

In just the first wave of attacks, tens of thousands of Beifu ghost soldiers were killed.


With such a huge victory, Yue Fei, whose heart was tense, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

He was worried just now that the ghost soldiers of the Beifu with peerless strength would break through Suzhou City in one blow.

But now it seems that under the giant crossbow with the arm of the gods, there is not much difference in strength between the top-level realm and the peerless realm.

Under the giant crossbow of the divine arm, everyone is ashes.

He also became more confident about the Suzhou City battle.

"Shoot again!"

Seeing the giant crossbow with remarkable results, Yue Fei hastily ordered the second wave of attack.

At this time, the four walls of Suzhou City were under attack at the same time, and there were nearly a hundred giant crossbows on each wall.

Yue Fei knew that as long as the giant crossbow bombarded it a few more times, half of the Beifu ghost soldiers outside the city would be wiped out.

At that time, with the strength of a million Yue family troops against 500,000 Beifu ghost soldiers, even if the Beifu ghost soldiers have an advantage in strength, he is confident of winning.

It's just a group of skeletons, how can they survive under the iron cavalry?


The soldiers who controlled the giant crossbow with the divine arm tried their best and launched a second attack.


This time, the power of the **** arm crossbow is even stronger.

They not only shot through the bodies of a series of Beifu ghost soldiers, but also exploded at the last second.

The huge explosion was followed by a raging fire.

Under the burning of the boundless flames, large areas of Beifu ghost soldiers were melted and disintegrated.

This second wave of attack tore apart at least 50,000 Beifu ghost soldiers.

"it is good!"

With such a huge victory, Yue Fei couldn't help but applaud!

Two consecutive waves of attacks killed nearly 100,000 enemy troops. This result surprised him too much.

He looked at the giant crossbow in disbelief, and then at the Beifu ghost soldiers exuding a peerless aura.

Is it possible? Is Suzhou city's defensive crossbow stronger than other cities' crossbows?

In the past, it would have been difficult for the Divine Arm Crossbow to achieve such a result.

Click click click.

But just when Yue Fei was excited and confused, a series of crackling sounds of skeletons overshadowed the raging fire.

In the crimson flames, the soldiers of the Yue Family Army on the city wall saw a scene they had never seen in this life.

Those Beifu ghost soldiers who had been burned to ashes crawled out of the ground little by little.

They were born in the flames and turned into flaming skeletons with burning flames all over their bodies.

There were even flaming skulls waving their weapons, and a steady stream of fireballs hit Suzhou City.


The soldiers of the Yue family army on the city wall were about to go crazy.

Where have they seen skeletons crawling out of the ground? And these skeletons can still do magic?

"Kill all! Kill all!"

Yue Fei's joyful mood turned heavy and cold again.

Only now did he truly see the power of the Beifu Ghost Soldiers.

These Beifu ghost soldiers are actually immortal.

And they were reborn in the flames, advanced in the raging fire!

Rumble! Rumble!

With the city wall in place, the giant crossbows with divine arms roared again.

The densely packed huge crossbow arrows also reaped the lives of the Beifu ghost soldiers again.

Some Beifu ghost soldiers were shot three times, but there were also fireballs from flame skulls that shattered the giant crossbow on the city wall.

Slowly, the Beifu ghost soldiers got closer and closer.

And the expression on Yue Fei's face became more and more livid.

He could see that this group of Beifu ghost soldiers were immortal.

Even if the whole body is turned into dust, they can crawl out of the ground.

If there is a raging fire burning on the ground, they will turn into flaming skeletons.

If there is a gravel flood on the land, then they will turn into giant stone skeletons and water-controlling skeletons.

Every time the giant crossbow with the divine arm on the city wall kills the Beifu ghost soldiers, it can advance the Beifu ghost soldiers once!

"Ghost! Ghost! It's a ghost!"

"Help! Help! Help me!"

"They can't be killed, ghosts can't be killed!"

"They're coming! They're coming!"

At the same time, the immortality of the Beifu ghost soldiers frightened some soldiers of the Yue family army.

They stood up one by one with panicked faces, not daring to attack again.

In the past, their enemies were people, so they were fearless. At least people can be killed, and they can pull the enemy back before they die.

But how could they not be afraid when the rows of skeletons from the Beifu Ghost Soldiers approached?

Mortal humans are always in awe of creatures like ghosts and gods.

"Hmph! Presumptuous!"

Seeing the dozens of soldiers disturbing the morale of the army, Yue Fei showed no mercy.

After a few clicks, the heads of these retreating Yue Family Army soldiers were in different places.

He sternly said: "Since we are ghosts, then we will punish evil and kill ghosts today!"

"If you can't kill it once, then we will kill it ten times! A hundred times!"

Behind him are hundreds of thousands of people in Suzhou City, and it is only a few tens of miles away to Jiangning Mansion.

If they retreat, the Jiangning Mansion will be trampled by the soldiers of the Tianqi Empire!

And his mission, Yue Fei, is to intercept the enemy from outside the country!

"Kill! Kill!"

"Fighted with a ghost!"

"I heard that a peach tree sword can drive away ghosts, someone go and break some peach tree branches!"

"Stupid, there are still some rangers who can control lightning in the city, catch them!"

"Evil ghosts are afraid of thunder!"

Under Yue Fei's encouragement, the turbulent city wall stabilized again.

Someone tried to kill the enemy with a mahogany sword, and someone proposed to capture the rangers in the city to kill the ghosts.

Under the bombardment of a giant crossbow with divine arms, the advancing speed of the Beifu ghost soldiers outside the city was slowed down again.

"Peachwood? Thunder?"

Yue Fei heard the discussions of the soldiers under his command.

He knew about peach trees exorcising evil spirits and lightning killing evil spirits.

Now that Suzhou City is under siege and crumbling, maybe you can use Thunderclap to try.

What he wants is not to exorcise evil spirits, but to punish evil spirits!

"Come on, bring the rangers in the city!"

Without further ado, he immediately ordered his subordinates to capture all the rangers who remained in Suzhou City to the city wall.

Rangers are powerful, and most of them have reached the top level.

There are also quite a few rangers who have stepped into the peerless realm, and their strength is stronger than the Beifu ghost soldiers outside the city.

"Whoever kills the enemy will be rewarded heavily by this general!"

Seeing the tens of thousands of rangers who were forced to climb the city wall by the blade, Yue Fei spoke out to encourage them.

Rangers in the Song Empire have a common problem that is, profit comes first.

If they are asked to serve the country and contribute to the Song Empire for free, they will not respond.

Only interests can drive them to serve the country!

"Haha, we still need our masters to take action!"

"Get out of the way, look at my Thunder Chains!"

"Don't pretend to beep, these are the Beifu ghost soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire."

"If you dare to attack the soldiers of the Tianqi Empire, I will not be able to save you if Cheng Mu kills me!"

"Then what to do?"

"Fishing in troubled waters, taking the opportunity to turn against the water."

"According to my many years of game experience, even the mightiest Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom is still an NPC."

"As long as we level up well, the fairy-level NPC will not be our opponent in the end!"

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