The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 894: rest and rescue


The call to retreat sounded.

Under the leadership of Yue Fei, the Yue Family Army in Suzhou City began to retreat.

With Yue Yun and Zhang Xian protecting the morale of the army, the retreat of the Yue family army was orderly.

Xie Xuan did not give the order to pursue.

If they can get rid of Yue Fei, they have already won this battle.

As the strongest legion of the Song Empire, the Yue Family Army, its strength is not comparable to that of ordinary super god-level soldiers.

Although the million Yue family army only possesses the peak strength of the first-class state, their fearless aura allows them to display the strength of the top-level state.

Coupled with the 100,000 top-level Beiwei Army, the Beifu ghost soldiers also suffered relatively large casualties in this battle.

If it weren't for Xie Xuan's presence, at least 300,000 Beifu troops would have died in battle at this time!

"General, Yue Fei has escaped!"

Liu Laozhi rushed to Xie Xuan's side.

Seeing Xie Xuan, who was pale and extremely lethargic, he felt deeply guilty.

If Xie Xuan hadn't revived him just now, then Xie Xuan would not have suffered such serious injuries.

"Ahem... let the soldiers rest for a few days!"

Xie Xuan coughed out a mouthful of blood.

He found that his strength was still not strong enough, and only resurrecting 200,000 soldiers three times cost half his life.

If one million soldiers in the army were resurrected, wouldn't Xie Xuan be required to risk his life?

It seems that the soldiers of the Northern Mansion will also have to be more cautious in the battle ahead.

Although the soldiers could be resurrected, Xie Xuan couldn't stand it himself!

In fact, it's not because Xie Xuan is not strong enough.

It was because the soldiers of the Beifu were too powerful, and it would take a lot of energy for him to be resurrected after the battle.

Coupled with the resurrection of Liu Laozhi, who was half a step away from the altar realm, it would indeed cost Xie Xuan half his life.


Liu Laozhi arranged for a few soldiers to clean up the battlefield, and the rest went to the city to have a good rest.

In the Battle of Suzhou City, those soldiers of the Beifu army who died in battle and resurrected, and who were resurrected and died in battle, although they could not feel the fatigue of their bodies, the wounds of their souls were real.

The repeated resurrection is not only a huge pressure on Xie Xuan.

For the Beifu ghost soldiers, it also did a lot of damage to their spirits.


At this time, a large group of rangers came forward tremblingly.

They were the rangers of the Song Empire who had turned against the water just now, and most of them had already died on the city wall.

"Everyone came just in time, this general will reward you a lot!"

Liu Laozhi glanced at them, and then rewarded them personally.

Regardless of whether these people turned against the water or not, they actually did not have much impact on the battle situation.

But their leading role is good!

The rangers in Suzhou City betrayed the water today, and the rangers in Jiangning City may turn against the water tomorrow.

As long as there are rangers in the Song Empire who start to submit to the Tianqi Empire, there will be a steady stream of rangers who will fall into the arms of the Tianqi Empire!

In fact, the thinking of rangers and aborigines is different.

Ranger has experienced the 5,000-year history of China and the impact of information in a modern society.

Their talent and scheming may not be able to crush all historical figures.

But in terms of knowledge, in terms of the breadth of knowledge, every ranger can underestimate the famous officials of history.

Naturally, when Zhao Kuangyin, Yang Jian and others enshrined Ji Fa as an immortal, many rangers were actually thinking about **** Ji Fa and become an immortal themselves.

In the many games before the earth star mutation, isn't the final boss going to die in the hands of the players after all?

They have been upgraded from the first level to the current seventy or eighty levels.

So they firmly believed that as long as they reached level 100, they would be able to kill immortals and destroy Buddhas!

Finally, after the soldiers cleaned the battlefield, Liu Laozhi reported all the results of the battle to Xie Xuanting.

In the Battle of Suzhou City, millions of ghost soldiers from Beifu fought against millions of Yue's troops.

The war lasted for most of the day, which ended with Yue Fei's retreat.

In this battle, none of the Beifu Ghost Soldiers was injured or injured, only the main general Xie Xuan was seriously injured and had to stay in bed for recuperation.

And Yue Fei's Yue Family Army killed at least 500,000 soldiers, and the leader Yue Fei even lost an arm, which greatly reduced his strength.

In the future, when the Beifu army faced the Yue family army again, Yue Fei would lose the chance to escape again.

This battle can also be regarded as the army of the Apocalypse Empire officially gaining a firm foothold in the Song Empire!

"Send the order to His Majesty, and pray for His Majesty to send troops to help!"

After listening to Liu Laozhi's report, Xie Xuan didn't hold back.

Now he needs at least a month to recover.

During this month, the Beifu Legion needs reinforcements to assist.

An envoy from Yinlong came to report that Yang Ye's Yang family army had arrived in Shouzhou. The distance between Shouzhou and Jiangning Mansion is only a hundred kilometers.

That is to say, when the soldiers of the Northern Mansion Army come to Jiangning Mansion, they will face the Yue Family Army and the famous Yang Family Army in history!


Several hours had passed by the time Cheng Mu received the news from the Song Empire battlefield.

He recognized the achievements of the Beifu Legion.

He also agreed to Xie Xuan's request for help.

It just so happened that Wei Xiaobao took charge of the Qingzhou Army again, so let Wei Xiaobao lead the army there.

Chen Liansheng, who died in the battle of the Song Empire, had to be promoted for a few more days.

Wait a few days before asking Chen Liansheng to support Nieba.

The Apocalypse Empire currently has the Mingzhou Legion, the Shenzhou Legion, and the Tangzhou Legion, but there is no Qingzhou Legion.

First, Cheng Mu didn't have much affection for the generals of the Qing Empire who had been killed before.

Whether it is Dorgon, Duoduo, Nurhachi and others, they are not Cheng Mu's favorite.

The second thing is that people Cheng Mu is interested in, such as Zeng Guofan, Zuo Zongtang, Deng Shichang and others, their strength is not strong.

According to the priority of the Fairy Temple, there are many famous generals whose resurrection priority is higher than theirs.

Naturally, without the support of the main generals, the Qingzhou Army could not be built.

At present, the biggest responsibility of Qingzhou Province is to maintain the food production in the state and provide supplementary soldiers for the other branches of the Apocalypse Empire.

When the resurrection task of the Fairy Temple is eased in the future, it will not be too late for Cheng Mu to revive the generals of the former Qing Empire.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, I suggest that the Kingdom of Goddess be called to send an army!"

Guan Hai reported from below.

For Xie Xuan's serious injury he was very angry.

To him, Xie Xuan was both a teacher and a friend, how could he watch Xie Xuan die in battle?

It just so happens that the Chinese Civilization Continent is an oval-shaped continent.

Although the eastern part of the Song Empire was not bordered by the sea, the northwestern region was covered with endless sea horizon.

The current naval legion of the Apocalypse Empire can't get out, so the soldiers from the Goddess Kingdom will be recruited.

The army of Goddess Kingdom can enter Qinzhou from Minzhou, and then enter Jingzhao Mansion from Qinzhou, and then drive straight into Kaifeng City, Tokyo.

Capture Zhao Kuangyin alive!

"Conscripting soldiers from Goddess Country?"

Hearing Guan Hai's proposal, Cheng Mu suddenly remembered an order he had given to Zheng Xiao, the Lord of Goddess Kingdom.

He asked: "I don't know if the Ying Kingdom is still as rampant as before in the sea?"

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