The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 896: Li Yuanhao surrendered

Knife light! Endless sword light!

Facing Nieba's Ba Dao Eight Styles, Yuan Hao tried his best to withstand it.

At this time, he was horrified, staring at Nieba in disbelief.

Nirvana, who was mere in the early stage of Shenmen's fairyland, actually displayed his combat effectiveness in the later stage of Shenmen's fairyland by relying on the Ba Saber Eight Styles.

Feeling the slightly trembling hands, a decisive killing intent suddenly surged in his heart.

"You! You must die today!"

In Yuan Hao's eyes, Nirvana has already stepped into the category of peerless arrogance.

Since he is the pride of heaven, he must be punished here!

He has already stood on the side of the Song Empire, and has already belonged to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom. Facing the arrogance of the enemy country, how can you let the tiger go back to the mountain?

"Heh! Come and try!"

Nieba wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a fearless expression on his face.

Even if he was a ranger and couldn't climb to the Fairy Temple, he knew that Cheng Mu would not treat him badly.

In the future when the Apocalypse Empire unifies the planet, then Nirvana will still be an important minister under Cheng Mu's command!

Compared with the aborigines, some rangers are actually more fearless about life and death.

Reborn to lose everything? Then just fight again!

Now that the national war is starting, Nieba is not worried about his upgrade after resurrection!


Even with a roar, he took the lead in attacking!

At the same time, changes have also occurred on the ground battlefield.

The Xixia wolf riders had already shot all the arrows in their quiver, but they did not achieve satisfactory results.

A Xixia wolf rider without arrows is like a tiger without teeth.

Facing the pursuit of the Basword and Iron Cavalry, they had no choice but to abandon their weapons and flee.

If the attack doesn't break the defense, and they can't shoot the Basword and Cavalry to death, they are also very desperate.

What if they were asked to turn around and forcibly charge 500,000 to 200,000 Basao cavalry?

They also dare not.

A Western Xia wolf cavalry looked at the giant wolf under his seat, and then at the mount of the bully sword and iron cavalry, the fierce tiger, lion, giant rhino...

In an instant, they ran even faster!


In the distance, above the clouds.

Wen Tianxiang and Sima Guang watched the fight on the ground.

Sima Guang smiled and said, "Brother Wen, how strong is this Western Xia wolf cavalry?"

You know, in order for Yuan Hao to lead an army to help, Sima Guang spent a huge price.

After spending a lot of money, Yuan Hao added the word Li in front of his name.

Since it was Li Yuanhao, it was only natural to fight for Song.

"Strong, but the enemy is stronger!"

Unlike the smiling face on Sima Guang's face, Wen Tianxiang said with a serious expression: "This battle has cost tens of millions of arrows for nothing!"

The arrows used by these Xixia wolf riders were all provided by Da Song.

Tens of thousands of arrows failed to break through the city of Mizhou at this time, and even the soldiers of the 10,000 Tyrant Sword Army failed to kill them.

In this battle, Yuan Hao's Xixia wolf rider actually failed!

"It's just an arrow."

Sima Guang shook his head: "Brother Wen, we shouldn't just see the damage of the arrow."

"Since the two of us brothers have arrived today, there is no reason why Mizhou City can't overcome it."

He looked at Nieba who was fighting Yuan Hao, and his tone was extremely relaxed.

"As long as the commander-in-chief of the Overlord Sword Army is killed, Mizhou City will be destroyed without attack!"

Although there are not many famous generals in the history of the Song Empire, there are not many famous ministers.

Their strength is enough to destroy cities and countries!


Wen Tianxiang came here in person for this purpose.

If no powerful generals can be dispatched, then civil servants like them will have to step up.

Anyway, the final outcome is to kill the enemy for the country, who cares who is the general and who is the civil servant!

"Brother Wen, wait a moment again, I will come as soon as I go!"

Sima Guang was full of confidence.

He asked Wen Tianxiang to watch his performance carefully, to see how he killed Nirvana.

"Brother Sima, be careful."

Wen Tianxiang nodded. At the same time, he also cheered up, and it seemed that he didn't have much confidence in Sima Guang.

Generally speaking, a civil servant only has one or two attack skills at most.

It is really difficult for Sima Guang to use one or two skills to kill Nieba!

"Break the wall!"

The moment Sima Guang appeared on the battlefield, a huge energy rushed towards Nieba.

Nieba only felt a tremor in his body.

In the next second, he saw with his own eyes that the armor on his body was shattered.


Yuan Hao seized the opportunity and slashed down with his knife.


This time, cracks appeared on the blade of the originally indestructible blade.

The huge power knocked away the originally shattered armor on Nieba's body.

As the fragments scattered, Niba's bronze-colored skin was exposed under the sunlight.


The whole person took several steps back, and Nieba spurted out a mouthful of blood.

He felt that his strength was falling rapidly.

Losing the attribute blessing of his own armor, he almost fell from the initial stage of Shenmen.

At this time, he looked at Sima Guang as if he was killing his father and enemy!

This person is too vicious, right?

Can't kill himself, actually do something to his own weapons and armor?

Gently stroking the cracked sharp blade Ba Dao, Nie Ba's face was angry and angry at this moment!

At the same time, he also sensed Wen Tianxiang deep in the clouds.

"Zhao Kuangyin really thinks highly of me among the three powerhouses at the Divine Gate Realm!"

He originally thought that Xie Xuan and Xue Rengui's Tangzhou Legion would attract Zhao Kuangyin's attention, and the soldiers they sent were most likely a group of rangers.

But I didn't expect the famous wolf cavalry from the Xixia Kingdom to come, Sima Guang and Wen Tianxiang also came!

This Zhao Kuangyin really likes him very much!

"Hehe, it's good that you know!"

Sima Guang smiled lightly: "Since you already know, then go on your way with peace of mind!"

Since relying on the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, they no longer have the slightest fear of Cheng Mu's Apocalypse Empire!

Killing the people of the Tianqi Empire can still make Ji happy.

The fairy smiled, maybe it also made him ascend to become a fairy!

To put it simply, since the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom came, since the Song Empire belonged to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

Many courtiers in the Song Empire no longer loyal to Zhao Kuangyin.

"Hmph! Let's try to kill General Ben!"

Seeing Sima Guang who seemed to be in control of everything, Nieba roared angrily.

In an instant, a huge blood knife appeared in midair.

This is the military soul of the Ba Dao Army, and it is the most powerful gift Nie Ba prepared for the Song Empire!


The boundless coercion shook down.

Sima Guang who was in mid-air fell to the ground as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer.

Wen Tianxiang was also pale, and fell to the ground profusely in sweat.

They all overlooked one thing just now, and that is the most powerful army soul of the Apocalypse Empire.

From the strength of the peerless realm, the power of the army soul condensed by the first-level arms of killing gods, its strength has reached the terrifying half-step shrine!

Sima Guang and Wen Tianxiang, who were in the Shenmen Realm, were crushed to the ground the moment the aura of the half-step shrine appeared.

At the same time, Yuan Hao, who was originally ferocious, was chopped down by Nie Ba.

The deep bony wound on his left shoulder made him lose his fighting ability in an instant.

And those Xixia wolf riders who had fled far away turned into a puddle of ooze at this time.

Whether it is a giant wolf or a cavalry, under the coercion of Xeon, their souls return to the underworld.

Nirvana actually didn't want to use the power of the military soul, and the biggest effect of the power of the military soul was to deter him when he came.

Once the deterrent force is used, there is no power to make the enemy afraid.

When this battle is over, he, Nirvana, will temporarily withdraw his troops.

At the thought of withdrawing the troops, and at the thought of returning Mizhou City, which had just been captured, to the Song Empire, Nieba was furious.

"Can't you just kneel down and suffer death obediently?"

He growled sharply.

With every step he took, the killing intent on his body became stronger.

At this time, when he looked at Sima Guangwen Tianxiang and Li Yuanhao, he was looking at three cold corpses!


The three of them gathered all their strengths, and they were able to withstand the coercion of the Ba Saber Army Soul.

At this time, Li Yuanhao's face was full of horror.

Although he also inspired the military spirit of the Western Xia wolf cavalry at the last moment.

However, the strength of the army soul condensed by the top-level Xixia wolf cavalry is only in the middle of the altar.

At this moment, a blood-colored giant wolf with the strength of the middle stage of the altar is struggling to support.

Facing the coercion of the Bloody Tyrant Saber, where is there any trace of ferocity in its eyes at this moment?

" can't kill me!"

Sensing the boundless killing intent in Nieba's body, Sima Guang couldn't help becoming frightened.

He is an important minister of the Song Empire, a member of the second rank.

Today he came to kill Nieba, not to be killed by Nieba.

As long as he returns to the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, better days are still waiting for him in the future.

Sima Guang, he can't just die here!

"Is there anyone who cannot be killed?"

Nieba had already raised the long knife in his hand, and said in a cold tone, "Even if Zhao Kuangyin is here today, this general will kill him!"

Killers, people will always kill them!

When Sima Guang wanted to kill Nirvana, he had to think about the possibility that he would be killed instead.

"You! Presumptuous!"

It was different from the panic of Sima Guang and Li Yuanhao.

Wen Tianxiang didn't say a word at the beginning, but now he only yelled at Zhao Kuangyin because Nieba's words touched Zhao Kuangyin's imperial face.

He can die, but Nieba cannot insult his emperor!

"Oh? So arrogant?"

Seeing Wen Tianxiang's voice, Nieba stopped what he was doing.

He looked at Wen Tianxiang carefully, and couldn't help but praise: "As expected of the Three Heroes of the late Han Dynasty."

"A person who can make a sentence handed down from generation to generation like 'No one in life has died since ancient times, keep his loyal heart to reflect the history' is really not afraid of life and death."

Unlike Sima Guang and Li Yuanhao, Wen Tianxiang is much more important in Nieba's heart.

Anyone who has read the book before the mutation, or who has recited "Crossing the Lingding Ocean", will admire Wen Tianxiang.

In the five thousand years of Chinese civilization, many ancestors still have lofty national integrity!

If Wen Tianxiang is willing, Nirvana doesn't have to kill him!

"Heh, what's the use of saying this? If you want to kill, you have to shave quickly!"

However, Wen Tianxiang did not appreciate it.

He and Niba are enemies, and he doesn't want to be praised by the enemy.

Anyway, he died fighting for the country in the last life, and he died fighting for the Song Dynasty in this life, and it should be justified!

"I won't kill you!"

Nieba withdrew the long knife in his hand, shook his head and said, "My Majesty must like you very much!"

He knew that Cheng Mu's favorite thing was to collect some famous ministers through the ages.

In particular, Cheng Mu likes famous national heroes like Wen Tianxiang with national integrity.

"Hmph! Dreaming!"

Wen Tianxiang turned his head away.

He doesn't want to surrender.

In the previous life, he died generously, so in this life, is it possible to dishonor Wen Tianxiang's loyal name?

"I surrender! I surrender!"

However, before Wen Tianxiang finished speaking, Li Yuanhao hurriedly spoke.

After all, he is also the lord of a country. The main reason why he led the army here this time is because the price Zhao Kuangyin gave was beautiful.

Died in the land of the Song Empire? Then there are so many wives and concubines in his country, and the inexhaustible gold and silver treasures, it will be cheaper for others!


Sima Guang actually didn't want to die either.

But after seeing Wen Tianxiang's determined attitude to die, he couldn't say how to beg for mercy.

He is a literati, and he still can't let go of his old face at this moment.

"Are you willing to surrender?"

Seeing Li Yuanhao jumping out on his own initiative, Nie Ba was a little surprised.

And when he saw the half a million Xixia wolves, he suddenly had a decision in his heart.

"Get up!"

He controlled the Scarlet Overlord Saber to drive away the coercion Li Yuanhao suffered. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

These 500,000 Xixia wolf riders are actually very powerful and can already pose a threat to some soldiers in the Apocalypse Empire.

For example, the Qingzhou Army with super god-level peak strength, such as the Shenzhou Army under Ye Xuan's command.

These legions have not entered the top strength, and have not been promoted to the first-level arms of killing gods.

Naturally, in the face of the very mobile Xixia wolf knights, the army that has not entered the initial stage of killing gods will fight extremely hard.

"Thank you, General! Thank you, General!"

Li Yuanhao got up from the ground with amnesty. Although his wound was still bleeding, he still felt extremely fortunate.

Survive first, only by surviving can you enjoy all the glory and wealth.

Just relying on the half a million wolf riders under his command, he believed that Cheng Mu would not treat him badly.

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