The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 904: Song Shigui, the military soul with the ability to resurrect

"Hehe, I'm overthinking myself."

Seeing Bueichi who rushed towards him like committing suicide, a trace of ridicule flashed across Cheng Mu's face.

Chengying Sword can enhance the strength of not eating preserved eggs to the realm of the gods.

But between the divine gate and the divine platform, there is still a natural moat!

So what if you have the power of a military soul?

"Bad knife!"

Nirvana roared angrily. In an instant, a huge blood-colored tyrant knife appeared on the battlefield.

Who doesn't have the power of a military soul?

Moreover, the military soul of the Ba Dao Army is far stronger than that of the Song Empire army.

The moment the Bloody Overlord Saber appeared, the Bloody River of the [Song Shigui] Legion of the Song Empire began to become unstable.

The pressure that had been swept away from the body by not eating preserved eggs is now gathering again.

Crushing, this is absolutely crushing with strength!

"I don't believe it, I don't believe you are really so powerful!"

The huge threat of death drove Bu Eatan into madness.

He regards the Chengying sword in his hand as his life. Now that Cheng Mu wants to strengthen his Chengying Sword, he must do his best!


He is the number one ranger player if he doesn't eat preserved eggs, okay?

He had heard of the wonderful use of the power of national fortune. So, he can only believe that Cheng Mu's strength in the middle of the altar is blessed by the fortune of the Tianqi Empire! It's a false attitude!

"Ahhh, go to hell!"

With a roar, he tried his best to rush to Cheng Mu.

Then, the Chengying sword in his hand flashed a cold light. A cold light suddenly appeared, and the armor on Cheng Mu's body glowed with a golden light.

This is the first collision between Chengying Sword and 【Xian Qilin Divine Armor】.

The mythical Chengying Sword was eclipsed in front of the Qilin Divine Armor.

Chengyingjian, who had high hopes for not eating preserved eggs, was unable to break through the defense of the unicorn armor.


When the blow was frustrated, he was taken aback for not eating the preserved eggs.

next second.


Cheng Mu gently raised his hand.

The head that didn't eat the preserved eggs flew high, its eyes were shocked, and it was impossible to die.

Take the initiative to rush up to die? Cheng Mu really didn't see much.

"Your Majesty is domineering!"

Nirvana flew over. Seeing that he refused to eat preserved eggs without resting his eyes, he couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

At the beginning, he also thought that he was stronger than Cheng Mu, even if he faced head-to-head, he could rely on the advantage of the ranger's professional template to defeat Cheng Mu, the lord.

But as the national war continued, Cheng Mu had already left the other rangers and lords on the planet far behind.

Today's Cheng Mu is well-deserved as the number one lord of Earth Star, and also the number one Emperor of Earth Star!

"Quick battle."

Having crushed a little friend, Cheng Mu couldn't feel any joy in his heart.

What he wants now is to quickly promote the Song Empire. Then have a good chat with Zhao Kuangyin, Yang Jian and Liu Bei over tea.

As a historical celebrity, a person with a long history.

Cheng Mu was able to chat and drink tea with them, which was also a benefit.


Nieba took the order and led his soldiers to harvest the lives of soldiers of the Song Empire.

Rumble! Rumble!

But at this time, the second ranger army of the Song Empire [Song Shixing] officially joined the battlefield.

When the power of the army souls of the two armies merged together, the Bloody River Army Soul, which was shivering under the pressure of the Ba Dao Army Soul, began to surge.

In the **** river rushing, the soldiers of the Song Empire who died in battle reappeared on the battlefield.

What is Song Shigui?

The army soul of the Gui army in the Song Dynasty gave the soldiers in the army a second life.

When the two armies of Song Shigui and Song Shixing were united, the elite army of two million became equivalent to four million!

For a moment, the entire battlefield turned into a **** river basin.

The **** river fell to the ground, and soldiers of the Song Empire came out of the river in a steady stream.

The newly revived them hold sharp blades and join the battlefield again!

"There is such a strange military soul?"

Seeing Song Shigui's soldiers being revived continuously, Cheng Mu showed a hint of surprise on his face.

He has seen a series of military souls that increase shields, increase the strength of soldiers, and have attack capabilities.

But it was the first time he had seen a military soul with a resurrection effect.

Moreover, since the military souls of the two armies were fused together, the strength of the military souls of the Scarlet River has been comparable to that of the Scarlet River.

For a moment, two huge auras competed for supremacy in this world.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, just kill him again!"

Nirvana didn't care about that much.

As long as there is an enemy in front of him, he will kill it.

Counting four million is indeed a lot, it is enough to pile up the soldiers of the Tyrant Sword Army with the crowd tactics.

But as long as the morale of the soldiers of the Song Army is defeated, no matter how many enemies there are, they will be just a group of mobs!

Accompanied by the improvement of the ranger players' strength.

More and more rangers have integrated into this world, becoming not much different from the aborigines.

In other words, after a while, the word [player] will disappear on the planet.

As long as people from Earth and Planet are natives!

"Be careful."

While asking, Cheng Mu raised his head and glanced ahead.

Although the power of heaven and earth has been chaotic, the perception of the strongest has been suppressed to the extreme.

But at this moment, he could still feel that the most powerful people of the Song Empire were rapidly approaching.

It must have been Cheng Mu's personal appearance, which shocked Meng Gong who was stationed in Yanzhou for a moment.

Now that Cheng Mu has arrived, will the follow-up strong army of the Apocalypse Empire be far behind?



Chaos on the battlefield.

The soldiers of the Tyrant Sword Army did not panic at all because of the resurrection of the soldiers of the Song Empire.

On the contrary, under the encouragement of the Scarlet Tyrannical Sword Army's soul, the soldiers of the Tyrannical Sword Army became more courageous as they fought.

Everyone's eyes were red with blood, and they vowed to smash all the enemies in front of them to pieces.

During the heroic fight, many warriors with strong individual strength went deep into the enemy group.

It was at this time that the numerical superiority of the two armies of Song Shigui and Song Shixing was manifested.

Although there is a huge gap between the strength of the top-level realm and the strength of the peerless realm, the superiority in numbers allows the soldiers of the Song Empire to fill this gap little by little.

Even if it was three for one, the soldiers of the Song Empire had a huge advantage.

Moreover, on the chaotic battlefield, the battle loss ratio between the Ba Dao Army and the soldiers of the Song Empire was less than one to three.

With one against two, it is currently the best fighting state of the soldiers of the Ba Dao Army!

The battle situation began to become turbulent at this moment.

Even Nieba, who is full of confidence and domineering, has doubts on his face when he sees the endless enemies.

The most powerful people of the Song Empire are approaching rapidly, and it is impossible for Cheng Mu to take another shot to defeat the Scarlet River.

That being the case, the way to break the game can only be done by Nieba himself!

"Badao! Slash!"

Nieba's handling method is very simple, and it can also be called rude.

Now the army soul of Ba Dao and the army soul of Scarlet River are no match for each other, and they are at a stalemate.

Then what he has to do is to break the stalemate between the two.

Under his roar, the **** tyrant knife that had been parked slowly moved again.

Under the power of the powerful army soul, Nieba's strength is at least at the initial stage of Shenmen.

In normal times, the powerhouses of the God Gate Realm cannot participate in the battle between the powerhouses of the God Stage Realm. In front of the altar, the gate of God is like an ant.

However, now is an extremely complicated and extremely special situation.

Nieba's assistance became the last straw for the Scarlet Tyrant's sword to crush the Scarlet River.

With just a little external force, the Bloody Tyrant Saber now has the absolute upper hand.

Not eating preserved eggs just crawled out of the **** river.

But when he saw the **** Tyrant Saber above his head, his eyes went dark.

This time, he lost all possibility of resurrection!

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