
Cheng Mu smiled and his body shook.

In an instant, all the obstacles on him dissipated without a trace. The restricted strength also returned to its peak at this moment.

The petals all over the sky fused with Lu You's life force are after all just decorations in this world.


Cheng Mu swung his gun.


A huge explosion sounded.

Even though the strength of the black heavy cavalry is comparable to that of the gods, they still have to tremble under Cheng Mu's spear at this time.

While the cold chi dragon soul roared, the black heavy cavalry backed up several steps.

This was a contest between the power of the dragon soul and the power of Lu You's life. At this moment, Lu You's entire face turned pale.

He was on the verge of falling, and could only support himself under the roar of the cold dragon soul.

Although the black heavy cavalry also has a counterattack.

But its counterattack method is like a child's play in Cheng Mu's eyes.

The most powerful part of the black heavy cavalry lies in its extreme strength and continuous supply and recovery ability.

However, in front of the cold dragon soul, the power to move mountains and fill seas is not comparable to that of the giant dragon.

Plus Lu You, who is at the end of his strength.

The two advantages of the black heavy cavalry are gone at this time.

Lu You was already bleeding from all seven orifices, and his whole body turned into a hideous blood man.

"Lord Lu!"

Beside him, Fan Zhongyan, who had been paying attention to the battlefield, let out a sharp cry.

Immediately afterwards, a steady stream of vitality flowed out from his hands and began to repair Lu You's body.

If Fan Zhongyan is described by the system of war method and animal husbandry, then he is an out-and-out super nanny.

Worry about the world's worries first, and enjoy the world's joys later.

His existence is to share the suffering for others.

In just a few breaths, Lu You's pale face returned to blood.

The black heavy cavalry that was sluggish and about to dissipate also solidified its body again.

At this time, it was not Lu You who was supporting it alone, but Lu You and Fan Zhongyan, two half-step altar-level powerhouses, used it to resist Cheng Mu together.

With the strong support of two half-step altar-level powerhouses, the black heavy cavalry, who was about to step into the middle of the altar, officially broke through.

When the two auras of the mid-stage Heavenly Wonderland of the Divine Platform shook the world, all the other fighting people retreated quickly.

If the fight continued, they would all be crushed to death by the power of Cheng Mu and the black heavy cavalry!

At the same time, the soldiers on both sides fighting on the ground also inspired the military spirit again.

At this time, the opponent of Ba Dao Army and Xixia Wolf Cavalry is Meng Gong's personal guard army.

The Mengshi Iron Guard is the third super army of the Song Empire.

Their strength is at the same level as Yue Fei's Yue Family Army and Yang Ye's Yang Family Army.

At present, the three major pillar armies of the Song Empire refer to these three armies.

It's just that the Iron Guard of the Meng family is different from the Yue family army and the Yang family army.

The Yue Family Army, the Yang Family Army's main attack, especially the Yue Family Army's offensive is unparalleled, and it is the most powerful blade of the Song Empire to attack the city.

As for Meng Gong's Iron Guards of the Meng family, they are the strongest shield of the Song Empire!

An army of one million, of which 800,000 are heavy infantry.

The super heavy shield built with the extremely wealthy national power of the Song Empire caused troubles for the Ba Saber Army and the Xixia Wolf Cavalry as soon as it appeared on the stage.

Fortunately, Ba Daojun can break the shield with powerful skills.

But Xixia wolf riders will not work.

The longbows in their hands were already unable to break through the defense of Mengshi Iron Guard.

They didn't dare to rush in.

Although the two-meter-tall Xixia giant wolf is powerful, it is also afraid of crowd tactics.

Once the wolf riders were surrounded by heavy shield soldiers, no matter how tall or big the giant wolf would be, it would be crushed to pieces!

The battle situation, at this time, is already in a disadvantageous state for the Apocalypse Empire.

Meng Gong is leading his army to fight Cheng Mu, so the rest of the Song Empire's army will rush to help!

"Is this going to be a pot of stew?"

Cheng Mu narrowed his eyes.

He sensed that there were several powerful auras galloping from within the Song Empire.

This battlefield is so close to Kaifeng Mansion, Zhao Kuangyin must have got the news.

After learning that Cheng Mu is here, the assassins from the Song Empire will come over continuously!

It is estimated that the main force of the Song Empire's war will also gather here.

"Tyrant! Go to hell!"

Fan Zhongyan's support made Lu You firm.

The mighty power of life in his body, which was as surging as the sea, gave him a feeling of controlling the world!


Under his command, the black heavy rider came on a prancing horse.


The attack power of the black spear that moves mountains and fills the sea makes Han Chilong Soul feel as if he is facing a formidable enemy.

"Xi Jiu Jiu!"

The black horse neighed.


Thousands of horses are galloping!

At this time, behind the black heavy cavalry, the phantom of an army of black cavalry appeared.

As the black shadow charged, Cheng Mu felt that he was facing an army of tens of millions.

That powerful impact crushed mountains and rivers in an instant.

The power of the military soul in mid-air was also affected by the charge of the black heavy cavalry, and the military soul that originally protected both sides couldn't help shaking.

too strong!

Cheng Mu only felt that he was lucky at this time, and the target of this black heavy horse was himself.

If the black heavy cavalry charged towards Ba Dao Army and Xixia Wolf Cavalry, all the millions of soldiers would probably die under the impact of this wave.

The extremely powerful power and the impact speed like lightning, it is impossible for the ordinary army to arouse the soul of the army!


Facing the menacing, almost unstoppable black knight charge.

Cheng Mu let out a soft drink.

In the next second, he appeared in front of Lu You.

The Han Chi Spear in his hand pierced through Lu You's chest without any hindrance.

Under normal circumstances, Cheng Mu would not use the teleportation effect of Moon Love. But the power of the black knight's charge was too strong, and he could only use a little bit of his true strength.

Just this one, Lu You was tricked.

There is no way, the teleportation skill is too perverted.

In addition, Cheng Mu's strength was much higher than that of Lu You, how could Lu You, who was fully controlling the black heavy cavalry, resist it.


Cheng Mu pulled out the Han Chi spear, turned around and wanted to send Fan Zhongyan on the road.

But this second.

He only heard a whistling sound, and a sharp sword passed across his face.

The sharp sword energy took away a few hairs of his hair, and then cut a ditch in the ground with a bang.

While the sword energy was raging, Cheng Mu cut off Lu You's head with his backhand!

"Really, the haunted soul lingers!"


In order to solve the trouble, Cheng Mu shot again after cursing.

With one shot, Lu You's flying head turned into debris.

"I can't live anymore, can I?"

Looking at the fallen corpse of Lu You, Cheng Mu turned his head.

Looking at Fan Zhongyan with a sluggish face, he said coldly, "Is all of this your means?"

The first shot ~www.readwn.com~ Han Chi has already crushed Lu You's heart and ruined all his vitality.

Under the collision of Cheng Mu's extremely strong breath, it was impossible for Lu You to live.


Fan Zhongyan was already bleeding at this time.

The reason why Lu You didn't die immediately was because he helped Lu You suffer half of the injuries.

But now he is already seriously injured.

Facing the cold chi in Cheng Mu's hand, he showed despair.

"I, Fan Zhongyan, will die for my country today!"


But at this moment, Wen Tianxiang forced Nieba back to attack with a sword.

"Death to the tyrant!"

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