The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 908: Can't run away

"Haha! Interesting!"

Facing the continuous attacks, Cheng Mu laughed out loud.

In the next second, a bigger breath burst out from his body.

Under his power, the power of heaven and earth in the whole world trembled slightly.

The Flying Flower Formation, which was already on the verge of collapse, burst instantly at this moment.



The unstoppable power sent Sima Guang, Fan Zhongyan and others flying.

The menacing leader, the golden dragon, was also beaten back to its original shape at this moment.

too weak!

These people are too weak!

Even with the blessing of Feihuazhen, they are still not Cheng Mu's opponents.

At this time, it seems that only by inviting the powerful people from the Song Empire to come over can Cheng Mu be stopped!

"hold onto!"

Su Shi blocked the blow with the feather fan in his hand.

Under one blow, although he himself was intact. But the beloved spirit flower folding fan in his hand turned into scraps of paper and scattered across the sky.

The falling fan paper fluttered, turning into ashes little by little.

The shattering of the Linghua folding fan ignited boundless anger in Su Shi's heart. After he roared, his whole body turned into a streamer and rushed towards Cheng Mu.


The sharp sword in his hand slashed down fiercely with the aura of death.


Cheng Mu was as steady as Mount Tai, and he drank softly.

In the next second, the Han Chi Spear shredded all of Su Shi's aura.

The sharp sword in his hand was broken inch by inch, and the sharp cold spear shattered his heart.

Too weak, even if Su Shi's name lasts forever, he is still as weak as an ant in front of Cheng Mu.

Today, if Zhao Kuangyin didn't come here in person, all the celebrities and ministers of the Song Empire would have to die here!


Su Shi's body fell and hit the ground, raising waves of smoke and dust. But at this moment, no one showed sadness.

Cheng Mu has already turned around, looking for his third target to be sent away.

In the time of life and death, who among them has the heart to care about others?

Su Shi is dead? Then die.


Cheng Mu found the person he liked, and whispered the third word.

In the next second, his figure flickered again.

Then everyone heard a puff, and Sima Guang, who was still screaming at the beginning, fell down.

But before he died, Sima Guang would never believe that he died here.

He is the majestic Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty, and the story of smashing the vat has made him a household name.

How could he be buried here?


Seeing the unwilling Sima Guang, Cheng Mu was determined to make him despair.

The cold chi gun in his hand turned into a streamer.


A huge explosion sounded.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Sima Guang's whole body turned into blood mist and exploded.

At this time, not only his body, but also his soul was crushed by Cheng Mu!

Anyone who clamors to kill him, Cheng Mu, will not end well in the end.

"Tyrant! Tyrant!"

The death of Su Shi and Sima Guang made the surviving ministers tear their eyes apart.

Bao Zheng wanted to drive the leader to kill Cheng Mu again.

But no matter how desperate he is at this time, even if he burns his own life source.

However, the dragon head was in front of Cheng Mu, so he didn't dare to make any changes.

"Fight it! Fight the tyrant!"

Fan Zhongyan was injured.

But even so, he still didn't show any fear.

Anyway, in the end they are all dead ends. Rather than being killed one by one by Cheng Mu, it would be better to gather all the strength into one place.

"Lao Tzu Longtu! One hundred thousand armored soldiers!"

Rumble! Rumble!

This time, Fan Zhongyan used his strongest hole card.

What is Laozi Longtu?

In the first year of Baoyuan, Fan Zhongyan managed the western frontier defense as a direct scholar of Longtuge, reformed the military system, adjusted the strategic deployment, and built a solid defense system. There is a rumor in the northwest frontier: "There is a fan in the army, and the western thieves were shocked when they heard about it. \" Qiang people called Fan Zhongyan \"Longtu Laozi\" and thought that \"Xiao Fan Laozi has 100,000 armored soldiers in his chest!\"

Longtu Laozi, this is the respectful name of Fan Zhongyan from outsiders. It is also Fan Zhongyan's strongest hole card in this life!

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Under Fan Zhongyan's roar, one hundred thousand armored soldiers appeared on the battlefield.

At first, the 100,000 armored soldiers had only first-class strength.

But slowly, as Fan Zhongyan began to burn his own life, with the continuous supply of power from Bao Zheng and others.

With 100,000 armors, he was promoted to a strong man on the border of the country.

These 100,000 armors are similar to Lu You's army of black cavalry back then.

But they have one of the biggest advantages, and that is immortality.

Click click click click!

Hundreds of thousands of armor surrounded Cheng Mu, and Cheng Mu's attack was less than 1% powerful in front of them.

Although these dragon map armors have no attack power.

But their appearance gave Fan Zhongyan and others a great chance to breathe.

"Everyone, let's go!"

"Xiwen and everyone, see you in the next life!"

Fan Zhongyan made up his mind.

Now that Lu You was killed, Su Shi was killed, and Sima Guang was killed, the Flying Flower Formation that they had given high hopes for was also wiped out.

The siege and killing of Cheng Mu failed completely.

That being the case, why not sacrifice him and save the others?

There are also Su Zhe, Su Xun, Ouyang Xiu and Bao Zheng...

These people may continue to form combat effectiveness under the protection of Zhao Kuangyin when they go back.

If they really all died here, then Da Song would be half destroyed!

"Thank you!"

Ouyang Xiu and the others did not hesitate at all.

Since they can live, they actually don't want to die here.

Only by living can there be hope!

"Want to go?"

Hearing that Ouyang Xiu and others were about to run away, Cheng Mu, who was surrounded by Longtu's armor, was furious.

I have only sent three people away, how can these people just leave?


He gave a loud shout.


Under Han Chi's spear, Fan Zhongyan flew upside down in an instant.

This Dragon Figure armor is controlled by him, and he himself has to bear part of the attack on the Dragon Figure armor.

And these dragon figure armors are not truly invincible.

As long as the energy they bear reaches the limit, their defenses will also be breached!

"Brother Xiwen!"

Seeing Fan Zhongyan flying upside down suddenly, Ouyang Xiu and others hesitated.

They can leave, but they can't bear to see Fan Zhongyan suffer!

"Quick... go!"

The bleeding Fan Zhongyan got up from the ground.

He clutched his chest with a pale face.

His tone has become anxious: "Go! Go!"

If you don't leave, Cheng Mu will come out!

"I see who can go?!"

However, just before his words fell, a stern shout came.

Guan Hai's figure appeared in midair.

He originally went with Cheng Mu, but he didn't want Cheng Mu to take the first step in order to understand and save Nieba.

When he chased to the battlefield, Cheng Mu had already appeared in Mizhou City.

For Cheng Mu's safety, he immediately chased after her.

The timing of his arrival was very good.

The appearance of a new altar-level powerhouse completely cut off the escape route of Ouyang Xiu and others.

Now all of them can't escape!

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