The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 913: The Empress ordered, the situation rises again

Rumble! Rumble!

In the city of Mizhou, the originally clear sky started to rain.

Although Cheng Mu was angry about Ji Fa's immortal edict, he was not afraid.

At this moment, his own Apocalypse Empire is fighting against other countries.

Whether it was the Great Song or the Great Sui, or perhaps the Great Qin or the Great Han, from the moment he decided to go to war, he thought that his Apocalypse Empire would be attacked by groups.

So what?

His Apocalypse Empire now has the strength to fight against them.

Great Han, Great Qin, Great Sui, Great Song. Of these four empires, Cheng Mu could crush one of them with bare hands.

Although it is troublesome for the four empires to join forces, it is just trouble.

Anyway, Cheng Mu made a desperate plan from the beginning.

If he doesn't try his best to increase his strength, is it possible that he will have to wait until Ji Fa leads an army to conquer the capital a year later?

So, now Cheng Mu is eager to be besieged. Only in this way can the full potential of the Apocalypse Empire be unleashed!

As for civilizations other than Chinese civilization?

Cheng Mu never thought about this question.

Except for the East Asian civilization which is relatively close to the Chinese civilization, other civilizations who want to cross the sea are simply courting death.

Even if they touch it, it is estimated that the war will be over by then.

The sea is not so peaceful and docile!

East Asian civilization?

Cheng Mu shook his head.

Now Haruko Nair is rebelling against the Kingdom of Ying, and Zheng Xiao of the Goddess Kingdom is secretly supporting her.

If the countries of East Asian civilization want to touch it, they have to get rid of Naer Haruko!

"His Majesty."

At this moment, Guan Hai hurried over.

He was extremely afraid of Ji Fa's edict.

As soon as this edict came out, Ji Fa's purpose was revealed nakedly.

If the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom sent troops at this time, there would be absolutely no chance of the Tianqi Empire remaining.

Their own Apocalypse Empire can resist the countries under the Chinese civilization, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat the coveted Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

Could it be that in the end, everyone died?

"Why are you panicking? As long as Ji Fa doesn't lead the army to come in person, everything is still under my control!"

Cheng Mu sat on the big chair with his usual expression.

He has ruled out the worst possibility.

As long as Ji Fa didn't do it himself, he would not be afraid of the combined armies of the four great empires of Qin, Han, Song, and Sui.

To him, this immortal edict is neither painful nor itchy!

Well done! Since Ji Fa wanted to, he would flatten Chinese civilization in one wave!

"Your Majesty, I heard that the army of the Sui Empire has already moved out, and Liu Bei and others who were originally going south have also diverted to come here."

"Combined with the large army already under Zhao Kuangyin's command, this warlord is worried!"

Guan Hai hurried over after receiving the other two news.

Now that Yang Jian's imperial conquest is in person, Liu Beishi's long live is also turning back...

It seems that their goal is Cheng Mu.

Who can refuse the temptation of the Lord of Earth and Stars?

"Hehe, good time!"

Hearing the news, instead of worrying, Cheng Mu had a smile on his face.

Zhao Kuangyin, Yang Jian and Liu Bei come together? Then wipe them out in one go!

For him, Cheng Mu, Liu Bei and Shi Wansui gave up the south of the Song Empire, and gave all the rich south to Xue Rengui, Li Jing and others.

That is to say, the National Games of the Song Empire will be reduced to an extremely low value.

The fate of the Song Empire dissipated, so Zhao Kuangyin would also fall into the shrine.

At that time, everyone will be strong in the altar realm, and whoever lives and who dies will depend on their own means!

At the same time, when everyone's attention is on him, Cheng Mu, the northern coast of the Song Empire will become a land of no man.

At that time, it is not impossible for the army of Goddess Country to fight all the way to the Kaifeng mansion!

"Pass on my order."

Immediately, Cheng Mu issued an edict: "Order Xie Xuan and Nieba to come to help quickly, and Xue Rengui leads the Tangzhou Army all the way north!"

Even at this moment, he has to divide his troops into two groups.

With the Beifu Legion, even the tens of millions of troops of the Song Empire can sit firmly in Mizhou.

As long as the Song and Sui Empire's frontal attacks are blocked, then Zhao Kuangyin will have a taste of the fire in the backyard.

The extremely powerful Tangzhou Legion can flatten Kaifeng Mansion in one wave!


Cheng Mu's fearlessness infected Guan Hai.

He also knew that this was an excellent timing.

That being the case, let's work hard!


"Ji Fa..."

Moon Empire, Empress Palace.

Empress Yueqing will pay attention to the war on Earth and Stars whenever she has time.

This time, the immortal edict sent by Ji Fa reached her ears immediately.

Regarding Ji Fa's behavior of brushing aside the ball, the empress's originally cold face became even colder.

It is agreed not to intervene in the Earth Star Wars, and not to actively attack any party on the Earth Star...

But now, Ji Fa has crossed the line!

"Your Majesty, can we take action?"

Xingyue has been serving the empress around. At this time, he was also angry, and his delicate face was full of anger.

Openly targeting Cheng Mu, he Xingyue will not agree!

"Give him a warning!"

The empress thought for a while, but did not choose to go in person.

Now that the war outside the territory has reached the most critical moment, she has no intention to deal with the war on the planet.

What's more, she knows Cheng Mu well. Cheng Mu didn't want her to destroy the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom!

So after thinking about it, the Empress said coldly: "Now Ji Fa still has a little value, let him live for another year!"

"Tell Zeus, Jesus, and Odin that their coming plan has been approved!"

It's just that the Empress would not watch Cheng Mu being bullied for nothing.

Every civilization has its own gods.

Today, the Chinese civilization regards the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom as a **** and kowtows and bows down.

At the beginning, Mount Olympus, the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Kingdom of God, which were in the same first realm as the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, all made requests to come to Earth.

But because it was the Empress who was in charge at this time, the Empress was the first to approve the arrival of the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom in the Quartet.

The purpose, of course, is to hope that the countries under the Chinese civilization can step on the road to the fairyland in advance.

But now that Ji Fa violated the agreement and openly intervened in the Earth Star Wars, he would have to pay the price!

The empress had confidence in Cheng Mu, so she initially let Mount Olympus, the Kingdom of Heaven, and the Kingdom of God descend to check and balance the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

As long as Ji Fa no longer has the heart to intervene in the wars in Chinese civilization, then the Empress' goal will be achieved.

At that time, UU Reading Chinese civilization will still belong to the Apocalypse Empire.

But in order to compensate Cheng Mu, the empress issued another order:

"Now that the gods have descended, the hidden races hidden in the earth and stars can be born!"

The hidden race is her backer, the purpose is to save Dixing at the last moment.

But now that the four kingdoms of God have come, there is no need for the hermit race to hide.

With the guardianship of the four great kingdoms of God and the hermit race, it is presumed that the Earth Star will be impenetrable for a long time.

And Cheng Mu has a good relationship with the Mermaid Clan, and the Mermaid Clan can help the Apocalypse Empire quickly advance to the Immortal Kingdom.

This is the empress's compensation to Cheng Mu!

Once the Apocalypse Empire becomes the Apocalypse Fairyland...

At that time, it will be up to Cheng Mu himself whether he will find Ji Fa for revenge!

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