
Golden light, golden light all over the sky.

After Yang Jian led his army to flee back to the Sui Empire, a huge Golden Dragon of National Fortune flew from the east.

The golden light scattered all over the land, and the land trampled by the flames of war began to radiate vitality again.

Although the people of the Song Empire are still mourning.

However, when the huge Golden Dragon of National Fortune circled the land of Song State, the land area of ​​Tianqi Empire became larger again.

At this time, Cheng Mu came to the Temple of Heaven in person, and offered sacrifices to the heavens for his great ambitions.

Although the soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire suffered heavy losses in the first battle of the Song Empire.

But the final victory is enough to be engraved in the annals of history and passed down through the ages!


Afterwards, the Golden Dragon of National Destiny came back from the Song Empire.

The auspicious unicorn cast countless rays of light in the sky.

A deafening system prompt sounded.

"Congratulations to the Apocalypse Empire for defeating the Great Song Empire. The Apocalypse Empire has taken another step forward on the road to the fairyland!"

"Congratulations to the Apocalypse Empire for defeating the Great Song Empire. The Apocalypse Empire has taken another step forward on the road to the fairyland!"

"Congratulations to the Apocalypse Empire for defeating the Great Song Empire. The Apocalypse Empire has taken another step forward on the road to the fairyland!"

Three system prompts with a hint of joy resounded through the earth.

At this time, some people were shocked and some were frightened.

"Zhao Kuangyin and that Yang Jian are trash, even if the two countries work together, they can't stop Cheng Mu!"

The joy that had risen in Liu Che's heart not long ago turned into anger again.

What he has to face now is the main force of the Apocalypse Empire.

And Zhao Kuangyin and Yang Jian couldn't even stop the unworthy troops of the Apocalypse Empire, this is too useless!

Having never seen the strength of Guan Hai, the Beifu Army, Tangzhou Army, and Tiefutu with his own eyes, Liu Che believed that the Apocalypse Empire army that invaded his Han Dynasty was the most powerful.

"Send an order to Emperor Qin, and invite him to march in person!"

"If we can't quickly defeat the three armies of the Apocalypse Empire, after the Apocalypse Empire digests the land of the Song Empire, it will be a disaster for us!"

He is in a hurry.

At the beginning, he thought about taking the credit for defeating the Tianqi Empire all by himself.

But now, it is still unknown whether they can defeat the Apocalypse Empire!


Great Qin, Xianyang Palace.

Ying Zheng was also horrified by the sudden news.

The Song Empire was defeated?

Isn't the speed of this defeat too fast?

There are still several large armies under his command that are about to be sent to the Han Empire, but the Song and Sui coalition forces were defeated so thoroughly.

Now that the Song Empire is gone, the strength of the Apocalypse Empire has increased again.


Ying Zheng hurriedly stood up and ordered: "Order Meng Tianbai to speed up the march, and must assist the big man to wipe out the enemies of the Apocalypse Empire within a month!"

"After one month, I will hear the news of your expedition to the Apocalypse Empire!"

Today, the territory of the Han Empire is still dominated by the three armies of the Apocalypse Empire.

As long as these three armies are wiped out, they will be able to join forces to invade the Apocalypse Empire.

At this point in the battle, Ying Zheng didn't want to repeat himself.

Now that he has decided to unite with the big man, he will kill Tianqi first.

Even if this road is dark, he has to keep going.

He wins the government and has never been a repeat person.

Even if it was a wrong thing, it has become the most correct choice now!

He Yingzheng is the emperor of the ages, the emperor of Qin, how could he make mistakes?


Outside of Chinese civilization.

Western countries and non-black countries were not surprised by the news that Cheng Mu attacked and destroyed Song.

Because of this kind of news, they have heard it many times.

Coupled with the fact that their kingdom of God has also come to the world, they don't have time to pay attention to the wars of Chinese civilization.

Only Odin, Zeus, **** and others were delighted to hear the news.

"The more chaotic the East China is, the better."

Jesus sneered and said, "I heard that Tianqi Empire is powerful, so Ji Fa's expression must be very funny."

Their three kingdoms of God and Ji Fa's Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom are sworn enemies.

So not long after they arrived, they dispatched the strongest combat force under their command.

Unfortunately, the ending is not good.

"That's natural. Eastern Huaxia has not been united since ancient times."

Zeus is wearing a golden battle armor, with golden light overflowing: "We should seize the time to develop believers while taking advantage of the civil strife in Eastern China!"

The coming of their Kingdom of God is also to attract more followers and supporters.

Only with more and stronger fighters can they grab more resources after returning to the heaven.

They like to call the first realm the Heaven Realm, which is where their group of gods live!

"No, we should take the opportunity to send troops!"

However, Cranky Odin's attitude is very different from that of Zeus Jesus.

His son Thor was almost beaten to death by Sun Wu, and this incident became a hurdle he couldn't overcome.

To avenge your son, this is the most important thing!

"Send troops, Odin, you are simply asking for your own death."

Zeus disagreed.

His Mount Olympus is only twelve main gods, and Ares has not recovered from his severe injuries at this time.

Now that he sends troops again, who will he send out?

Apollo? Athena?

The gods of Mount Olympus have few attendants, one less for each death.

Therefore, Zeus definitely does not agree to the way of legion combat.

Mainly, he didn't get along very well with his two older brothers, Poseidon and Hades.

He was afraid that after sending the army to attack the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom, Poseidon and Hades would join forces to attack him.

On Mount Olympus lived the Celestials, the Twelve Lord Gods.

In the sea under the mountain, that is the territory of Poseidon of the sea **** clan.

Under the abyss, Hades, the **** of the underworld, has always been dissatisfied with being in the abyss.

Naturally, before resolving the conflicts between the three brothers, Zeus would not agree to send troops to war on a large scale.

Even if he wants to fight, he must bring his older brothers Poseidon and Hades along!

"You can send troops, but not now."

After weighing the pros and cons, **** explained: "The war in Eastern China has not yet reached the most critical moment."

"We just need to wait for the war between the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom and the Apocalypse Empire. Wouldn't it be nice to reap the benefits of being a fisherman?"

Now that they are going to war against the Huaxia Clan, what they have to face is the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom in its heyday.

It is possible that other countries within the Huaxia clan will join forces to join the war.

That's not worth the candle.

"Jesus had a point."

Zeus agreed, and he persuaded Odin: "Nowadays there are demons watching outside the territory, we can't fall into civil strife so early."

"Isn't there still a few great kingdoms of God who sneaked down in violation of the Empress' orders?"

"Tell them, let them try Ji Fa's attitude first!"

They can not participate in the war and join the war later.

But this does not mean that they will allow Ji Fa An to develop followers and supporters steadily.

It's too ostentatious for these three major forces to act together, so it's better to let some younger brothers disgust Ji Fa first.

"it is good!"

Odin agreed. He said fiercely: "I will wait for the Three Kingdoms to put pressure on them. How dare their little kingdoms of God refuse to obey?"



Apocalypse City.

Cheng Mu didn't know the attitude of Yingzheng Liu Che, or perhaps Odin Zeus and others.

At this moment, he is standing on the Temple of Heaven, once again accepting the baptism of the power of national destiny.

After conquering the Song Empire, the fortunes of the Apocalypse Empire have become unfathomably strong.

Even his basic strength has been blessed by the National Games to the background of the altar.

This is already a very strong realm.

At present, there is no master of an empire stronger than him.

If he is possessed by the national destiny in China, then his strength will be able to step into the late stage of the Jingu True Wonderland.

In other words, as long as Cheng Mu stands on the territory of the Tianqi Empire, even if Ji Fa comes in person, there is probably nothing he can do.

After the late stage of the Divine Palace True Immortal Realm, there were not many such powerful people even in the Great Zhou Immortal Kingdom.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

Zhuge Liang looked happy.

Although he has been busy with domestic government affairs, his strength has not been weakened at all.

As the old man who first followed Cheng Mu, his strength has now reached the level of a god.

With the blessing of such a powerful strength, he handles government affairs with ease and at an extremely fast speed.

His reputation as a talent for governing the world is also beginning to be revealed.

What is governing the world? That is naturally governing a world for a long time.

In the beginning, it was just an Apocalypse Empire, so naturally it couldn't display the full strength of his Zhuge Liang.

"Haha, thank you all!"

Cheng Mu could clearly perceive that his journey to the Immortal Kingdom of the Apocalypse Empire had indeed gone a step further.

He is confident that as long as he conquers the Great Qin and the Great Han, his Apocalypse Empire will immediately become the first true fairyland on Earth.

When the time comes, hehe!

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Songzhou is now in a state of ruins, and we need to appoint a provincial governor as soon as possible."

At this time, Zhuge Liang, who was overjoyed, reported.

With Hei Ling sitting in Songzhou Province, Yang Jian must not dare to make any more disturbances.

That being the case, it is urgently needed to quickly restore the people's livelihood in Songzhou Province.

"I heard that Pang Tong has surrendered, so let him be the Governor of Songzhou Province!"

Cheng Mu had already made up his mind.

Crouching dragon and phoenix chicks are all under his command now.

Since Zhuge Liang is a talent for governing the world, Pang Tong will naturally not be far behind.

And now he is extremely pleased with his [Ming Jun] talent. As long as someone has surrendered to his command, there are very few people who rebel.

Do not use suspicious people, and do not doubt employing people.

Cheng Mu still has great confidence and expectations for Pang Tong!


East Asian civilization.

On Snowy Mountain in Ying Country, a tall palace is located on the top of the mountain.

Emperor Shenmu knelt outside the palace, his entire head firmly attached to the ground.

He begged loudly: "Emperor Jimmu, the lord of Ying Kingdom, pay homage to Master Yuzao!"

Some forces from above the Kingdom of Ying have sneaked down to the realm.

And the one who lives here is Yuzaoqian, the most famous big demon in Ying Kingdom.


However, there was an angry reprimand from the hall~www.readwn.com~ Emperor Shenmu flew out of Xuefu Mountain in an instant.

In the hall, a very beautiful woman was furious.

Nine tails also stood up high because of anger.

"Too much deceit!"

She is Tamamo, and the reason for her anger is because she just received orders from Zeus Odin and others.

Let her lead the army to attack the Huaxia tribe.

"You are not afraid of death, my aunt is very afraid of death!"

Tamamo was out of breath.

At this time, the tragic picture of the gods of Ying Kingdom being massacred by the Chinese gods was still deeply engraved in her mind.

If it wasn't for the death of the gods of Ying Kingdom, where would it be her turn for a monster to sneak down in the name of God?

But now, Odin and others asked her to go to China to die.

She Tamamozen was not so stupid!

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