The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 954: The collapsed Huo Qubing, reinforcements


Seeing Zhao Yun laughing at himself, Huo Qubing was furious.

I saw him take out a long bow from his waist, and three sharp arrows roared out.


The three arrows turned into three giant dragons in mid-air, roaring and rushing towards Zhao Yun.

He, Huo Qubing, is proficient in bow and horse, and the long spear is just the weapon he uses when charging into battle.

When he found that he could not fight Zhao Yun with a long spear, he chose to defend against the enemy with a bow and arrow!

"Go away!"

Facing these three menacing giant dragons, Zhao Yun was not afraid at all.

His innate skill is called Gentian.

So facing the dragon, it inspired his fighting spirit even more!

"Shock the dragon!"

I saw him roar, and the silver gun in his hand roared out.

The roar of the three-headed giant dragon was loud, but the neighing of the silver spear in his hand was even louder.

In the next second, he collided with three giant dragons alone.



With one shot from him, the giant dragon in the middle was directly smashed to pieces!

With unstoppable power, the silver gun annihilated a giant dragon!


But in the next second, the two giant dragons on the left and right attacked at the same time.

Zhao Yun dodged the attack of the giant dragon on the left, but was immediately swept away by the dragon and claws on the right.

The huge dragon claw shot him into a cannonball, crashing into the distant mountains with a bang!

Thunder rolls, the earth shakes and the mountains shake.

And worried that Zhao Yun would not die, the remaining two giant dragons flew towards the mountains again under Huo Qubing's control.


The huge dragon tail swept across.

The incomparably thick mountain was directly swept away by the dragon's tail.

However, amidst the smoke and dust all over the sky, a figure suddenly rushed out.

"Broken Dragon!"

With a roar, Zhao Yun turned into a dragon-slaying silver spear.

The speed of the silver gun was so fast that Huo Qubing almost had no time to react.

The spear pierced through the air, and the sound was like thunder!

Under Zhao Yun's blow, the heads of the two giant dragons were instantly pierced.

The huge dragon body exploded above the sky in a second!

Startled the dragon! Break the dragon!

At this time, Zhao Yun has completely transformed into a dragon slayer of the Huaxia tribe.

The three giant dragons that Huo Qubing condensed with great effort died under his gun!

"Come again!"

Zhao Yun hooked his fingers towards Huo Qubing.

He found that after he slaughtered these three giant dragons, his innate skill gentian seemed to be showing signs of advancement.

If so, then he will be impolite!

Although he was hit into the mountain just now and felt uncomfortable, his body also suffered some injuries as a result.

But after all, he is not dead yet!

Today, he is full of fighting spirit!

"Hmph! I don't know how to live or die!"

Huo Qubing saw Zhao Yun's embarrassment.

Was it possible that Zhao Yun should be proud of killing the three giant dragons that he shot out at a great cost?

"Since you want to die, then General Ben will send you on your way!"

With a roar, he drew the longbow again.


Another three arrows, another three lightning dragons!

The roar of the dragon shocked the world, and the strength of these three giant dragons was even stronger than before.

Huo Qubing wiped the sweat from his forehead.

If he spent a lot of energy on the three dragons just now, then he has gone all out for the three dragons!

Even with his strength, being able to shoot out the three giant dragons with the initial strength of the altar is already doing their best.

What if Zhao Yun can't be killed this time?

No, absolutely impossible!

He didn't believe that Zhao Yun could still be rampant in front of the three giant dragons at the beginning stage of the altar?

"Haha, good job!"

Although Zhao Yun is embarrassed, he has infinite fighting spirit.

He had encountered a more embarrassing situation than this one before, but in the end he was not the one who had the last laugh.

"The Spear of Startling Dragon!"

"Dragon-breaking gun!"

At this time, he completely transformed into a dragon slayer. Although his body is small, he can still move around among the three giant dragons, disappearing like a ghost!

Under the gentian, Zhao Yun's strength became stronger as he fought.

When slaying the dragon, he fully exerted 150% of his fighting power!

"kill him!"

Seeing the agile Zhao Yun, Huo Qubing, who was controlling the three giant dragons, immediately grimaced.

Although the strength of these three giant dragons is strong, the results they achieved did not meet his expectations at all.

It can also be said that at this time the three giant dragons have no results at all.

Zhao Yun was immune to the coercion from the giant dragon, and the three giant dragons turned around with his incomparably agile body!

He is looking for opportunities!

Once a dragon shows its weakness, he will kill it immediately with a gun!


At the same time, the battlefield below.

When the soldiers of the Heavenly Cavalry Army slaughtered the Huben Heavy Cavalry, the vanguard of the Huben Infantry also reached the attack range of the Tianyu Army.

In an instant, under Huang Zhong's order, 300,000 Heavenly Feather Army soldiers began to attack.

The arrows are like locusts, densely packed.

Under these hundreds of thousands of flaming arrows, the entire sky was dyed red.

next second.



Although the tiger and heavy shield soldiers used their heavy shields to block the arrows that filled the sky. However, the flames on the arrows were still burning their bodies.

Huang Zhong's Lie Gong Tian Yu Army is a double attack method.

The extremely hot flame burned the shield of the tiger's heavy shield soldier red within a few seconds.


Someone couldn't stand the heat, so he raised his hand and threw the heavy shield in his hand.

However, the next second.


There was another scream.

Without the protection of the heavy shield, this Huben soldier was instantly shot into a hedgehog!

The sea of ​​flames began to spread, and the soldiers of the Huben Army died under the sea of ​​flames.

"Keep going! Keep going!"

A commander roared.

Behind them are hundreds of thousands of soldiers advancing steadily.

If the vanguard in front stagnates, the formation behind will be chaotic.

So even if there is a sea of ​​flames in front of them at this time, they have to rush over!

"Shoot again!"

Facing this group of lifeless tiger and heavy shield soldiers, Huang Zhong coldly gave the order to attack again.

Since this group of enemies dare to die, then he will not be polite!

"Come here? Hehe."

Huang Zhong sneered, with his own Tian Yu army around, these enemy troops couldn't rush over at all!

Surrounded by the arrows of the 300,000 Heavenly Feather Army, that is an insurmountable restricted area!


But at this moment, a figure fell from the sky.

Zhao Yun just found an opportunity to kill a giant dragon, but he was also photographed from the sky by two other giant dragons.

But this time, his injuries were much more serious.

Not only the armor was shattered, but the internal organs were also displaced.

That mouthful of fresh blood couldn't stop gushing out!

"kill him!"

In mid-air, Huo Qubing's expression became extremely terrifying.

Under his absolute advantage, Zhao Yun was able to kill a giant dragon.

One must know that these giant dragons formed from gas are connected with Huo Qubing.

If the dragon is killed, Huo Qubing will also suffer backlash!

Now only by killing Zhao Yun can the hatred in his heart be relieved!

The eighteen-year-old prodigy boy is not at all heroic at this moment.

He was suppressed by Zhao Yun!



Driven by Huo Qubing, the other two giant dragons came roaring.

Seeing that the sharp dragon claws were about to tear Zhao Yun into pieces.

In an instant, an arrow struck.


With one arrow, the claws of a giant dragon were directly shattered.

That extremely powerful power also shocked the giant dragon back several steps!

"If you want to kill Zilong, have you asked me?"

Huang Zhong proudly drew his bow.

Although his strength is not as good as Zhao Yun's, he is definitely a strong person in the background of Shenmen.

This shocking arrow is enough to smash this pseudo-dragon!

"you wanna die!"

Seeing that the ants Huang Zhong dared to stop him, Huo Qubing was completely mad, he roared and rushed over.

Although he couldn't defeat Zhao Yun in close combat, it was enough to kill Huang Zhong!

As long as Huang Zhong is killed, no one can stop him from killing Zhao Yun!

How could he be the No. 1 general in a big man, so he could be in a mess all the time?


It's just that Huang Zhong's arrow just now gave Zhao Yun a great chance to breathe.

After recovering some of his strength, Zhao Yun leaped over another giant dragon and stood in front of Huang Zhong.


With one shot, Huo Qubing flew upside down!

Want to kill Huang Zhong, did you ask Zhao Yun?

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Huo Qubing, who was frustrated one after another, was about to go crazy!

None of his previous fights were like this. Before thinking about it, he was unparalleled in style, invincible with longbows, and invincible with long spears.

When he raised his hand, the enemy was wiped out.

But now, Zhao Yun is vomiting blood, and he is vomiting blood too!

His heart was even more anxious than Zhao Yun's!

The Huben soldiers under his command are being massacred by the soldiers of the Apocalypse Legion, and they urgently need him, the general, to rescue them.

However, it was Zhao Yun who was in the way, and Huang Zhong who was in the way blocked him.

Originally Huo Qubing had the confidence to kill Zhao Yun with arrows, but Huang Zhong got in the way.

When Huo Qubing killed Huang Zhong with a spear, Zhao Yun rushed over again.

With the cooperation of the two, he, Huo Qubing, was helpless for a while.

In terms of using a spear, he is no match for Zhao Yun.

In terms of the arrow in his hand, even though he is old and strong, Huang Zhong can surpass him.

In this exhausted situation, he can't do one against two at all!

At this time, beside him are two giant dragons formed from Could it be that Huo Qubing wants to use these two giant dragons to fight Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong to die together?

He turned around and looked in the direction of Chang'an City, his eyes full of reluctance.

He was only eighteen years old, he didn't want to die so early in this life!

"call out!"

But at this moment, a figure flew over from the west.

It is Dongfang Shuo.

After Liu Che learned that Huo Qubing and Zhao Yun were fighting in Nanyang, he sent Dongfang Shuo to fight for him.

At this time, Dongfang Shuo came at the right time.

Just when Huo Qubing and Zhao Yun were exhausted, and when the soldiers of Huben Army needed someone to rescue them!

"Mr. Dongfang!"

Seeing Dongfang Shuo's appearance, Huo Qubing was almost moved to tears.

He took back the remaining two giant dragons into his body, and only then did he feel better.

With Dongfang Shuo around, his confidence returned.

He, Huo Qubing, wanted revenge!

"It's been hard to get sick."

Dongfang Shuo saw Huo Qubing's embarrassment, so he patted his shoulder to reassure him.

Now that he, Dongfang Shuo, is present in person, let him control this battle!

"Zilong, do you have confidence?"

Seeing Dongfang Shuo's appearance, Huang Zhong asked softly.

He sensed that this Dongfang Shuo was not weaker than Huo Qubing.

In other words, what they have to face now are two enemies at the beginning of the altar.

"If you don't inspire the military spirit of the Apocalypse Legion, I'm afraid you can't match it?"

Huang Zhong was worried.

"Don't worry, let's talk about it first."

Zhao Yun didn't push him any further.

He took out the elixir carefully prepared by Cheng Mu from his bosom, and swallowed it whole.

He didn't want to rely on the power of pills before.

But now the enemy's two gods are here.

If Zhao Yun doesn't try his best, he will really die here!

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