The Heavens Of Online Games Are Coming

Chapter 981: powerful killer army


When Bai Qi and Li Cunxiao were fighting, the killing **** army and flying tiger army below finally collided.

The killing **** cavalry and the white-robed fine cavalry originally planned to cruise around, waiting for an opportunity.

Both cavalry are strong, and both are key forces that determine the direction of a battle.

However, what they didn't expect was that they chose the same action.

Now that we have met each other, is it possible that either party can retreat?

So without even thinking about it, the two cavalrymen fought together first.

The number of Bai Qi's killer cavalry is not large, only 300,000 cavalry. Compared with the 500,000 Flying Tiger Jingqi, this number is almost half.


In terms of the power of the cavalry charge, the power of the 300,000 god-killing cavalry is stronger than the power of the 500,000 flying tiger cavalry.

These are 300,000 black-armored heavy cavalry, and that icy killing intent makes the battlefield chilly.

Even war horses are silenced.

Where is the blood on the battlefield at this time?

The 300,000 god-killing iron cavalry only had that cold murderous aura on them.

The frost is biting, murderous!


It's just that the mere murderous look can't scare the soldiers of the Flying Tiger Army. Under the leadership of the commander-in-chief, five hundred thousand flying tiger riders ran over with a huge advantage in numbers.

They have crushed the enemy with less victory and more victory, not to mention fighting the weak with the strong!

Flying Tiger Jingqi is not a heavy cavalry.

The armor on them is between heavy armor and light armor.

With suitable armor, they not only have the speed comparable to light cavalry, but also have defense not weaker than heavy cavalry.

So what about 300,000 heavy riders?

Since the establishment of the Flying Tiger Army, I don't know how many heavy cavalry have been destroyed under their hands!


In the next second, two cavalry, one black and one white, collided together.

The huge collision sound seemed to smash the world into pieces.

Under the aura gain of Bai Qi's [Killing God] and [Bloodthirsty], under the blessing of Bai Qi's own [Killing God Descending] BUFF.

The God-killing Army, which originally only had the peak strength of the super-god level, has now become a real God-killing army!

In an instant, the black torrent swallowed the white torrent.

The undefeated Flying Tigers, they fell into a disadvantage in the hedge for the first time.

In terms of defensive strength, heavy armor will be stronger after all.

Under the black iron cavalry, a large number of flying tiger cavalry were killed.

For a moment, people turned their backs and horses neighed.


The mere hedging disadvantage did not shake the morale of Feihu Jingqi.

Under the command of the commander-in-chief, the white torrent that was gradually annihilated began to push back.

Both armies are of the God-killing rank.

However, the flying tiger cavalry has been immersed in the first stage of killing gods for a long time, how can this army of killing gods who have just entered the killing gods be able to bully them?

Coupled with the advantage of numbers.

Soon, the Flying Tiger Riders killed and went back.

Although the sharp blades in their hands could not split the armor of the God-killing Heavy Cavalry with one blow, the extremely strong force only required them to slash a second time.

One cut to the chest, two cuts to the man!

Bai Qi's Killing God Army is indeed powerful, but under the counterattack of Feihu Jingqi, the advantage of the battle situation came to Feihu Army's side in an instant.

Slowly, the eyes of the two heavy cavalry became red.

After each pierced through the opponent's army formation, they turned their horses and rushed towards each other again.

Today, only one of their two cavalrymen is destined to survive!


"It actually has some strength."

In mid-air, Li Cunxiao, who had been rushing to attack, frowned.

He finally knew the reason why Bai Qi didn't fight him head-on, it turned out that it was because of the killing **** army below.

This Bai Qi just used two skills, and let the killing **** army under his command advance to killing gods.

If this war is completely directed by Bai Qi, is it okay?

For a long time, he, Li Cunxiao, led the army to fight in a brutal charge.

Crush the enemy with absolute strength.

Under the iron cavalry of Flying Tiger, there were no bones left.

He doesn't have the kind of skills that can greatly increase the strength of soldiers like Bai Qi.

Since he is inferior to Bai Qi in terms of commanding ability, he will kill the guy who gets in the way.


While roaring, Li Cunxiao increased his attack power.


Under this halberd, Bai Qi only felt that a mountain was pressing on him.

His hands trembled, and the flesh on his hands was shattered.


A mouthful of blood spurted from his mouth.

Bai Qi looked at Li Cunxiao in shock at this moment.

How did this man become so powerful all of a sudden?

Now he is already the strength of the Empress Realm of Shentai, and according to his strength, he is enough to crush Li Cunxiao.

However, in the face of Li Cunxiao's full-strength blow, he, a strong man, was almost unable to stop it.

what happened? Are the people of the Apocalypse Empire such monsters?

"Come again!"

After one blow made Bai Qi vomit blood, Li Cunxiao took advantage of the victory to pursue.


Another halberd.

Although Bai Qi blocked it with the God of Punishment Knife, there was a crack on the knife at this time!

Unrivaled power, unrivaled power!

"Are you a human or a ghost?"

Bai Qi looked at the cracked Zhushendao and questioned in horror.

This Li Cunxiao is by no means in the middle of the gods on the surface.

You must know that his God-killing Sword can suppress the strong in the ghost and **** realm, like Li Cunxiao who is weaker than him, will be suppressed by the God-killing Sword by at least one realm.

That is to say, according to the normal situation, Li Cunxiao, who was originally in the middle stage of the altar, can only display the strength of the initial stage of the altar.

But why now, this Li Cunxiao is getting more and more courageous?

"I'm a human!"

Hearing that Bai Qi was questioning his race, Li Cunxiao became angry.

He yelled sharply: "I, Li Cunxiao, am an upright person, not those monsters, monsters, gods and monsters!"

Anyone who dares to question him will seek death!

"Go to hell!"

While roaring, Li Cunxiao charged forward again.

Bai Qi, the eternal killer, is nothing more than that. After today, he will make the world no longer have the name of killing gods!

"Go away!"

Bai Qi was also angry.

This Li Cunxiao is too deceitful.

Today, if he doesn't show his power for nothing, do you really think that he, the **** of death, is just bragging?

So what if he can be exempted from the suppression of the God-killing Saber? Bai Qi is also a fierce general in the world!


The angry two fought together again.


But soon, the power and power of their fight immediately made the Hei Jiao and other dragon descendants sitting in the trapped dragon formation miserable.

"It's not enough, just be stronger! Be stronger!"

Hei Jiao looked at the trembling trapped dragon formation, and his voice became sharp and sharp.

If they can't hold on to the trapped dragon formation today, their status in the Tianqi Empire will decline sharply in the future.

As a group of abandoned people, they know that no force will raise waste!

At the same time, they also want to prove themselves that although their dragon descendants are ugly, they are not trash!

"I come!"

The giant crab dragon's heir cut open his palm, and the bright red blood of the dragon's heir instantly poured into the trapped dragon formation.

With the blessing of the life force of the dragon heir of the cancer, the trapped dragon array finally stabilized.

"not enough."

However, the temporary stability did not make Hei Jiao stretch his brows.

He watched the fight between Li Cunxiao and Bai Qi in the formation, and knew that their fighting power should not have reached its peak yet.

This trapped dragon array will continue to strengthen.


Without hesitation, the black flood dragon drew out the bone sword and chopped off the head of the dragon heir of the giant crab with a click.

After seeing that the sleepy dragon array had absorbed all the power of the cancer dragon's heir, his heart was relieved.

"Half of us would die here today."

After slaying the dragon heirs of the giant crab, the black dragon's icy eyes swept over the faces of every dragon heir present.

He said coldly: "Whoever lives and who dies is determined by God's will."

"Don't worry, you are dead, we will live well for you!"

When it is impossible to predict the power of the fight in the trapped dragon formation, the black flood dragon can only prepare for the worst.

Now their lives are closely linked with this trapped dragon formation.

The trapped dragon is here, and they live.

If the trapped dragon formation is broken, all the dragon heirs will be swallowed by the backlash of the trapped dragon formation.

At that time, it is estimated that all the fighting soldiers in the formation will be annihilated under the trapped dragon formation.

Therefore, he, the Black Flood Dragon, can't let the Sleepy Dragon Formation have any surprises!


The surrounding dragon descendants naturally also know this truth.

Now that they have made a promise, even if they die, they must fulfill their promise!

In the trapped dragon formation, there is no room for loss!



Trapped in the dragon array.

When the killing **** heavy cavalry and the flying tiger fine cavalry fought, corpses were scattered all over the field, and blood flowed like rivers.

The killing **** infantry and the flying tiger infantry in the rear also fought together.

At this time, the archers on both sides attacked each other.

Under the same strength, who knows who is stronger or weaker?

Under the sky full of arrows, soldiers on both sides suffered casualties.

This was a **** fight, and neither party dared to say that it had an absolute advantage.

Bai Qi is also worthy of the name of the God of Killing, the God of Killing Army under his command really kills!

That crazy killing intent made countless soldiers of the Flying Tiger Army feel chills in their hearts.

If it were ordinary soldiers, they would have already collapsed by this time.


The soldiers of the Killing God Army wanted to kill themselves, so the soldiers of the Flying Tiger Army naturally resisted.

As soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire, they have extremely strong military spirit and morale.

At this time, even if the opponent is a real evil spirit, they dare to draw their swords!


A soldier of the Flying Tiger Army slashed at the shoulder of a soldier of the Killing God Army.

The sharp blade split through the armor of the soldiers of the Killing God Army and penetrated into the shoulder bones.

However, he hadn't waited until he drew the knife.


With a click, the long sword of the soldier of the Killing God Army pierced the abdomen of the soldier of the Flying Tiger Army.

The two of them were fighting like this, exchanging wounds for wounds and lives for lives!

But soon, the soldiers of the Flying Tiger Army, who were fighting hard, noticed something unusual.

There are more and more enemies around, but fewer and fewer teammates.

It's bloodthirsty!

Under Bai Qi's [Bloodthirsty] skill, the soldiers of the Killing God Army can nourish themselves with the blood of the enemy.

Even if their arms were cut off and their waists were pierced through.

However, as long as they injure the enemy, they will continuously absorb the life force of the enemy to repair their injuries!

This is an army born to kill.

Bai Qi's Killing God more you kill, the braver you are!

"Brothers, fight with them!"

Under the disadvantage, the soldiers of the Flying Tiger Army rushed up again fearlessly.

It's just blood sucking, not real immortality.

As long as they can cut off the heads of the soldiers of the Killing God Army, these enemies will still die!

"Hehe, I don't know how to live or die!"

After gaining the advantage in the battle situation, the soldiers of the Killing God Army began to show cold smiles.

The reason why they are called the strongest arm of the Qin Empire is that they absolutely won after gaining the upper hand.

In terms of numbers, their Killing God Army already has an advantage.

If the Flying Tiger Army can come back today, they will kill themselves directly!

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