But as her hope of living, Ling You will live for Ling You, and she will also live for herself. As a woman, it is only her man who can give her care and comfort both physically and mentally. This point even her sister Butterfly Chana could not shake.

Ling You, as her man (although the relationship between the two has not been determined yet, but this kind of thing only needs me to add a penny), although Ling You is not as strong as her now, but judging from his current growth rate, It's only a matter of time before she is stronger than her.

So she can live under the protection of her significant other just like an ordinary woman. Although Butterfly Ninja is a self-reliant woman, as long as she is a woman, she will be born with maternal characteristics. For example, she will have a heart for any cute creature. Feeling affectionate.

A sense of security is something a woman naturally needs, and the most direct sense of security is that her partner is stronger than herself, and she can live under the protection of her partner.

Therefore, compared with revenge and living for Chanel, living for Ling You seemed closer to reality and more desirable for her.


It has been seven days since Ling You was beaten up and fainted by the yiwo seat. In these seven days, Butterfly Ninja stayed with Ling You besides going to the toilet, including eating and sleeping. , Refused to leave one step.

During the period, many people in the ghost killing team came to visit him. Tanjirou was the most frequent one, followed by my wife Zenizu and Inosuke, and then Kyrōju Inferno.

It is worth mentioning that besides the four of them, Tomioka Yiyong visited Ling You for an unprecedented three times, and Lin Takizao Kinji also came once after leaving at that time.

In addition, the rest are people who have only visited Ling You once. Among them, Sanya Shiki Yoshiya, except Beiming Yu Xingming and Shito Wuichiro, have also visited him, but because of Ling You They were still in a coma, so they left after looking a few times.


On the tenth day when Ling You was in a coma, he actually opened his eyes when he didn't know how long he had been lying down.

The usual steady breathing suddenly became a little hurried. With Ling You's two coughs, Butterfly Ren found that Ling You opened his eyes.

"Ling You... Jun..." Seeing that she opened her eyes and gradually recovered her consciousness, Butterfly Ren was so happy that she did not hold it back for a while, she covered her mouth with her hands and cried.

"Nin..." The eyeballs turned to the side where Butterfly Ninja was, and his head slowly turned over. Seeing Butterfly Ninja with tears streaming down his face, he could almost guess what happened and wanted to reach out. Enchanted Butterfly Ninja's face, but brought it back because the wound on his arm gradually cracked and felt pain.

Perceiving Ling You's intentions, Butterfly Ninja cleverly placed his face on Ling You's palm, letting his fingers gently stroke his face.

"You finally woke up..." After putting her face on Ling You's palm, Butterfly Ninja's sobbing gradually became lighter.

"How long have I slept?" Ling You asked in a slightly tired tone. He tried to move his body, but found that except for his head, five senses, hands, and feet, he couldn't move anywhere else, and his body couldn't help it with any strength.

"Ten days, you slept for ten days." Butterfly Ren replied softly. She grabbed Ling You's palm for fear that he would retract it.

With a sigh, Ling You was not surprised by the answer, because he knew his injury better than anyone else: "Then Tanjirou and the others, and my master, has he ever been here?"

Butterfly Ninja replied: "Well, Senior Lin Taki, he has been here, Tanjirou and the three of them. Because of your injury, the leader of your team is temporarily held by Purgatory. In the past few days, they have also begun to perform ghost killing missions. "

"How about you? During the ten days I was in a coma, did you stay here as you do now?"


"Do you think I'm a bastard?"


"I obviously promised that you will come back safely, but it turned out to be like this, which made you worry for nothing. Is it right now that I am so angry that I want to stab me with a sword?

"Well, I'm very angry now, I want to stab you to death with a sword, and then make you a human flesh bun and eat it with ginger pickles."

Hearing Butterfly Ninja's last sentence gradually became cold, Ling You suddenly felt chills coming from his back.

"Is it so scary? If Shinobu kills me, it will definitely be very sad." Ling You smiled bitterly.

"Yeah, but you have broken my heart before then, and I will never forgive you." There was a smile on his face that made people all over his hair stand up, and it really made Ling You feel right in front of him. Butterfly Ninja felt a trace of fear.

I go, she won't really want to kill me, will she?

While Ling You was still thinking about the truthfulness of that sentence, Butterfly Ninja suddenly rolled sideways onto the bed.

Her posture is to put her hands on the outside of Ling You’s two arms, her legs kneeling on Ling You’s two fat legs, and then raise her body to prevent him from touching Ling You’s body. His wound opened.

At this time, because Butterfly Ninja maintained such a posture, their eyes were parallel to each other.

"Nin..." There was a blush on his cheeks, and Ling You suddenly remembered the plots in the xhh he had seen when he was on the earth.

"I'll go, don't I, I'm injured now, can I do it? I don't know."

Both eyes and Ling You looked at each other, and Butterfly Ninja's eyes revealed a gentleness that had never been seen before.

"Don't talk." said softly, Butterfly Ren's voice even made Ling You's body feel a tingling sensation.

Then Butterfly Ninja slowly put his face on Ling You's face.

Because he was shy, Ling You closed his eyes tightly at this time, his face was full of tension.

Then, he felt that Butterfly Ninja gently kissed his forehead with her cherry-like red lips, all the way down, and then kissed the tip of his nose.

He clenched his hands subconsciously, but because the force of his arms gradually opened up the wound, he reluctantly loosened his fists, and his whole body was very relaxed.

But...Butterfly Shinobi actually raised her face again at this time.

Seeing Ling You's nervous and shy face, she couldn't help but chuckle: "Look at the look you look forward to, what do you think, kid~"

Realizing that he seemed to be played by Butterfly Ninja, Ling You's face was immediately covered with a flush of anger and anger.

Then, he couldn't help but pouting his mouth and said, "What? The most important position is not kissed yet."

As he said, he pursed his mouth deliberately, as if he wanted the butterfly to kiss him.

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