The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 197: Rob me?

"You're going to leave the continent right now?"


Using the Intent of Space to travel because that was time and effort saving for the current Jian Shen, he asked, "Why not?"

"Did you forget about the woman you left inside the World Crest?"

Remember? Jian Shen had never forgotten about what he did for even a minute.

It was just that he still didn't know what to do about it due to which he was still postponing the day he'd meet her.

As for Xinyi, she had more or less guessed what Jian Shen was thinking due to which she didn't just sit around siting for him to come back and was instead focusing on increasing her cultivation.

"Of course, I remember her. How could I forget about my own aunt?"

"In that case, can I know when you are planning on meeting with her?"



"Yup. Soon."

After that, neither Qingyu nor Jian Shen said anything as he kept on using the Intent of Space to warp himself in the same direction.

According to what Suyin told him, he'd find an island not too far away from the Wu Yun continent in he kept on moving in the same direction, and once he reached that area he'd be able to find a map which would show him how to reach the Sword Island.

Trusting Suyin's words, Jian Shen chose to not ask anyone else about directions and kept on moving in the same way for forty days.

Out of these forty days Jian Shen had spent 25 days reaching the end of the continent, and the next fifteen days to find the island which Suyin was talking about.

Unlike what he expected, the island wasn't as small as Jian Shen expected.

In comparison to the Wu Yun Continent, the island below him was truly too small to be even considered as comparable.

But, by itself the island looked big enough to establish a kingdom on it.

Flying downwards, Jian Shen was just about to reach the surface when he suddenly stopped from sensing multiples Qi signatures circling around him.

Nine cultivators in the Saint Realm. All men. Bandits.

These were the thoughts that Jian Shen had after seeing the men that surrounded him.

"What do you want?"

"Hahahahaha, the brat knows what is good for himself."

"Yeah. Seems like he is willing to pay his way out of this situation."

"Too bad we don't let men that are more handsome than us live."

"I know what... "

Understanding that the bandits seemed to have misunderstood his words, Jian Shen rolled his eyes before pulling out the Sword of Despair and thrusting it blade first into the ground in front of him.

Easily piercing through the ground since it could even split metal like it was nothing, Jian Shen who was holding it began letting his Qi flow into it.


Along with the sound of vibration which made the entire space around them tremble, a thick black miasma began flowing out of the sword's hilt and blade which soon covered Jian Shen and the ten men in a dome made of it.

"What is this?!"

"Looks like you don't know what is good for you brat. Such petty tricks won't manage to protect you from us."

"Protect me? This is to make sure nine if you manage to escape while I'm killing the others."

Saying so, Jian Shen pulled out the Myriad God Sword and in the blink of an eye appeared in front of one of the bandits and completely severed the man's head leaving only nine shocked men alive.

"All of you are most likely not stupid, so tell me about where I can find a map to the Sword Island and I'll let you all go."

Not asking any questions about whether Jian Shen would really spare them, all nine of them pulled out a scroll each from their spatial ring.

Raising an eyebrow in surprise at how the nine men themselves didn't seem to know anything about the other ones possessing the same map, Jian Shen raised the Myriad God Sword and extended its range by using Sword Qi to chop off the necks of the remaining nine men.

Once he was done, Jian Shen placed the both swords on the side of his waist before proceeding to pick up the nine maps which were in the hands of the now corpses.

Eight of the nine scrolls Jian Shen picked up very exactly the same in both the way they felt and the map which was drawn on them.

The ninth one, however, was special due to the obvious better quality of the material used to make the scroll, and the difference in details on the map.

Other than the entire map looking the same with all of the islands positioned in the same way, this map showed the name of each of the islands, the recommended paths to take between two islands, the locations where true grade beasts were at, and so on.

Therefore, throwing away the other eight scrolls Jian Shen once again began flying while using the ninth map to chose the direction he needed to fly in.

"Did you really need to put me inside dirt to keep them from escaping, husband? You should've just locked the space around them."

"Sorry, little wifey. But I don't know how to do that."

Nodding his head, Juewang asked, "Shall I teach you a technique which will help you do that, husband?"

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