The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 20: You're indecent

Jian Shen spent two days to learn the Inferno Qi Slash to small scale success. And now that he had a technique to use during fights, it was time to continue increasing his cultivation.

Though he still remembered what happened with Wuying, Jian Shen's determination to grow stronger hadn't changed in the least.

And he himself didn't know why, but his instincts kicked in whenever he saw a beautiful woman making him want to taste their body.

Also, it wasn't as if every woman would love him, or he'd end up having feelings for everyone just because of what happened with Wuying.

Telling himself that he was going to have sex with women just to grow stronger, when deep down he knew that be enjoyed it, Jian Shen started thinking about his options.

The first option was obviously Fang Rong since she was the woman closest to him who he could have sex with at any time.

Unfortunately, while that was true, Jian Shen didn't want to do that because whenever be was around Fang Rong, he felt the need to always stay on his ties.

And as for Wuying, he didn't want to act on her until his emotions.

Since the two women he had sex with were ruled out, Jian Shen started remembering all the strong women he ever met and which of them had flirted with him or showed their interest in him.

While the number number of such women Jian Shen could remember couldn't be counted a many, they weren't too few either.

Out of them all, Jian Shen selected the woman who he could have sex with and not get into any problems.

For example, even though he could sleep with the queens and concubines living not too far from him, Jian Shen didn't want to do that since there was a great chance of getting caught due to one reason or the other.

Therefore the first woman he chose was Zi Lingxin.


Leaving his room, Jian Shen went to meet Zi Lingxin as soon as possible.

The time was still early in the morning and the sun hadn't even fully risen yet, therefore the crowd in the street was very minimal.

Due to this Jian Shen ended up reaching Lingxin's house faster than expected.

Xi Lingxin was none other than the Principal of the Deng Kingdom's Star Academy.

The Star Academy's goal was to nurture the young and promising students and help the King in scouting for geniuses to join his armies or as his personal guards for the palace.

The Academy was open to everyone who passed the test, or came from a powerful background.

Until recently even Jian Shen was a student of it, and had only graduated a few months back.

As for the reason Jian Shen was going to find Xi Lingxin was because not only was she the Academy's Principal, she was the same teacher who taught Jian Shen's class. And while it might not have been explicitly shown, Jian Shen was sure that Xi Lingxin was interested in him.

Stopping in front of what was a neither too small and nor too big house, Jian Shen pushed the nervousness and hesitation down as he put in a facade of confidence and knocked on the door.

In less than a few seconds, a woman in her 30s dressed in a pink coloured nightgown with long messy brown hair opened the door.

Rubbing her eyes which were drooping, the woman lazily said, "Who is it that's waking me up so early? Are you tired of living?"

"Teacher Lingxin, it's me, Jian Shen."

"I don't care if you're Jian Shen or Jian Shu....."

Stopping suddenly since something felt wrong, Lingxin opened her eyes wide to make sure she hadn't heard wrong.

Right in front of his eyes was the always cold looking Jian Shen with a smile on his face.

"Are you really Jian Shen?"

"Of course teacher Lingxin. Have you forgotten me already?"

"What? No! It's just that I've never seen you smile before, or for that matter ever seek me on your own. So I was just a little confused."

Blinking her eyes, and discretely pinching herself to make sure this wasn't a dream, Lingxin smiled.

"Tell me, Jian Shen, to what do I owe this pleasure of such an early visit? Also, call me just Lingxin. I'm not your teacher anymore."

"Ummm... Lingxin... Can we talk inside?"

"Sure, come on in."

Hiding her true feeling of elation, Lingxin apathetically nodded her head, and moved away from the door to let Jian Shen enter her house.

Once Jian Shen entered the door, Lingxin hastily shut the door afraid that he would change his mind and escorted him to the living room.

"Take a seat and wait while I make us some tea."

"Wait a second Lingxin!"

"What is it?"

Looking at Jian Shen questioning with her black eyes, Lingxin showed a seductive smile with her pretty pink lips thinking that maybe the sly and inviting glances she threw at him were going to show their effect.

After all, she wasted a whole year to teach Jian Shen and his class when she didn't need to, all of it just to get close to Jian Shen.

Unfortunately, he had always behaved too cold to let her do anything other than flash flirtatious glances at him.

"You're indecent."

"Excuse me?!"

While Lingxin was thinking that he was insulting her, Jian Shen walked closer to her.

Raising his arm which was weakly trembling, Jian Shen brought it near her breasts.

Looking down Lingxin was shocked to see one of Jian Shen's hand grasp her naked breast, while the other one pulled her nightgown up to her shoulder blade and pushed her breasts inside it.

It turned out that when she woke up, her nightgown had slightly slid down causing one of her breasts to be revealed!

So that means the reason Jian Shen asked to come inside was so that others wouldn't see her like that?

Thinking about this Lingxin felt slightly disappointed, all the while not even minding that Jian Shen had just touched her naked boob.

"Thank you. I'll bring us that tea now."

Turning around Lingxin left to make tea while thinking that both of her boobs should've been revealed. Because in that case he'd have touched her breasts longer.

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