The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 200: Zheng Niu

Zheng Niu wasn't the kind of beauty that men would be dying to try and make them their own.

Instead, she was the cute but attractive kind that made men have a warm feeling from looking towards them.

In a sense, she was similar to Meng Lulu.

And this was why Jian Shen was so interested in the woman, and in taking her away with him.

Dressed in red robes just like Meng Lulu, Zheng Niu's major difference other than her appearance was the number of ornaments in her hair and around her neck.

There was also that one ornamental sword hanging from her waist, which Meng Lulu didn't have.

A modest pair of breasts, and a surprisingly perky and curvy ass which made her more attractive, Zheng Niu was more than good enough to stand out even when in the middle of thousand beautiful women.

"The one who'll be taking me away?"

Using one of her hands to cover her cheek which Jian Shen had just kissed, Zheng Niu asked, "How do you plan on doing that?"

"In whatever way necessary. Even if by force."

While saying those words, a serious glint surfaced in Jian Shen's eyes which made Zheng Niu think that he wasn't kidding.

"But don't worry, we have a lot of time until the ship reaches its destination. So I'm sure in making you fall in love with me before that happens."

"Well, I'll have to praise you on your confidence and wish you good luck, because you'll need it."

Saying so, the woman moved to the side and began walking away when Jian Shen's hand unconsciously moved to grab her by the waist.

But, he managed to stop it in the end before it touched Zheng Niu.

Noticing this, Zheng Niu had a weird look on her face as she slowly walked away while looking towards Jian ashen over her shoulders.

Turning around and looking towards Zheng Niu's back, Jian Shen shook his head from thinking that he was seeing Meng Lulu through her.

Sighing loudly at how some things weren't so easy to forget or bury in the past, Jian Shen just remembered that he hadn't actually obtained a room.

Going down to find the wet Yan Bo, the ticket lady, and Zuo Wen who was also wet for some reason, Jian Shen said, "I want the best room you've got."

"The best room? Do you know how much it cos... "

Slapping the ticket lady before she could speak any further, Yan Bo with an expressionless face stated how much it would cost to which in response Jian Shen quickly paid him and obtained a key to the room.

Having obtained the key, Jian Shen didn't ask any one of them on where to find the room and instead went to find Zheng Niu whose location he was tracking continuously.


"You're here already. What do you want now?"

Though Zheng Niu's words sounded like she wasn't appreciating Jian Shen's presence, her eyes and the smile on her face, however, said otherwise.

"As an owner of this ship, isn't it your duty to escort your customers to their rooms?"

"Sure. If you could show me your room number, I'll be more than happy to take you there."

Pulling the key he obtained out of his World Crest, Jian Shen showed it to Zheng Niu who let out a small whistle and said, "You're rich as well."

Yes. With how much it cost to book the costliest room on the luxury ship, a family of four could live for almost ten years on the Island of Ships.

As for what was special about the room, there was literally nothing other than a woman being assigned to take care of everything they wanted, and a small swimming pool right next to it.

Still, the cost wasn't anything special to Jian Shen who had a warehouse full of money to use in the Mortal Realm.

Walking a floor higher because that was where the best room was at, Zheng Niu who herself hadn't even entered the room despite being an owner of the ship moved at a pace faster than usual.

This was because there were only one of those super costly rooms, and staying inside them meant the possibility of no one customer buying the room.

Therefore, since Jian Shen had spent the money to buy the room and was trying to seduce her anyway, Zheng Niu decided to satisfy her curiosity by seeing how luxurious the room actually was.

Opening the door and entering first, Zheng Niu after looking around a little said, "We are literally robbing you by asking you to pay so much for this room."

Entering the room himself, Jian Shen smiled and closed the door behind him.

"No problem. I'm more than happy to accept compensation in the form of you."


Turning around in surprise, Zheng Niu who saw Jian Shen standing right behind her almost jumped in surprise before saying, "You'll have a woman assigned to take care of everything you might want or need while on this ship."


As Zheng Niu nodded her head, Jian Shen used his finger to raise her head a little by the chin and said, "In that case, I want you to be that woman."

"Excuse me? I'm the owner of this luxury ship. The very one who paid to have this entire ship bui.. "

Stopping midway because Jian Shen was moving closer to her, Zheng Niu nervously asked, "What.... Why are you coming so close? I... "

Unable to move any further away due to her back touching hitting against the wall, Zheng Niu who turned behind to see what it was and then went back to looking in front of her saw Jian Shen's face less than an inch away from her.

"I want you... Niu'er."

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