The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 221: Visitors from the world above the sky

Managing to hold back his anxiousness and wait for the bidding to officially start, Jian Shen opened his mouth to make his first bid ever at the auction when he suddenly frowned and looked towards the auction house's dome.

The very instant he did so, the dome as if made of glass shattered into huge pieces followed by the pieces further breaking down again and again until it turned into dust and disappeared.

Flying through the ceiling were a man and a woman.

Judging by their appearance and the way they standing, Jian Shen quickly guessed that the man was obviously trying to court the woman.

And who wouldn't?

Given how beautiful she looked, there would be no limit to the number of men that would try and woo her.

But such thoughts weren't what he needed to be thinking about right now.

Due to the two swords having explained what pot was, Jian Shen was almost sure that the two of them had come here for that very pot.

"We should definitely obtain that, husband."

"I know. It just all seems troublesome to go against those two. Especially that woman, she's definitely very strong."

Rolling her eyes, Qingyu said, "You just don't want to confront her because she's beautiful."

Bitterly smiling, Jian Shen heard the two of them speak.

"That pot, I'd like to take it away with me."

The woman's voice sounded ethereal and made almost all men inside the auction house nod their heads unconsciously.

In fact, even quite a lot of the women were also mesmerized by the woman's voice.

Seeing that she received no response, the woman was about to further speak and offer to give what she had brought with herself to exchange for the pot.

But before she could, the man beside her stepped forward with a proud look and coldly harumphed.

"Humph! You nincompoops don't know how lucky you are. The two of us have travelled all the way from the world beyond your skies for this stupid pot. So don't waste our time and quickly hand it over before I kill every single one of you."

With his frown easing, Jian Shen now understood what it was that seemed off about the man and the woman.

Even though he could vaguely sense how strong they were, he could also tell that what their strength was based on was completely different from the other cultivators in the Mortal World alongside him.

"Sigh..... This is really going to be very troublesome."

Sighing loudly, Jian Shen surprised every woman in the room as he uttered those words.

Standing up and breaking the glass in front of him by knocking on it with his knuckles, Jian Shen began flying upwards.

Shocking every single one who was already surprised from learning that the two individuals who had mysteriously appeared and claimed to be from the world above theirs, Jian Shen finally stopped flying upwards when he was at the same height as the two of them.

Seeing Jian Shen, both the woman and the man instantly frowned for completely different reasons.

While the man frowned due to how handsome Jian Shen was, the woman however had a completely different reason behind frowning.

"That pot, belongs to me."

Smiling mysteriously and stepping forward, the woman didn't give the man the change to speak and said, "I don't know why you want that pot, but I'm sure it isn't worth causing problems between us, right?"

"Stop. If you know the identity of that pot like I think you do, you'd stop with such petty tricks."

Smiling even more when her amateur flirting techniques didn't work, the woman began thinking that Jian Shen was definitely someone very interesting.

At the same time, she identified both his talent and cultivation technique as something too extraordinary to exist in the weakest and smallest realm, the Mortal Realm.

"Those swo.. "

Cutting in because he felt like this was the time for him to show off, the man pointed his finger towards Jian Shen and loudly said, "Who do you think you are brat? Just for those words of yours, I could have you killed a thousand times over."

Having been envious of that handsome face since the moment he saw it, the man didn't want someone like Jian Shen to exist.

And now that he found a reason to act out without letting the woman's impression of him turn bad, how could he let it go?

Laughing loudly, the man said, "But since I'm a very generous man, I won't kill someone as weak as you because you're still very young and have a long time left to live."

"That's why, as long as you destroy your own face, I will let you continue living and forgive this offence of yours."

Hearing those words, Jian Shen honestly didn't care about it in the slightest.

But other than him, every single woman in the auction house frowned at those words.

This even included the woman who was beside the man.

After all, even though she wasn't close to Jian Shen, which woman would want for such a handsome face to be destroyed?

Not to mention the fact that she herself was scared of this mysterious boy who possessed two weapons which could cause disasters in the world she came from as well.

This was when that the man's eyes suddenly moved from Jian Shen and landed on the group of women that were there in the room he had just flown out of.

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