The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 294: Fox doctor

"Hey Lifen, I love you!"

Rolling her eyes from having grown used to hearing the same words every day, the woman who saved Jian Shen said, "Focus on chopping the wood."

Still thinking that the woman's voice sounded very warm and peaceful regardless of how she was feeling in the moment, Jian Shen was curious to see how she would look when she was angry.

Gao Lifen, the Snow Tailed Fox doctor.

Sighing loudly from how beautiful she looked, Jian Shen kept on looking at her who was sitting near the small pond created out of the condensed dew that fell from the bamboo trees.

A very pale white coloured skin like ice, golden eyes, red coloured marks on her face which looked like whiskers, the same coloured long white hair as him, and a pair of fluffy and cute but also sexy at the same time ears which served as a constant reminder that she wasn't a normal human.

Despite knowing that beasts who cultivated to a certain level could turn into human form, Jian Shen didn't know that after turning human they could hide their special animal traits.

After all of the beast-men he saw until now had at least one animal part showing at all times.

Be it their ears, tail, hands, whatever it was. There was always at least one thing which would serve as proof to show that they were a beast-man.

But this woman, she was definitely special.

Not just because of how beautiful she looked when her fox ears and tails were showing, but also because she could hide her ears and tails whenever needed and look like an ordinary human.

"Lifen, you aren't actually able to hide your tails and ears right?"


"Even though you are a Snow Tailed Fox who are creatures of the ice, you possess the innate hypnotizing powers of the Tailed Foxes. That's why I don't see your tails and ears from time to time, right?"


It had been an entire week since he had woken up, and Jian Shen who consumed quite a lot or soul recovering resources after using Lifen's help to identify them no longer felt as week as he did before.

Even though he was still filled with the gut-wrenching pain constantly because the healing of a soul which was broken was a long and painful process, Jian Shen never once showed how he was feeling on the inside as he tried to keep on talking to the fox doctor.

"But, how are you able to hypnotize me when I know that they are there?"

Smiling from hearing such a question for the first time because this was also the first visitor she ever had, Lifen said, "Look at that bamboo tree."

"You know that the tree isn't special and cannot hypnotize you. Therefore, you are never on guard against it. And that is good."

"But when you look at me, you do know that I'm capable of hypnotizing you. Still, due to the feelings you have towards me you don't try to resist me even when though you know you can be hypnotized."

Nodding his head, Jian Shen despite feeling that Lifen was maybe looking down on him for behaving so stupidly didn't think much about it and just smiled toward her causing her to once again roll her eyes.

"Don't talk to me anymore. Just pay up for everything I did to help you and leave."

He didn't know what it was about this woman, but Jian Shen didn't think he ever felt like this before.

From the time he saw her, Jian Shen truly felt that he had fallen in love with her.

Until now, she was probably the only woman who didn't make Jian Shen want to have sex with her and rather satisfied with just spending time with her.

"I can't believe how much of a cheapskate you are. You possess so many high-grade resources and ate them as if they were candies, but are refusing to use them to pay me back."

"I can say the same to you who despite being so strong is asking me to pay you for such a small sum of money."


Snorting towards Jian Shen whose real intention she knew very well, Lifen looked away and discretely smiled a little due to how fascinating she found the boy that she saved.


"The connection between us has become stronger so it's possible that husband is feeling better than before. But, why isn't he moving if he has been healed?"

"Do you even need to ask?"

Sighing loudly, Juewang despite not wanting to felt like she should just admit the truth she was reluctant to accept.

"He's flirting with a woman even in such a situation."

"What did you say? Humph! I'm going to teach that bot a lesson when I find him!"

Coldly snorting from feeling angry at how Jian Shen was enjoying himself while she and Meirong were searching for him while carrying his swords, Xifeng other than wanting to teach him a lesson after being relived from knowing that he wasn't in danger anymore wanted to see who this woman was that was making him stay inside the forest and not come find them.

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