The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 298: Enjoying a scenery that only the luckiest can

As soon as Lifen finished her explanation, Jian Shen didn't even have much time to do or so anything when the women inside his World Crest who now knew what made the Spring of Immortality even more special quickly created a huge ruckus.

Not staying silent in the slightest, almost every single woman, including Zheng Niu's mother Xiao Meilin came out and said that they wouldn't let him touch them ever again unless he let them out.

Though they remained silent when he was flirting with a woman despite being anxious about his health, there was no way they'd let him keep them a secret when the Spring of Immortality which would let them maintain their beauty for all eternity was so close to them.

Turning a little awkward, Jian Shen rubbed the back of his head and asked, "Can I borrow this spring for a few hours?"

"Borrow it?"


Looking weirdly at Jian Shen from never having seen him behave such a way, Lifen in the end spoke to him through narrowed eyes, "Fine. But only until sun down. I want to enjoy this spring under the moonlight anyway."

Once she finished speaking, Lifen while continuing to look at Jian Shen weirdly slowly left him all alone near the Spring of Immortality.

"Come out."

Muttering under his breath as he brought every single woman inside the World Crest out, Jian Shen ended up not listening to any jokes on him because all of the women were that attracted to the Spring of Immortality.

Walking near the pond of water which despite looking as if it was boiling was in the most perfect temperature, the women other than touching the water even went as far as to sniff it and see if it had any smell.

"Aaahhhh.... My skin looks so much fairer than before!"

"And this smell.... It's so goodddd!"

Talking to themselves as they explored the water, the women completely ignored Jian Shen who didn't know what to do about them.

Sure he always knew that women placed a lot of importance on their beauty, but never did he think that someone like Lifen and even Jian Xinyi would care so much about it.

Not that he blamed them for it because everything they did was for him anyway, Jian Shen just sighed and was about to turn around and leave to give the women their privacy when Suyin suddenly appeared behind him and tugged on the corner of his sleeve.

"What is it, Suyin?"

"Ummmm... I know that you prefer women who are more mature looking... So... So I wanted to know if I could enter the water... "

"Why would you ask me that? Feel free to enter it."

"But.… but what if I look the same way forever and you end up not having any interest in me?"

Blinking his eyes in surprise and then chuckling a little, Jian Shen playfully tapped on Suyin's forehead and said, "Don't think too much and enter the water."

Leaving after he said so, Jian Shen didn't face much difficulty in locating Lifen who was sitting on the branch of one of those trees which had beautiful cherry coloured flowers blooming all over them.

Breathing loudly as he felt amazed by how beautiful Lifen looked sitting there, Jian Shen despite knowing that the fox woman wasn't in a good mood couldn't help but say, "You look amazing... "


Snorting and looking away to hide her blush, Lifen said, "I knew that you were a pervert, but didn't know that you were such a huge pervert."

Chuckling as he flew up and sat beside Lifen on the same branch, Jian Shen didn't say anything as he watched the women that just came out of the World Crest quickly stripping and jumping inside the water.


Shorting once again as she saw that Jian Shen was looking at the women so brazenly while she was beside him, Lifen used her tails to push him away and put some distance between themselves.

Unfortunately, the shameless boy just slithered through the tails and used them as a blanket as he rested his head on her lap.

"Are you jealous?"


Snorting for the third time, Lifen didn't know what happened as she began moving her hand unconsciously and combed through Jian Shen's hair with it.

Chuckling as Lifen kept on looking away and didn't meet his eyes while pouting the entire time, Jian Shen could only turn his head and look at the women enjoying themselves inside the Spring of Immortality.

Almost laughing out loud as Meilin sexily showed off her naked body and invited him to join her, Jian Shen could only turn his head away because Lifen began pulling on his ear and forced him to do so.

"You're women are also just as perverted as you!"

"Don't misunderstand. That's my mother in law."

"You.... Sleeping with your mother in law? I.... I... Aaaaaaa!!"

Screaming since she didn't know what to say about this, Lifen held back her desire to once again tug on his ear and maybe even twist it this time.

Not bothering to clear the misunderstanding since that would only make him look even more suspicious, Jian Shen continued to enjoy the beautiful scenery which not even the entire money in the world could buy.

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