The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 393: I'll be taking that

"I heard that heavenly dragons were greedy, but how can you be so greedy? Didn't you already obtain the Fire God's Lotus?"

Glaring towards Jian Shen, the man who couldn't bear seeing the way his woman was looking towards him, the man hoped to make all of the others band up together with him against Jian Shen.

Unfortunately, such a desire didn't get fulfilled because his words were heard by every single person there due to which every single one of them learned about his identity and that he was strong enough to obtain a region's supreme treasure all by himself.

Thus, the women looked even more fervently towards Jian Shen since he was definitely capable of obtaining the Rainbow Garland and give it to whomever he wanted.

Similar to the Fire God's Lotus which was something everyone on the path of fire wanted to obtain, the Rainbow Garland was something that every woman wanted. In fact, even women who weren't the path of Dao of Flowers would go frantic over the possibility of obtaining one of them.

This was enough to explain why so many people were gathered here, when those who comprehended the Dao of Flower were less than a tenth.

Putting aside how those who tried to comprehend the Dao of Flower would obtain the same benefits given by the Fire God's Lotus to someone like Jian Shen, the reason every single woman wanted to possess them was all due to the beautifying effects it had on them.

In simple terms, even for women who haven't even heard about the Dao of Flowers which was only comprehended by a select few people that liked to create flowers out of nothing, those who wore the Rainbow Garland on their wrist would receive beautifying effects from it continuously until it finally withered away.

Therefore, there was no shortage in the number of women who wanted to obtain at least a single Rainbow Garland.

Putting aside the beautifying effects was limited to making their skin purer and body curvier, even the slightest benefit it gave in making the women look younger was more than enough to justify why it was so popular among women of all races.

"Can you get that for me, young noble? This one is willing to submit to you forever if you can give that to me."

Hearing those words, any man would think you better do so because the risk they were going to take to obtain it wasn't less in any way, but Jian Shen surprisingly didn't think so.

Right now, all he craved for was a woman he could have sec with and release his desires without having to keep them suppressed and become frustrating for him.

So, he never really thought about keeping Bingyao with him after the City of Beginnings closed despite how sexy she was.

Therefore, he said nothing and instead looked around carefully since the current situation wasn't the same as on that day when he took the Fire God's Lotus.

Given how all the elites who entered this city had increased their cultivation by at least one major realm, the number of Dao Emperors were not less in any way. In fact, just among the crowd gathered here, Jian Shen counted more Dao Emperors than the ones he faced soon after ascending on the Ancient Rock Domain.

Sure his own situation wasn't the same as before with one major dao ring, and fifteen minor dao rings he was in no way comparable to the him in the past.

Still, taking on so many Dao Emperors was definitely not a wise decision when the reason behind him wanting to do that was just to have sex with one woman.

While Jian Shen was having such thoughts, his surroundings remained deadly silent since every single person was making their own plans. Be it the men who wanted to impress their women, or the women who were fine with any man as long as they gave them the Rainbow Garland, everyone was lost in their own plan making.

Similarly, the men were also looking towards their enemies who were vying for the same time in hopes of assessing how strong they were and whom they should be the most careful of.

Whenever someone did this, all their minds would end up pointing towards Jian Shen.


Why was someone from the Heavenly Dragon Race here anyway?! Don't they have their own training field?!

Cursing Jian Shen inside their minds because someone from such a strong race shouldn't even be bothered to come here when their own race possessed the capabilities to let him obtain a foundation in dao without much trouble, everyone began secretly communicating with the other about forming a group to oppose Jian Shen.

As for the Rainbow Garland, they'll decide who obtains it after getting rid of their biggest threat.

Sensing this, Jian Shen fearlessly smiled and made up his mind.

Sure he was fine not competing for it in the beginning since there wasn't enough motivation, but now since people were having malicious thoughts towards him, there was no way Jian Shen would let them go.

Therefore, he began stepping forwards and jumped from one roof to the other with a relaxed smile and tauntingly said, "I'll be taking that."

"No you won't!"

Remembering how the beautiful girl beside him promised him her first time if he gave her that garland, the ugly boy flew straight towards Jian Shen after drawing his weapon out. Similarly, with someone taking the lead, the others didn't stay back either and instantly flew towards Jian Shen appearing like a tide which wanted to snuff the life out of him.

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