The Hedonist Sword God

Chapter 79: Jian Shen x Yu Yan

With Jian Shen's lips stuck to hers, Yu Yan was stunned because this was her first ever kiss, and she didn't know what to do.

Using his tongue to gently rub Yu Yan's lips, Jian Shen slowly parted then and made his tongue enter her petite mouth.

Once Jian Shen's tongue was inside her mouth, Yu Yan only felt more nervous and began flailing her tongue.

Stopping the kiss, Jian Shen pulled back and smiled towards the embarrassed Yu Yan.

"Was.... Was I doing it wrong?"

Not answering Jian Shen chuckled which made Yu Yan blush harder.

"There's no need to rush, if you're not ready Yu Yan. We can take it slowly."

Meekly nodding her head, Yu Yan got close to Jian Shen and rested her head on his chest.

"I love you, Jian Shen."

Interrupting Jian Shen who was about to say something, Yu Yan continued.

"But... Are you fine being with someone like me?"

"Like you?"

Looking up at the perplexed Jian Shen, Yu Yan said, "I mean, I'm a married woman... I doubted your kind intentions for so long... And..."

Kissing Yu Yan to stop her, Jian Shen pulled her legs up and hooked them around his back.

Moving forward Jian Shen stopped only after he pressed Yu Yan against the stream's end. Even with their bodies still submerged under the water, Yu Yan could feel something big and hot pressed against her belly.

"Shhh... Like I said, all that matters is if you want to be with me."

This time before Jian Shen could kiss her, Yu Yan went ahead and kissed his first.

Interlocking her fingers behind his head, Yu Yan despite feeling that her movements were awkward kept on kissing Jian Shen who used his tongue to guide her.

As the kiss kept on going without showing any signs of stopping, Yu Yan began feeling breathless but didn't show any signs of wanting to stop.

Because after a while Yu Yan fell in love with how it felt to kiss Jian Shen, and if possible didn't want to stop any time soon.

Unfortunately, they did have to stop at one point or the other.

Finally, it was Jian Shen who broke the kiss after noticing Yu Yan's condition.

Using his hand, Jian Shen gently patted her head and said, "Take it easy, Yu Yan. I'm not going anywhere."

While it felt both warm and kind when Jian Shen was patting her head, Yu Yan couldn't help but feel embarrassed that someone younger than her was looking out for her in such a thing.

Hurrying her head in Jian Shen's embrace, Yu Yan resisted to look up.

Shaking her head, Jian Shen picked up Yu Yan in a princess carry and began leaving the stream since staying in it for a long time wasn't good.

Not store to take both of their clothes, and his swords inside World Crest, Jian Shen who was still naked daringly carried Yu Yan inside the cave.

Once they were inside the cave, Yu Yan guessed what would happen next.

"Go to.. My side... I have a bed there..."

In fact, there were quite a few beds inside Jian Shen's World Crest, but considering the atmosphere, Jian Shen didn't say anything stupid and entered Yu Yan's side of the cave.

Taking his first step inside, even though it wasn't very obvious, Jian Shen could still smell the lingering scent of Yu Yan in the air.

Placing Yu Yan directly on the bed, the both of them didn't even bother wiping their wet bodies as they began greedily running their hands all over each other and planted kisses everywhere.

Now that the situation permitted, and the cave was illuminated enough to see properly, Jian Shen placed all of his attention on observing Yu Yan's body.

Her breasts were indeed not big like he preferred, the same way even her ass was modest and didn't stand out much, but Jian Shen still didn't feel let down.

Noticing that Jian Shen was looking at her breasts, Yu Yan muttered, "I know... They're too small and not to your liking, right? At the end all I have is a pretty face... I'm sor..."

Kissing her to once again interrupt her, Jian Shen said, "You're perfect just the way you are. So, don't ever apologize for it."

Saying so Jian Shen placed his hands on top of Yu Yan's breasts which perfectly fit his palm.

Sure there wasn't to much to squeeze, but Jian Shen didn't mind it in the slightest and used his fingers to rub one of her nipples.

Using his lips, Jian Shen proceeded to take hold of Yu Yan other nipple and made his tongue flick it.


Yu Yan's hands moved on their own as they held Jian Shen's head which was kissing her nipple.

"It feels so weird... Wierd and good!"

Not having expected that she would feel so different from Jian Shen just playing with her nipples, which were there her whole life, Yu Yan's thighs began rubbing each other to unconsciously satisfy her pussy which was eagerly leaking juices due to being turned on.

Noticing this, Jian Shen moved his hand to touch her pussy which didn't have any hair on it.

Raising his eyebrow Jian Shen looked at Yu Yan who seemed to figure out what his thoughts were.

"I... I was expecting that this would...."

Shaking her head Yu Yan corrected her words, "I was hoping to have sex with you, so I made sure to prepare appropriately."

"Not that I know what to do! I thought you'd like this... But if you don't..."

"You really can't help thinking too much, can you?"

Weakly nodding her head, Yu Yan's eyes turned wide as she said, "I can change my habit if you don't like it... Aaaahhhh..!"

Stopping midway and moaning slightly since she could feel a foreign object enter her pussy, Yu Yan's eyes began turning misty from lust.

"You're so cute."

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