The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 14 – Neighbors

“Now that all of this is settled I need to go” said Fujio, clearly in a hurry.

“Oh, but we didn’t...” said Yuria.

“I’m sorry but I have to go” said Fujio. Before any of us could say or do anything he left the room.

Yuria and Anna-nee were left stunned at what just happened. I was caught a little off guard but after a moment I turned my vision back to Yurika. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I knew her from somewhere and I was trying to figure out from where.

Noticing the way I was looking at her, Yurika’s smile turned from a excited one to a shy one while her cheeks turned to a delicate shade of red.

...she’s kinda cute.

A smile was about to form on my face when suddenly I felt a shiver run down my spine. I didn’t even had to look around to know what was the cause of that, since it was fairly obvious for me.

My eyes turned to the side, without moving my head, and I could see the intense stare that Rina was directing at me. She clearly wasn’t happy that I was looking so much at another girl, but I couldn’t exactly avoid it. That feeling of familiarity that I felt coming from her was bothering me and I was certain that it would continue until I discovered the why of that feeling.

I decided to don’t think that for now, since it didn’t look like I would solve this issue so soon.

“I apologize for my husbands attitude” said Aika.

“There’s no problem. We came unannounced so it’s natural that something like that might happen” reassured Yuria.

“Why was he in such a hurry?” asked Anna-nee.

“My husband been having problems at work recently and he’s doing his best to mitigate the damage, which includes a lot of meetings. In fact he only came home to eat and won’t come back until late at night” said Aika.

“I’m sorry to hear that. What kind of problems is he facing?” asked Yuria.

“Lets not talk about that. Why don’t you guys sit so we all can talk?” said Aika.

Like that Aika and Yuria sited together and started to engage in small conversation while I, Anna-nee, Rina and Yurika sited a little a part of them.

At first things were a little awkward but as time passed we started to warm up to each other. Yurika turned out to have a lot in common with Rina in regards to taste for clothes and pass times. Anna-nee also talked a lot with Yurika about school, since it turned out that she would go to the same school as us.

I also would enter in the conversation sometimes when Yurika expressed an interest that was similar to mine. During the conversation I noticed that Yurika, Rina and Anna-nee would some times sneak glances at me, like there was something aboout me that draw their attention. I also noticed similar glances coming from Yuria and Aika.

I imagine that was probably a result from the skill [Pheromone Aura(Passive)]. I had to say, the sensation coming from being the center of many women attention wasn’t bad.

After roughly two hours we we’re leaving their house.

“It was nice to meet you Yuria” said Aika.

“It was a real pleasure” said Yuria, showing a gentle smile.

They were exchanging pleasantries while the four of us were saying or good-byes as well.

“Until next time Yurika” said Anna-nee while smiling.

“Bye guys. It was really fun” said Yurika.

“Don’t forget to add us in that app” reminded Rina.

“I won’t. Hey don’t forget to check that site I mentioned before Rina. I think you will really like those clothes” responded Yurika.

“Mn!” nodded Rina.

At some point Rina and Yurika had hit off really well. I was glad that there was no awkwardness between them anymore.

“Bye Yurika. It was nice to meet you” I said.

“Mn” she nodded at me, turning a bit red.

After saying our good byes we went back home and each of us went to it’s respective room. It was nice to meet our new neighbors and I was a little excited about what they would bring to our lives in the future.

The only thing that bothered me was the sense of deja vu that Yurika was giving to me.

...maybe she’s also from a hentai?

I tried for some time to remember if she was from a story that I knew, but in the end it was to no avail.

I put those thought aside for the time being and started to ponder how the girls where acting recently. Ever since I bought the skill [Pheromone Aura(Passive)] I could see that they were directing their attention to my direction much more. That was also true to our neighbors, considering the number of times that I noticed Aika and Yurika sneaking glances at me. I wasn’t particularly interested in Aika but Yurika was another story. I had the feeling that in the future she would be a beauty on the same level as Rina and Anna-nee.

While thinking about that I noticed a few of my dirty clothes on the basket in the corner of my room. It seems that I had forgotten to bring it to the laundry room.

Looking at it and remembering about the women of the house reaction at me from the skill an idea came to mind.

Maybe I can confirm another of my conclusions sooner than I thought.

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