The Hentai Protagonist System

Volume 2 – Chapter 87 – Little Sister Resolve

(Rina’s POV)

I had to do everything in my power to not just get up and run away.

My heart was pounding so hard inside of me that I was afraid that it would jump out of my mouth. My face was so hot that I was certain that it was going to melt at any second.

I had to gather every bit of courage that I had to say those words to Onii-chan.

He looked back at me, with a very surprised expression on his face.

“Y-You’re really-” he tried to say.

“Yes yes yes, I’m certain! I’m completely certain! Don’t make me repeat myself!” I said, wanting this to just continue immediately.

I could barely gather enough courage to look at Onii-chan right now, although unable to meet his eyes. I was willing to go along with this situation, but it was taking every bit of resolve that I had.

It’s been almost a week since I notice that Onee-chan was looking at Onii-chan differently. I don’t what it was, but I mean certain that something happened between the two of them.

Something that changed their relationship.

Onee-chan sometimes acted very differently than before. She glance at him more often and didn’t react much when he was acting a little intimate with her as she did before.

I knew that something had changed between them, and if I didn’t want to be left out then I should do something about it as fast as possible.

I knew that Onii-chan has been acting a lot friendly with a bunch of girls, and that obviously was bugging me a lot. I liked Onii-chan and I didn’t want to see him taken away by anyone, much less by someone in our family.

I think I noticed my feeling for Onii-chan back when I was still being bullied by those three girls.

They discovered that I liked manga and anime, so kept just calling me disgusting otaku, worthless NEET, and other such things.

One day, at the end of school, Onii-chan came to talk to me about something that I don’t quite remember. One thing led to another, and he ended up seeing the three of them talking bad about me. They even went as far as insulting Onii-chan as well for being related to me.

I still remember clearly what happened back then.

Onii-chan looked at them with an empty expression. It was like he was some kind of robot, and nothing that they said could really affect him.

He slowly approached them and, while they were so busy badmouthing to notice what he was doing, punched Izumi in the face so fast and with such strength that she flew two meters backward.

After that, the events became a bit hazier. I remember that there was a lot of shouting and name-calling, a few teachers came and other parents intervened as well.

Later mom said that Izumi’s family tried to have me expelled from school. I guess that since Onii-chan didn’t go to my school back then they wanted to make me pay for what happened. Luckily, father came and somehow buried the entire event. I wasn’t officially expelled, but it was agreed that it would be for the better if I was transferred to another school.

While all of that was happening, I confronted Onii-chan about his actions. I didn’t ask him to cause such a ruckus, so I was very angry at him for creating such commotion just because they said a few bad words to us.

It wasn’t fair to him, but I was so caught up with what he did that I didn’t even think about why he did that.

After a long time of me giving him a barrage of angry words about why he shouldn’t have punched Izumi, he simply looked at me like I had said something stupid.

“Even if you tell me to not do that, I still would have punched her anyway. If she doesn’t like the same things as you is one thing, but to go as far as to just insult you like that just for the fun of it?! No way I’m going to let anyone off the hook for that, especially because of how wounded you looked from what they were calling you! I might tolerate if someone insults me, but I’ll never let anyone say something bad about Rina, much less right to my face!”

When I heard those words I felt my heart clenched a bit, but in a good way. That was the first time I saw Onii-chan acting differently from his usual calm self. He might sometimes act a little vexed, frustrated or uncertain, but that was the first time I saw him truly angry, and it was for my sake.

Looking back, even if I wasn’t completely aware at the time, that was when I first started to see Onii-chan in a different way.

After that I found myself doing my best to be able to enter the same school as Onii-chan and Onee-chan, something that hadn’t even bothered in trying before. Mom said that we would go to the same High School eventually, but I wanted to spend more time with Onii-chan, so I wanted to be in the same school as him as fast as possible.

I did a good enough job, and with a slightly good word from father at mom’s request, I manage to enter their school.

I also eventually realized my feelings for Onii-chan as well.

When Onii-chan started to show interest in other girls I started to think about ways to make him look only at me. I didn’t want him to look at other girls besides me. It bothered me that he would so shamelessly act so intimate with other girls, especially considering that they were people that I really like, such as Onee-chan and Yurika.

But that perception also changed because of those three bullies, Minako, Sae, and Izumi.

On our first meeting after roughly a year after seeing each other, when they were trying to mess with me again, Onii-chan didn’t even hesitate to make it clear that if they didn’t leave us alone he wouldn’t hesitate to hurt them again.

I felt really happy that, despite shamelessly flirting with other girls, he still was willing to cause so much confusion for my sake.

After that, I eventuelly came to a conclusion.

I knew that even if I were to ask Onii-chan to stop flirting with other girls he wouldn’t. Once he got something that he wanted, even if he didn’t act like it, he wouldn’t stop until he manage to get it, and it looked like he wanted to have more than one girlfriend.

It looked like he wanted to have a harem, like in a manga.

Was I happy with that? No.

Was I going to stop him from trying? Even if I tried, I don’t think I would be able to.

Did that make me give up on being with him? Absolutely not.

It did bother me that he wouldn’t only look at me, and a lot, but believed that I could work my head around the idea.

I just had to do my best for him to look at me more.

I knew that I had to do something, but every time we were alone and that thought crossed my head I got col feet and said to myself ‘Maybe next time’.

But for some reason, today I manage to gather enough courage to make a move. I manage to gather enough courage to actually started stripping in front of Onii-chan

I don’t know why I manage to do that, why my heart was beating so loudly, why my entire body was feeling like it was on fire, why my breathing grew heavier with each second, but one thing I knew for certain.

There would be no going back from here.


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