Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

Social Links: [Patreon] | [Twitter] | [Discord]

Arenade and Edina dragged Kanae straight upstairs to their room, then slammed the door shut.

"W-What happened?" Kanae asked, unable to discern why they looked so panicked.

"If you know what's good for yourself and us, you'll stay away from Estaline! She isn't someone your level can just want willy nilly like other adventurers in town. H-How about just getting your rocks off with the elf bitch instead?" Edina tried to push Arenade up to him and only got herself into a fistfight with the priest.

"Why don't you try getting stuck by a succubus, ratwhore? Don't bring me into this!" Arenade growled, both hands clasped like wrestlers shoving the other out of the ring.

It was clear to Kanae by their reaction that Estaline wasn't someone to be messed with. However, the brief glance that he saw of her, she seemed very chivalrous and kind. He had always wanted a tall lover, strong… and willing to… pin him to the bed…

They were probably right to tell him off though. From what other people were saying downstairs that Estaline was a member of the Knights of Colors, she must be a very fearsome adventurer.


In which case, for a demon like himself, she could very well be his doom.

"Alright, fine. I won't try to lay my hands on Estaline," Kanae said, then lowered his voice. "For now…"

The other two were relieved to hear it.

"I'm still curious what her level is? And also, what's her race?" he asked.

Estaline must be at a very high level, so having sex with her would be a huge boost to his experience. But what Kanae was really interested in was her race. It was what drew him to her in the first place. Her appearance was almost reptilian, but the horns suggested something draconic.

"That Estaline is a drakeling," Arenade began, peeling herself away from Edina. "They are among the most physically blessed races. High natural defense from their scales, increased strength from a draconic bloodline, and can even breathe the element of their scale color. Their only downside is that all drakelings have the racial perk called Loyalty Fixation."

"Loyalty Fixation?" Kanae repeated curiously.

"It's that dragon ancestry. Makes them fiercely loyal for life when they find someone to serve. No one knows how it's triggered or how it works," Edina added.

"Someone to serve, huh?" He made the mistake of falling into thought and his mind began to swim with ideas. Having a personal drakeling knightess who didn't even need to be charmed, do his every bidding, and protect him with her life.

Every girl needed their knight in shining armor. Will almost took that role, until the paladin decided to hit up brothels in another city instead. Kanae still fumed from that, like he wasn't a good enough lay to keep him around.

Lately, it hasn't been enough. Kanae's sex drive continued to grow. Maybe living in a city like this was a mistake. It would be nice to have a place where he didn't need to hide his succubus features, but living amongst fellow demons might draw Charron's attention, and none of them were ready to take him on.

"Y-You know, Kanae…" Edina began, turning red and pressing her fingertips together. "As party members, we've already been through a lot. If you… If…"

Kanae held his breath. Was this what he thought it was? It sounded as if Edina was going to let offer herself as another source of sexual relief.

However, Arenade interrupted the rest of Edina's sentence by kicking the door open.

"Come on, you two! We got quests to do and levels to gain!" the demigoddess declared.

As Arenade exited the room, Edina appeared to have lost her resolve.

"Wait, Edina! You were about to ask me something?" Kanae stopped the squirreling at the door.

"N-Nothing! I was just going to say, let's keep doing our best from now on, and… thanks again," she said.

"For what?"

"When you forgave me even after I tried taking more loot than I should have. I'm going to do better from now on. As teammates!" 

Edina booked it downstairs to follow after Arenade, leaving Kanae happy to have seemingly gained a more permanent party member. The squirreling was cute, and it looked like she was still trying to get over the trauma of having been made a level 1 pack mule.

For now, Kanae didn't need to rush it. Arenade just needed to pick up the slack. Maybe he might even have another round with the demigoddess tonight.

Kanae followed them downstairs just as Arenade picked up a slime extermination quest in the forests of Turic.

"Slimes?" Kanae asked, reading the notice details.

"Either that or go after a weird group of humanoid monsters in the forest." Arenade slapped down a second quest notice in her hand.

This other one was definitely weird. It asked adventurers to investigate sightings of a humanoid group that consisted of an orc, goblin, and minotaur seen traveling together around Turic. A weird mix of races that had nothing to do with each other was certainly odd.

Kanae threw Edina an accusatory look if she had anything to do with the choices.

"Don't look at me. Arenade picked the two easiest quests on the board for easy money. I wanted to fight this to raise as a minion." Edina showed him a high level quest that required them to kill a giant, dinosaur-like monster.

"Uh. Yeah, we'll go with slime extermination," Kanae said, pretending he didn't see a thing.

They brought the quest over to Sara so she could sign off on it, but the guild receptionist had a warning to give.

"This goes without saying, but be careful out there. A dragon's sudden appearance has put many dire beasts into hiding. More invasive creatures like slimes and ropers have taken residence in their absence," she explained.

"Ropers…" Kanae swallowed hard, body still familiar with the touch of the tentacle urchin. He cleared his throat to ask a more pressing question. "What about the dragon itself? Should we be worried about it while doing quests?"

The receptionist shook her head. "Thankfully, the dragon's taken roost in the mountains behind Turic. Estaline and her party have set off to deal with the threat. However, that doesn't mean there isn't a chance it may show anywhere."

"W-We'll keep that in mind," he said.

The trio ventured into Turic to slay twenty bouncing slimes. Out of the city at last and away from public eyes, Kanae dropped his human form.

"Nnngh!" He stretched wings and tail. "It feels like I'm finally taking off my work uniform after a long day slaving away at a soul-sucking job."

"You sure want to do that? Could be other adventurers out here," Arenade warned.

"Leave it to me! I have a racial trait that improves my hearing! I'll be sure to let Kanae know if other people are near," Edina assured them. "That said… the dire beasts really are just gone."

They reached the area infested with bouncing slimes, jumping around and flinging their goo everywhere. The monsters all came in different colors, but every single one shared the same trait of having a marble-like slime core floating within their gelatinous body.

"Alright, let's get this show on the road! We got some experience to gain, money to make, and a demon lord whose ass needs kicking at the end of it!" Arenade used the multi-spell gloves to create a large amount of vines to try and capture the slimes.

However, the amorphous monsters couldn't be caught so easily and changed shapes to escape the entanglements.

"Ah, crap… A little help?" she asked.

"Create Undead!"

Four humanoid skeletons with basic swords and shields manifested from pure magic. They charged in at Edina's command to fight the slimes.

After leveling up in the Necro Lord's tomb, their necromancer gained a spell that didn't require corpses. Instead, she was able to conjure low level undead as summoned units to fight. They weren't the strongest, but did serve their purpose.

"Hold them off, Edina. I'll finish them off!" Arenade brought down a beam of holy energy on the battling undeads and slimes. The holy spell, unfortunately, annihilated Edina's undeads in an instant and only dealt minor damage to the slimes.

"You dumb elf bitch! Watch where you're aiming!" Edina yelled.

"I didn't know your undeads were going to be that weak! How about summoning something stronger!" the priest fired back.

"Kanae, back me up here!" Both of them turned to Kanae for support, but little did they know, in the midst of their fight and bickering, he purposefully allowed the slimes to attack him.

The slightly warm gooey monsters stuck to Kanae's body like globules of honey. He was much higher level than slimes, so they weren't really a threat to anyone but his party members.

"Don't mind me. I just thought these things were kind of cute… mmm." Kanae bit his lower lip as two slimes slipped underneath his robes.

"EH?!" they uttered in confusion.

"I'll break you out of it!" Arenade said. "Holy—"

"Turn Horny." He brought the priest to her knees, clutching her crotch and trying her best not to climax.

"Nnh… What was… that for…" she asked.

"What do you think? You were about to cast an offensive holy spell on top of me! Besides, I'm not in danger. Look."

Kanae caught a blue slime that bounced toward him. It became so much more malleable in his hands, allowing him to shape it at will. He did just that and molded a dildo-shaped slime.

"You're a real slut, aren't you?" Edina squinted at the slime sex toy with subdued curiosity. "That's great and all, but we still need to kill them to complete the quest."

"Oh, alright…" Kanae stiffened his tail and stabbed the core of the slime out of its body. The gelatinous monster shuddered, darkened in color, then solidified into a rubbery and silicone-like material. He didn't expect that to happen but was glad it did.

Shaking it around doesn't cause it to change shape anymore. It was stuck like this in death. If that was the case… he hatched an idea.

Kanae proceeded to shape every slime into various sex toys from memory. Of course, they were poorly made, but retained the intended shape of a penis, an onahole with a pussy and ass on each end, a clenched hand, and even a mouth.

"Ehehe… I kind of want to try all these—"

"Okay, Miss Succubus. You had your fun." Arenade, having recovered, bonked him on the head to knock the horny away.

"S-Sorry, I got carried away…" Kanae apologized.

Edina was happily collecting the slime cores to be sold when she froze up.

"Dragon!" she cried.

"Dragon? I don't hear a thing," Arenade said.

Something large beat their wings overhead, blasting a powerful gale their way. They froze up, petrified by the sight of a black dragon glaring down at them.

"O-Okay… I hear it now," the priest said.

The dragon let loose a deafening roar.

"Run!" Kanae shouted.

They made a break for it deeper into the forest. Arenade threw what spells she had at the dragon to no effect. Edina summoned undead archers, but their arrows clattered off the scales.

At this rate, it was going to catch them.

When the dragon swooped in with its talons to catch them, Kanae tackled both Arenade and Edina to the ground. The three rolled down a dried riverbank and slammed into the other side. An outcrop in the earth and gnarled tree roots shielded them from the dragon's sights, and they waited, holding their breaths, until it flew away.

The three let out a sigh, then realized they weren't alone.

Kanae, Arenade, and Edina glanced over to their side. Also hiding with them and just as terrified were a goblin, orc, and minotaur. Both groups stared at the other for a few seconds and screamed.

Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

Social Links: [Patreon] | [Twitter] | [Discord]

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