Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

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A demon lord's lieutenant?!

Kanae snapped the tail out of Elvira's pussy a little too quickly and brought her to climax. The disheveled elven woman fell flat on her back, chest rising and falling from trying to catch her breath. He suddenly lost the urge to eat her out after preparing her.

Sure, they had gotten stronger, but that didn't mean they were ready to take on something as strong as that. If the multiple near-death experiences in the Necro Lord's tomb and in the fight against the dragon was any indication, they needed a lot more help than just the three.

"I-I think you're overestimating me and my party's abilities to fight. We're not exactly the most cohesive group. There's got to be stronger adventurers you can ask," Kanae said.

"Regrettably, because this is a low-level zone, we don't have many options. A lot of the guards stationed in Orturic also haven't seen much fighting and have grown weaker for it. You, on the other hand, fought alongside Estaline to defeat a dragon! Being a succubus, you might even stand a chance no matter what is sent to us," Duke Kroenig explained.

"But why Orturic? What kind of threat does a low-level city pose to Demon Lord Charron that he sends a lieutenant?"

"This wouldn't be the first low-level city to be attacked in recent years. It might be that the demon lord is trying to stifle the growth of fresh adventurers to set himself up for the long fight. Please, Kanae. Will you help us?" he pleaded.

If Orturic was going to be destroyed, then so would the new shop that they worked hard to set up. Takumi and the others might also get hurt, and Kanae was responsible for bringing them into the city to begin with.

"Okay, I'll help. I won't be fighting alone, right?" Kanae asked.

"That goes without saying!" Duke Kroenig sighed with relief. "The city guards are duty-bound, and every member of the adventurer's hall will receive a participation bounty. Your bravery will especially not go unrewarded!"

Well, Kanae did owe Charron payback for what he did. If it wasn't for that meddling demon lord, he might have still been a boy and a stronger class in this world. Instead, he was a succubus with zero offensive skills.

Even at this level!

The discussions concluded with Kanae promising to help the city of Orturic. After being treated to a grand dinner, he was shown to a grand bath next.

It was about the size of a swimming pool. Even the public bathhouse paled in comparison to it. Music from magical stringed instruments and piano played on their own from cupid statues on the ceiling, water gushed out from four different statues of naked women at each corner, and some sort of magic from the walls produced a calming effect in the atmosphere.

"Nnh… This is so much more embarrassing than being served to a succubus as food." Elvira groaned as she squeezed Kanae's right arm between her thighs.

"Keep rubbing. I want my body to be squeaky clean." Kanae smiled to himself and shut his eyes to enjoy the moment of being pampered.

While Elvira was using her body to wash Kanae, Thedia was sitting behind him and scrubbing his back with a towel. Her sharp, feline claws glided gently over his skin. The hot water and hot steam left him in bliss. If only he could stay like this and be spoiled forever.

"Thank you for agreeing to help the duke and the city," Thedia began. "I know things appear dire, but you have my sincerest gratitude as well. I have two sisters who live in Orturic, and I fear for their safety."

"You aren't the only one with people in the city. I'm actually surprised how nice the duke is. Are you guys really as loyal to him as he says?" Kanae asked.

Elvira scoffed. "I doubt a succubus like you would understand loyalty, seeing as you're fighting against your own kin. Duke Kroenig pays us well, sees that we are taken care of, and has poured much effort over the decades to ensure this domain's prosperity. Not just his own."

"Color me surprised. I thought he was going to be one of those cliched, asshole noble that wants to chain me up and keep me as a sex slave," he mumbled in disappointment.

"What?" Both of them choked on their spit.

Thedia giggled, her warm breath tickling the back of Kanae's neck. "The duke isn't that sort of man, I assure you. He's too much of a coward and is too much in love with a certain someone to see anyone else. It's actually quite troubling, since he has yet to produce an heir."

Whoever that lucky or unlucky woman was, one thing was for sure, if she would probably be pampered well her entire life by the duke.

Damn it.

Kanae didn't want to leave. He was enjoying this luxurious life too much, and a day hadn't even passed. But Arenade and Edina were probably living it up, too, with all the money they had earned. Despite how sad they looked, he was sure they wasted no time in going on a spending free without him to tell them otherwise.

Maybe just a little more fun before leaving.

"Duke Kroenig told me you two have to listen to whatever I say within reason, right?" Kanae asked.

"That he did. What would you ask of us?" Thedia moved to join Elvira in front of him, but only one of them was eager to serve.

"Hmmm. I want to see you two make out," he said.

"W-What?" Elvira flinched. "I refuse to sate your filthy, voyeuristic— mmpph!"

Thedia put a hand behind Elvira's head and pulled her in for a kiss. Kanae watched with joy as the eager feline beastman overpowered the struggling elf, pressing their naked bodies together, rubbing their bare breasts, and swapping spit. Their faces, already pink from the heat, were taking on a deeper shade of red. Occasionally, their lips would part and only their tongues remain attached.

"Elvira, what level are you?" Kanae asked, rising from his seat to embrace her from behind.

"Mmpph… chhuu… thirty… mmm… shllrp… six…" the elven mage answered between wet kisses.

On the other hand, Thedia had no sigil on her wrist. Technically, Elvira was the highest level in Orturic. It was going to take a lot more to beat whoever is coming to fight them.

Kanae stroked Elvira's slender and petite body, causing her to shudder to his touch. He grabbed a handful of her butt to spread both cheeks, then plugged his tail into her pussy again.

"Mmmm!" Elvira jerked forward, but she only fell deeper into Thedia's embrace from being sandwiched between them.

"You know, I have an elf in my party," Kanae whispered into her long, pointed ear. "Whenever I want to have sex, she can't say no. The sweet moans she makes, how flustered she gets… I can show you how good I make her feel, too."

The elven woman's eyes rolled to the back of her head as Kanae pumped her pussy full of his tail and reached forward to rub her clit.

"I think Elvira needs a little sexual relief. Thedia, can you make her feel good down there, too?" He flashed an impish smile.

"As you wish." Thedia knelt down, buried her face into Elvira's crotch, and began licking the engorged nub.

Without a cork in her mouth anymore, Elvira's moans echoed in the large bath.

"Aahh… aahhh! No, wait… I'm… Thedia, please… slower— aahhnnn!"

"Not so tough anymore, huh?" Kanae taunted and pinched the elven woman's puffy nipples which made her arch her back. "How about this? Turn Horny!"

"Nhh— I'm cumming! I can't think straight anymore… I'm cumming so much— aaaaahhhh!" Elvira convulsed so much, she was a localized earthquake.

[Congratulations! You are now level 33!]

Only up by one level after a sexual encounter with a level 36? It really was getting harder to gain experience now. No new skills either. If Kanae had known he was going to have to fight a demon lord's lieutenant, then he would have tried to coerce Estaline into having sex with him. At least that way, he would have leveled more.

There was no use crying over spilled milk at this point. They need to work with what they got now. 

Thedia carried the exhausted Elvira out of the pool and laid her down on the moist, marble floor. The maid was quite the minx herself, going in on the elf like a cat in heat.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a succubus yourself." Kanae only meant that as a joke, but Thedia tensed up when he said that.

"Oh, come now." Thedia's laughter dispelled the tension. "Surely those of us who aren't sex demons are entitled to some fun."

Since the demon threat was a pressing matter, Kanae declined staying at Duke Kroenig's manor any longer than he should. A carriage was waiting for him outside to take him back to Orturic, and both the duke and Thedia saw him out. He had hoped to see Elvira one more time to tease her further, but it seemed like he had taken too much out of her earlier.

"My scouts report that we have mere days before the demons reach Orturic. I have soldiers from the nearby garrison arriving soon to make fortifications on the north and southern gates of the city," Duke Kroenig said.

"It would be nice if I can just sex the demon lieutenant to death, but I feel like it won't be that easy." Kanae sighed, hopping into the carriage.

"Goodbye for now." Thedia curtsied. "When next we meet, perhaps you shall partake in me instead?"

Kanae turned red. After Renya, Thedia was the second woman to so aggressively pursue him. Damn it all. If only he was still a guy. He at least wanted to try having sex with a dick once.

"Oh, that's right. I have cleared your name. Although the accusation was made public, no one should doubt you now that everyone thinks we've assessed you aren't a succubus." The duke smiled proudly.

"Thank goodness…"

When Kanae returned to Orturic, he went straight to the adventurer's hall to find his party. They weren't there, but he did come back to a bunch of people cheering for him.

"The Streaking Dragonslayer's back!"

"Yeah! We knew you weren't a succubus!"

"Kanae! Welcome back!" Sara, the one of the receptionists, waved from the counter.

"W-What's going on?" Kanae asked.

"We received a formal pardon from both the mayor and duke, absolving you of the crimes they accused you of. They said the true culprit was a succubus spy from the demons that are planning to siege Orturic," she explained.

A spy, huh? Interesting cover story to spin, but it looked like people believed it.

"I'm glad, but… is it just me, or is everyone a little too relaxed about the city being invaded by demons?" Kanae glanced around the room to see adventurers still drinking and arguing what quests to take.

"After seeing you take on a dragon, they think they are in good hands. The duke also placed a participation which really lifted their spirits. Although I do admit I'm a little scared," Sara confessed, her voice quivering.

That was no surprise. It was different for an adventurer, but a regular citizen who didn't fight was another matter.

"Don't worry. My party and I plan to stay and fight." Kanae smiled. "First I need to find them…"

"If it's Arenade and Edina you're looking for, I think they went to your store," she said.

"What are they doing there at this time of the day…?" he wondered aloud.

Kanae made his way to the sex toys shop, and he was met with their backs as they were talking to the store staff.

"Here's the plan," Arenade began. "It's going to take all of us, and your sacrifices I'm willing to make."

"My skeletons will distract the guards, and you guys will follow Arenade into the mansion to find Kanae," Edina added.

While they were none the wiser, Takumi, Manabe, Ichi, Ingrid, and even the roper had already taken notice of Kanae's presence and were staring right at him.

"Hey, do you guys have wax in your ears? Are you listening?" Arenade waved in their faces.

"Miss me?" Kanae asked.

They whipped around faster than light


Arenade slapped him across the face.

"What was that for?!" He pressed a hand to his stinging cheek.

"S-Sorry!" Arenade cried. "I thought you were fake! What the hell happened?"

"Yeah, you were arrested for only half a day? Did you break out yourself?" Edina asked.

"You guys might want to sit tight, because there's a lot to explain," he said.

After explaining to them what happened with Duke Kroenig and what was going to happen to the city, all of them were visibly and understandably upset.

"D-D-Demon lord's lieutenant?" Manabe stammered.

"What do we do? Should we get outta the city before the demons get here?" Ichi asked.

"No, we're going to fight and protect this city. I promised the duke I would, and he promised me a big reward. Besides, I kind of want to get it on with that elf and cat girl again…" Kanae said, twiddling his fingers.

"Oh, lucky you. Adding more hot chicks to your harem." Takumi groaned.

"This isn't the time to play hero!" Arenade grabbed Kanae's shoulders and forced him to face her. "Fighting Charron's inner circle is no joke. There are some seriously strong foes among them! Whoever is coming has got to be at a high level."

"I know. The only thing we have going for us is that level isn't too indicative of someone's strength. We still stand a chance, and I have an idea," he explained.

The three of them made their way to Rosaline's atelier and found the lamia woman stocking her empty shelves. It looked like adventurers and guards had bought everything up to prepare for the demons.

"Why hello, my favorite patrons! Sorry I'm fresh out of potions and elixirs. All I have left are mystery concoctions unless you want to try them?" Rosaline raised a box filled with suspiciously labeled vials.

"I'm still getting over the trauma of your mystery potions from last time!" Arenade pushed the box away from her face.

"Rosaline, this is going to sound crazy, but… I'm a succubus." Kanae confessed.

"Oh, I already know."

They stared blankly at her.

"Wait, really?" Edina squinted.

"Did you really think a succubus could escape my scholarly gaze? I knew the moment I licked Kanae's vagina and tasted the semen of countless men" she exclaimed.

"Oh, my god…" Kanae buried his head into both hands out of sheer embarrassment.

"You kept this a secret?" Arenade asked. 

Rosaline slithered out from the counter to put an arm around their shoulders. "I haven't a need to turn you in, because you're my best customers and sell me quite the exotic goods! So, why have you come to my empty atelier? I doubt it was just to tell me you are a succubus."

The alchemist didn't know this, but she was suddenly at the top of the list of people who could have ousted him as a succubus to the duke, then immediately went to the bottom.

"I wanted to ask if you still have that mana-vamp starfish? I'm thinking we can breed more and use it to fight the demons," Kanae said.

"I do, but we would need a second mana-vamp starfish to breed more. Unless…" Rosaline cocked her head at him.

"The truth is… I have just the skill to help with that." He gulped.

Don't forget to check out my other stories!

I am Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Caretaker of Otherworldly Tenants [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Magical Girl Kari: Apocalypse System [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

The Hero Became a Succubus! [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon]

Micchi Versus the New world [Scribble Hub] | [Patreon] | [Amazon]

Ellori, the Ero Witch of Parthun [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

The Housewife's Netorare App [Scribble Hub] | [Amazon]

Social Links: [Patreon] | [Twitter] | [Discord]

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