The Hero Kneels

Chapter 106: Ghost Building 1

Early the next morning, Ye Dou's door was knocked open.

When I opened the door, I saw a few strong men in black ghost uniforms standing outside the door, all of them wearing sunglasses, but the person at the head was a fair and short-haired woman.

"Leader, I'm Li Lan, the deputy soul searcher of Xicheng, and we've come to pick you up to carry out your mission in Xiaguan!" The woman nodded slightly and bowed with a smile on her face.

The rest of the strong men wearing sunglasses bent down and bowed slightly, with a respectful look.

"Leader? You call me leader?" Ye Dou felt strange.

When was the last time you were a leader?

Looks like kindergarten.

I remember that the whole kindergarten went out on an outing that day. The teacher was very busy, so he asked himself to lead a group of little girls to the toilet. As a result, he took the little girls to the men's toilet, and let the little girls see all kinds of strange caterpillars 18 years in advance. , and scared a few little girls to tears.

Because of this, I was rewarded by my teacher, and since then I have no relationship with the word "leader", and I have always been in the status of a civilian.

Now being called a leader is uncomfortable.

"Cough, don't call me the leader, call me Ye Dou." Ye Dou said directly.

Li Lan nodded: "Then Big Brother Ye, let's go first, I will report the situation to you on the way."

Ye Dou nodded, Li Lan is a girl with high emotional intelligence, and the other party is no younger than her, but she calls her big brother, which sounds very comfortable.

Surrounded by a group of people, Ye Dou walked out of the hotel and went straight to the Tongren Pharmacy on the opposite street. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Comrade Lao Wang sitting at the door eating instant noodles.

When Old Wang saw a group of domineering men in black behind Ye Dou, he was stunned for a moment, his mouth was wide open, the noodles could not be put into his mouth, and his eyes were about to pop out.

Depend on!

What kind of battle is this, what are these people here for, and they look aggressive, shouldn't they be here to collect protection fees?

"Boss Wang, if you are so rich, don't eat instant noodles. It's not good to eat too much instant noodles."

Ye Dou walked to the counter of the pharmacy and directly slapped a stack of hundred-yuan bills on the table: "I will pay back the money I owe before, and then give me a bottle of Yunnan Baiyao spray and a box of donkey glue tonic blood granules. There is also a bottle of toilet water, a bottle of wind oil and everything, and if there is any Indian oil, I will give you two viagras, and the medicine bottle must have a description of the efficacy of the medicine..."

Behind him, Li Lan and others felt incredible. Someone bought a lot of medicine early in the morning, and even bought Indian oil and Viagra. Is this going to be a major health care?

In front of everyone's eyes, Ye Dou packed all kinds of medicines into his pocket, pushed open the door and left under the horrified eyes of Boss Wang, got into the black SUV and galloped away.

When the car started, Boss Wang reached out and wiped the grease from his mouth, and muttered, "This kid shouldn't join the underworld. It seems that I should be careful when talking to him in the future. I'm still thinking about how to increase his rent!"

In the back seat of the SUV, Ye Dou was listening to Li Lan's introduction.

"Brother Ye, according to the above order, we can only assist you this time, and cannot enter the ghost building. For this operation, there are fifteen ghosts in the west branch for you to mobilize, including me, the soul searcher. "

"In addition, the headquarters has issued a death order, requiring that the ghost be eliminated within three days and find out its type. Also, this is the uniform given to you by the headquarters, please wear it when you perform the task, it can protect the Being attacked by yin qi, the protection ability is also good."

Ye Dou took a white impermanence uniform from the opponent.

The impermanent uniform has smooth leather and exquisite workmanship, with a style of windbreaker.

Without saying a word, he took off his clothes and put on this suit in front of Li Lan's face. Li Lan's face turned red in shock, and he could only secretly look at the firm muscles of the other party.

"Well, this suit is really good. After wearing it, I feel that my whole body has improved a lot. If I can hold another sword, I can call myself the sword **** Ximen Chuixue." Ye Dou felt very good.

After a while, the SUV stopped in a remote open space in Xiaguan. Ye Dou and a dozen other ghosts got off the car one after another and walked towards the residential buildings ahead.

Ye Dou noticed that the bright sunshine just now disappeared.

The clouds ahead were thick, and the sky was dark and overcast.

There were many white or red plastic bags on both sides of the cement road, and there was a pungent stench coming from the front, which smelled like rotting meat.

"Why are there such garbage bags here? And they are full of internal organs. Who did this?" Ye Dou pointed to the plastic bags in front of him and asked.

"Brother Ye, I heard that there are a lot of stray dogs here. There are often old men and granny nearby who use animal offal to feed those stray dogs, so these garbage bags are left behind," Li Lan replied.

"This quality is really unmatched." Ye Dou shook his head slightly.

Nowadays, there are many stray dogs in the city. In fact, it is not the reason of the dog, but the human disaster. Many people only know to donate love to the dogs, but they do not know that this kind of donation will have a great impact on other people and the environment.

Nice lawn, now it's almost a junkyard.

Following Li Lan's footsteps, Ye Dou and the others came to these old-fashioned gray buildings.

It has to be said that there are only four buildings in total here. It seems that no one lives in these four buildings. Only a few elderly people can be seen occasionally, which is deserted and quiet.

Combined with the gloomy sky here, it can even be said to be lifeless.

After walking for a while, a group of people came to a residential building located on a hill. This residential building was obviously taller than the surrounding buildings. It felt very run down and empty. There was only one person at the entrance of the stairs. The drowsy security guard is guarding.

"This is the ghost building."

Li Lan said, looking up at the building with a look of dread, and even some fear.

As a soul searcher among the ghost officers, she is already a Grade B ghost officer, and the number of ghosts destroyed by her subordinates is not hundreds or dozens. I didn't expect this seemingly calm female soul searcher to show a look of fear.

"This is where the soul searcher died?" Ye Dou asked.

"Yes, Brother Ye. Back then, the soul searcher Lao Xu went into it alone and disappeared. The next day, he was found dead at the door of the building. His eyes were gouged out by something..." Li Lan's voice was a little choked up. .

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes, raised his head, and carefully looked at this eerie ghost building.

The lawn in front of this ghost building was all dead, several trees that should have withered were bare, and the ground was covered with rotten leaves.

There was no one on the floor, and it looked deserted.

"Master, is there no one living in this building?" Ye Dou asked the old security guard who was taking a nap.

The old security guard raised his head and tried his best to keep his eyelids open: "Why are you here again? No one lives here, don't go into this building, there are strange things here."

"Well, it doesn't look like someone." Ye Dou moved his eyes and looked at the ghost building and the corridor carefully again, his eyes kept scanning.

dry tree trunk.

Broken glass window.

Climbing moss-covered building walls.

There are also leaves and garbage piled up at the entrance of the corridor.


Ye Dou noticed that in the window on the fourth floor covered with newspapers, there was a pair of inhuman eyes staring at him. If it wasn't for the shocking eyes in his eyes, he probably wouldn't have found him at all.


With a loud shout, he stomped abruptly, stepped on the concrete floor and made a splash of dirt and rocks, jumped up, and jumped directly to the fourth-floor windowsill, facing the window covered with newspapers.


After a palm of his hand, Ye Dou directly smashed the window, and the domineering infuriating qi of the wedding dress protected his entire body.

The whole person crashed into the window with the broken glass...

More than a dozen ghosts were stunned when they saw this.

In the blink of an eye, this big brother Ye rushed to the fourth floor. Did this leg have springs or rocket thrusters?

Li Lan's red lips twitched as she looked at the big footprints cracked on the concrete floor.

As far as she knows, the number of Bai Wuchang in the Temple of Impermanence is rare, but each of them is a strong physical existence, far surpassing other ghosts in physical fitness, and has unmatched physical strength.

But this one is too fierce.

One jump is four stories high.

This is simply the possession of the heavenly monkey!

"Everyone formed a spirit binding formation outside the building, trapping the ghosts inside me." Li Lan came back to her senses and spoke immediately.

She noticed that the clouds in the sky above her were getting thicker and darker, the air was sultry, and it looked like it was about to rain.

This is not a good sign!

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