The Hero Kneels

Chapter 115: Genuine Yi Jin Jing

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These are all existing rare books, as well as various Buddhist and Taoist qi training methods. All kinds of training effects are available in the introduction, and they should all be real secret books.

Ye Dou is very interested in these traditional internal skills. After all, some of these martial arts internal skills are familiar to everyone, and they must be more or less useful in practice.

He took out the Shaolin Yi Jin Jing Twelve Forms and looked at it, and found that the so-called real version of the Shaolin Yi Jin Jing is a set of more and more exercise techniques. It's a world of difference.

He turned over several Taoist cheats, as well as the cheats of Wudang Mianzhang, Zhanyi Eighteen Falls, and Wudang Internal Power, and found that the knowledge of martial arts in them is very shallow, and the meridians and luck methods are superficial and scary. It can be said to be very rough, at most a little bit. The prototype of the fur of martial arts.

It seems that the Chunyang Tongzi Gong that I practiced at the beginning is much stronger than these internal power cheats. The effect of a single round of martial arts cultivation, these cheats together are not comparable to the Chunyang Tongzi Gong, which can only be regarded as a training method that enhances the use of blood. It has some physical fitness or martial arts effects on people.

In other words, there is really no value in learning and cultivation here, and it is not worth pointing out with a golden finger.

However, if he wanted to figure out the rules of golden finger pointing, he had to try it out and figure out some guesses and calculations that he had already had in his heart.

Ye Dou borrowed several cheats to return to the dormitory, called out the golden finger directly, and then clicked directly on the cheats of the twelve styles of Shaolin Yijinjing.

A dark golden brilliance flashed, and the six characters on the Yi Jin Jing changed, and the number of souls on the soul ring only decreased by one.

For a while, Ye Dou was puzzled.

This is the Yi Jin Jing, how come it only consumes one white soul?

Opening the secret book, a burst of dark golden light entered his eyes. Only then did he realize that the upgraded version of the Yi Jin Jing in his mind was different from the original secret book with only a few postures and exercises.

"The enchanting effect is so weak, I guessed right." Ye Dou couldn't help sighing.

He guessed the law of enlightenment of the soul ring before. The golden finger is estimated to be based on the brief description and content of the secret book, and then it turns false into true, and has some correction abilities. This Yijinjing itself is a yoga technique for strengthening muscles and bones. The content and efficacy of the introduction are also for physical fitness, so the effect of empathy is also limited to physical fitness.

In comparison, the Yi Jin Jing in martial arts novels has quite good value for enlightenment.

It can be seen from the words that these real cheats with ordinary introductions and cultivation effects are really not of any value for enlightenment. After enlightenment, at most, the cultivation effect of these cheats can be strengthened a little, and the enhancement is not much. Just this point is I was dumped a few streets by fake cheats with powerful cultivation effects.

Correct the game.

This is one of the core functions of cheats for cheats.

Amplification strengthens.

For medicines, this is the core function of the golden finger.

Between the two, it is not the same.

After figuring this out, Ye Dou directly gave up his plan to indulge Tao Te Ching, Dao Zang, and many mundane martial arts scriptures.

In comparison, it is more cost-effective to use the golden finger to point out the fake secrets of martial arts cultivation.

It just consumes more souls.

"Is there any magic tricks from Daomen and Buddhism? I can try these magic spells. I don't know if there are any. I still have a red soul and a lot of white souls. I should try to enlighten them. Maybe there will be some. Effect."

After thinking about it again and again, Ye Dou returned to the library and began to search among the huge bookshelves, intending to find those so-called Daomen or Buddhist ghost exorcism spells, or methods with mythological properties to try.

It is expected that these legendary spells are more or less fictitious. Using the correction and deduction function of the golden finger, maybe some wonderful Taoism and Buddhism may be cultivated.

His eyes slowly wandered across the various bookshelves, swiping them one by one, and found a circle. In addition to Taoist and Buddhist martial arts secrets, there were also some so-called qigong secrets, and there was nothing else.

Why is there no magic book about Taoism or Buddhism?

Did the underworld not collect these cheats at all? Still don't want to collect?

Ye Dou is a little puzzled. There are many martial arts cheats here that are absolutely rare books that cannot be seen outside. There are top-secret martial arts from Buddhism and Taoism. It is reasonable to say that the collection of the underworld is so strong. Buddhist and Taoist magic cheats should be available. Why? Didn't find one?

When Ye Dou was feeling puzzled, a person came in front of him, and the other party opened his mouth and smiled: "Hahahaha, Ye Dou, I really didn't expect to see you here!"

When he raised his head, he found that the person who came had a slick face, a bright face, and a very strong figure. It was Comrade Liu Gangdan who had been knocked out after a fight with him before.

The other party had a hearty smile on his face, his teeth were white, he didn't seem to have any grudges at all, his voice was very loud, and his voice reverberated in the boutique area: "Why did you come here, why are you also interested in the martial arts secrets collected by the underworld? ?"

"Yes, I want to see the martial arts secrets collected here, and learn it along the way." Ye Dou smiled.

"Your martial arts are too high, you shouldn't even look down on the martial arts here, the Vajra Palm you practice... No, the Vajra Palm is already the top martial arts, there is no need to waste time here, why not Come and learn with me." Liu Gangdan said, his eyes lit up, looking extremely excited.

"Ha ha."

Ye Dou smiled, did not agree or refuse, and asked casually, "I'm very surprised, why are there no Taoist and Buddhist magic tricks here, where have all these spells gone?"

Liu Gang opened his mouth and explained with a smile: "Why are you looking for these fakes? To tell you the In fact, most Taoist and Buddhist spells are fake, even if there are spells, they are all fake. Spiritual arts, the so-called Taoist talismans and Buddhist mantras are essentially the evolutionary forms of spiritual arts, or simply the spiritual arts of the underworld, so the underworld will not collect the secret books of these two sects of magic at all."

"Most of them are fake?" Ye Dou was stunned.

Liu Gangdan shrugged his shoulders: "At first, I thought like you that Taoism and Buddhism have real skills, but after entering the underworld, I learned that only martial arts and ideological concepts of Taoism and Buddhism are true, as for the ability to exorcise ghosts. It's a copy from the underworld, otherwise it's all made up."

He does not mean that.

Ye Dou's heart blossomed with joy, the fake one is good, because the fake one can turn stone into gold and turn waste into treasure.

"Where can I find these fake secrets of Buddhism and Taoism?" Ye Dou blurted out after hearing this.

He is not uncommon for these genuine goods that cannot be touched, and only those fake cheats that want to get in the way are his true love.

The question is, where should I find these fake secrets?

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