The Hero Kneels

Chapter 125: The anger of the red hall master

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Behind the Xiaoxia Mountain in the Xianlin District of Youcheng, there are several seemingly tall red-tiled villas standing in front of the mountains and forests.

Deep under the ground of one of the villas, Xu Gui was kneeling in a hall that resembled a tomb.

Opposite him is a bride who is wearing an ancient phoenix inlaid gold and red wedding dress, with a red hijab on her head. The bride is sitting on a stone chair, motionless, like a statue.

"My subordinates are incompetent. My people have already searched a large part of Youcheng and investigated many ghost messengers, but they still can't find the ghost messenger with a mask." Xu Guishou lowered his head, on his forehead Cold sweat broke out.

In the battle of General Mountain some time ago, Hall Master Hong lost a thousand-year-old Corpse King on his own site. This defeat made Hall Master Hong the target of jokes from the other five halls, and also made Evil Ghost Hall lose face.

Because of this, the red hall master also became interested. She thought about it, and finally locked the culprit behind the failure of this operation on one person. .

Because the other party made trouble from it, it was the only factor she didn't expect, and it was this factor that led to the total collapse.

So the Red Hall Master began to frantically search for the other party, intending to use all means to find the **** masked man, then kill him, and slowly torture the other party's soul until the other party's soul was dissipated.

"You bastards, that person is not a ghost or a player. It should be a folk martial arts practitioner. He killed your nephew. You should find clues from your nephew." The voice of the red hall owner was slightly obvious. Not fast.

"The subordinate is incompetent, the subordinate has already looked for clues in that regard, but with the destruction of the Hongsha shoes, the clues are all broken." Xu Gui's hands were sweating coldly, and his forehead was pressed to the ground.

"You don't have to look for it, I have my own way."

Hall Master Hong stretched out his slender, snow-white hands and patted, and the crisp applause suddenly sounded in the hall.

Several religious believers in black robes escorted five women in red dresses into the hall, and tied the five women to the pillars. If you want to see it, you can't even call it out.

"This is…"

Xu Guishou's eyes twitched.

"I can feel that the curse of Lady Pink has almost disappeared. The underworld has a way to deal with the curse. Only one curse has not disappeared. Soon we will be able to find the culprit." Hall Master Hong turned his neck and looked towards Youcheng. .

Xu Guishou's face showed joy: "Because that guy is a civilian, he can't lift the curse of Pink Lady at all."

Hall Master Hong nodded and said coldly, "It's still too slow to use manpower to find the other party. Going directly with the ghosts of the Lady in Pink can greatly increase the search effort. Let's start!"

The voice fell!

The five believers picked up the hammer in their right hand, and in their left hand pinched the dark and slender evil ghost nails with a sinister aura. These evil ghost nails were used to drive prisoners to death in ancient times. Power has been refined into a ghost weapon.

They aimed the nails one by one at the woman's forehead and between the eyebrows, and then slammed the hammers down together.

Puff puff…

The evil ghosts pierced their brains, and the five women didn't even have a chance to scream. Their bodies twitched and twisted at the same time.

Immediately after,

The five believers took the gag rags of the five women and immediately exited in a hurry. Xu Gui also covered his nose with his hands and exited all the way.

Seeing that these five young women with pierced eyebrows did not die immediately, but opened their mouths and burst out with an extremely sharp scream. This sound was extremely harsh and can almost be described as deafening.

The carved black gouache box appeared in the hands of the Red Hall Master.

This is one of the forbidden weapons of the seclusion sect, Pink Pink Lady. Only the Red Hall Master is immune to Pink Pink Lady's indiscriminate attacks.

After the incense box was opened, the surrounding scent was fragrant, and a pink light appeared from the gouache box. Hall Master Hong pinched it with five pale fingers, and then gently waved it forward.

Suddenly, five pink rays of light shot out and flew directly into the mouths of the five women.

The five women twisted and twitched violently all over their bodies, and their delicate bodies, which were originally bumpy, were twisted into twists, deformed, and did not resemble humans at all.

When they stopped shaking their bodies completely, translucent beauties in red dresses flew out of the five people's bodies.

They were all blindfolded and turned into ghosts controlled by Pink Lady.

"Five ghosts obey the order and immediately go to the south of Youcheng to search for your sisters. After finding them, don't act rashly and report directly back here." Hall Master Hong ordered.

The five female ghosts nodded one after another, flew in one direction, and disappeared into the hall.


Watching the five female ghosts disappear, the voice of the Red Hall Master sounded again.

As soon as she finished speaking, a seemingly well-behaved girl in red emerged from the darkness behind her.

The red-clothed girl had a handsome face, black hair like the night, and wore the golden hairpins used by ancient people for marriage on her head. Under the red-clothed, she showed unusually fair and slender limbs and half a white breast, looking seductive and charming.

"Ying'er is here, please ask my sister." Ying'er bowed her head in a salute, and said delicately.

"I'm going to attend the Kaifeng ceremony where we worship the secluded sect. There is no time to take care of things here. You stay here and take control of the overall situation. If there is any major event, please notify me immediately, and you can make up the rest of the small matters." The Red Hall Master ordered.

"Ying'er obeys, elder sister, the Kaifeng ceremony of worshipping the You Sect is a rare occurrence in a century. Who is awake this time?" Ying'er asked.

"It's one of the three giants I worship You Cult, called the Demon Skin King!" The Red Hall Master said faintly.

"How could it be the Demon Skin King?" Xu Guishou on the other side looked bad.

"Who is the Demon Leather King?" Ying'er was a little curious.

"That's an unreasonable monster. I used to have some grudges with the other party, but I must go to the Kaifeng ceremony this time, otherwise the other five halls will most likely have ideas about Youcheng."

The head of the red hall said loudly: "The conditions here in Youcheng are unique, and it is a unique existence for us ghost cultivators. Our evil ghost hall must stabilize this place, and we can't let go of it, let alone let people from the other five halls come. mess up."

"Is that elder sister able to deal with the devil skin king?" Ying'er asked You don't need to ask more, Xu Kong, you come to assist Ying'er, she will replace me during my absence make a decision. "The Red Hall Master ordered.

"Yes!" Xu Kong nodded immediately.

"During my absence, you don't want to mess with the ghosts. One of their four judges, Zhuangzhuang Xiaoqing, is temporarily staying in Youcheng. This person is not easy to mess with."

Hall Master Hong warned: "In addition, the player forces continue to send people to inquire. We need to know more about the player organization and connect with them. This is also the meaning of the above..."

After explaining the matter, the red-clothed master of the red hall flew over, and this turned into a red glow and disappeared into the dark and damp ancient tomb.

Ying'er turned to look at Xu Kong, her eyes burning: "Hey, old man, my sister is in a bad mood recently. Tell me, who made her angry?"

Xu Guishou laughed dryly: "Deputy Hall Master Ying, while you were sleeping, something really happened that made Hall Master Hong feel bad. After the old man said this, I hope you don't get too angry..."

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