The Hero Kneels

Chapter 132: maid four

tsk tsk...

Wang Tie swallowed his saliva. He is also a young man with strong blood. When he saw this scene, he felt that he was going to have a nosebleed.

His little heart began to thump, and after thinking about it, he walked over directly, wanting to see who this young maid was.

Just after walking a few steps, he heard a crisp and sweet giggling.

The laughter was crisp and painful, but a little out of place.

Some...somewhat weird.

"Hey! Beauty."

Wang Tie simply exclaimed, "What's wrong with you? Is there any discomfort, or some other reason?"

The maid turned a deaf ear, as if she hadn't heard.

Still turned his back to him, crying and laughing for a while.

As Wang Tie approached the other party, he felt more and more strange.

But as he got closer, he discovered something strange.

This maid was dirty all over, her whole body and her long hair were covered with dust, and her white stockings were all covered with dirt, as if she had just crawled out of the dirt.

And the closer you get to each other, the more foul odor wafts in, which is worse than the smell in the toilet.

What does it taste like?

"Corpse stench! Why is there a corpse stench?"

Wang Tie had been a soldier, and naturally he had come into contact with dead corpses. This was definitely the smell of corpses.

The strangest thing is that this maid's back is so familiar, but it's not anyone he knows, he just can't name it.

It feels like you live with a person every day, but you can't remember what he looks like, his name, who he is.

This is so weird!

The original shuddering feeling of Wang Tie was suppressed, replaced by curiosity, he planned to say hello to the other party, and by the way, who is this crying and laughing maid?

Maybe it's because the other party is broken up, and I just have a shoulder to rely on for the other party. If it doesn't work, I can gain a girlfriend, hehehe...


Wang Tiegui ignored the stinking corpse odor, came to the back of the woman with an inexplicable little excitement and little fear, and reached out and pressed the other person's shoulder covered with soil.

"Hey, you're rushing..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he bit his tongue directly, and the blood came out.

Because the woman turned his head, he found that he recognized the other party, but the other party should not be here.

Then he tightened his neck and lifted his heels off the ground...

"Xiao Xu, have you heard anything? It seems that someone is crying and laughing outside. Where did that boy Wang Tie go?"

The other two bodyguards in the bodyguard room woke up one after another. The long-term military life made Li Bing have a good sense of alertness, so when Wang Tie walked out, he was naturally alert and was in a state of half sleep and half awake.

Now that the person hasn't come back for a long time, he just woke up.

"Wang Tie, is it possible that he went to the housekeeper? Or did he hang out with some maid?"

Xiao Xu turned on the light, rubbed his eyes, and slapped Hache: "I'm really going out to find a woman, this kid wants to talk about a girlfriend all day long, saying that Mrs. Huang is beautiful, the housekeeper is also very beautiful, etc. It's not good, I'm fighting with a woman in the next room now, call him on his cell phone."

"He didn't bring his cell phone, it's not quite right. This kid is very cautious in his actions. He has no guts, unless the sun comes out from the west... Now is an emergency. Let's go find him together." Li Bing was very accurate and suggested directly. .

The two packed up and walked out of the house one after another.

As soon as he got out of the house, he saw that the door of the master Zhang Quan was also opened.

"A little bit. Wang Tie just went to the toilet and didn't come back. We're going to find him." Li Bing replied.

These people walked out together. The soundproofing of the hotel was not very good, and the others were also woken up. The hostess, the housekeeper, and a maid came out.

Ye Dou and the monk rebooting also came out one after another.

"Has anyone seen Wang Tie?" Zhang Quan asked everyone, but everyone shook their heads.

The hostess Huang Xiaojuan, the maid and others immediately became nervous, you look at me, I look at you.

"...It should be somewhere in the hotel. Let's all look for it together. Don't be so afraid. With the old man here, all ghosts are scum." The monk rebooted his hands together, with the posture of a high-ranking monk in the field.

"Everyone is looking at the hotel, don't be alone!?"

Zhang Quan wrinkled his head and suddenly shouted loudly, his face was quite ugly.

"I hired you to protect me, not to make trouble with me. What's the joke? I'll give you a lot of money. Please be professional, okay?"

Zhang Quan changed his previous gentleness, his expression was a little distorted, and he scolded and roared.

The two bodyguards looked at each other, didn't say anything after looking at each other, and quickly began to look around for someone.

Zhang Quan also took the lead in looking for it. The big guy searched for a full circle, but found that there was no one, and there was no trace of Wang Tie anywhere. It was very strange.

Wang Tie is a big living person, and he is also a good special forces soldier. It is really puzzled that such a big living person has disappeared without a trace.

Whether it was Zhang Quan, several bodyguards, or several women, they all felt that something was wrong.

This large group of people shouted around, but there was still no response. They searched the entire motel on the upper and lower floors, but they couldn't find each other.

"Has any of you seen the proprietress of this motel?" Zhang Quan saw sweat on his forehead and found a detail.

"No, we haven't met."

"I didn't see it either."

"The lady boss seems to be gone."

"If we can't find anyone, we'd better leave here first." Zhang Quan looked around, always feeling that this small hotel seemed to have a different kind of gloom, which made him shudder.

"Mr. Zhang, Wang Tie hasn't been found yet, we can't leave now." Li Bing, the leader of the bodyguard on the other side, shook his head, not wanting to leave his comrades behind.

"I don't want to leave Wang Tie, I plan to move everyone to a place first and come back during the day. Wang Tie is an adult and a special forces soldier. He knows how to get along with us."

Zhang Quan said sternly, not losing his mind.

Wang Tie and the others are not ordinary people. They were all soldiers, loyal and loyal, but they disappeared from the world without saying a word. UU reading

Something must have happened.

Zhang Quan also knew in his heart that if it was really the female ghost, Wang Tie would be out of luck.

After all, this place is so big, there must be an accident where such a big living person can go.

"You must go! Immediately!" Zhang Quan said solemnly.

"Mr. Zhang!"

Li Bing's tone was not strong, and he also knew that it was impossible to forcibly violate the meaning of the other party. After all, they are employees, they are bodyguards, and everything is based on the safety of the employer's life.

"I know where Wang Tie is, you all look up." Ye Dou, who had been silent for a while, pointed to the ceiling.

Everyone raised their heads, only to find a male corpse hanging on the entrance above their heads. Everyone was startled and exclaimed.

Everyone took a closer look, the man's corpse hanging on the fan in the entrance is the missing Wang Tie...

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