The Hero Kneels

Chapter 138: i want to pee on your face

Ye Dou didn't say anything, and carefully observed the few red candles in front of the health care store.

"I heard you two were in **** last night, did the store close after that?" he asked in a low voice.

"Closed the store last night? I just remembered that I fainted..." Boss Wang replied quickly.

Wang Xiaomei recalled: "I don't know either. I was terrified at the time. The door of the store should not be closed."


Ye Dou nodded, looking at the candles placed in front of the health care product store, he remembered the ghost painting boat he had seen in Huashen Lake.

The scene where the red candles were lit was still fresh in his memory. The candles there were not only red, but even the candle light was a little reddish, exactly the same as the current candles.

Do not,

The candle in front of him was even brighter.

"Hey, hey, Ye Dou, what are you doing? Did you light this red candle?" Boss Wang felt that the atmosphere was not right and asked quickly.

Ye Dou said nothing, looked around, his eyes slowly turned cold.

He said coldly: "Leave the street area of ​​the cross immediately, and walk towards the crowded place, don't stop, don't turn back."

Both Boss Wang and Wang Xiaomei were stupid.

They could see that Ye Dou's words were not joking, and a faint gust of wind blew through the surroundings, causing goose bumps all over the two of them.

The flame of the red candle swayed in the wind, and the flame became more and more vigorous, and it seemed to be brighter than before.

The Wang family's father and daughter's complexions turned pale, and they seemed to sense that the red candle probably represented some kind of trouble coming.

"Hey, hey, Ye Dou, are you trying to scare me?" Boss Wang asked with a strong breath.

"Scare you, kind of you stay here tonight." Ye Dou glared at him.

He never had a good impression of Wang Gelangtai. This guy let him live in a haunted house and almost hurt him. The account has not been settled yet. If Wang Xiaomei was not here, he wouldn't plan to take care of this guy.


Ye Dou stared at the surroundings carefully, paying attention to the movement, and strode forward to take the two away.

Before taking two steps, he suddenly waved his arm, motioning for silence, his eyes narrowed, his spirit highly concentrated, and he carefully observed the surrounding environment and road.

there's noise!

The source of this sound came from the door of Boss Wang's health care product store.

sizzle, sizzle...

It was as if someone was gently grasping the door panel of the rolling door with their fingernails. The sound was a bit sharp, slow at the beginning, and then slowly accelerated, getting faster and faster, and the sound became more and more sharp.

Ye Dou turned his head slowly, and the red candle at the entrance of the health care product store lit up.

The shutters that were originally closed trembled, and the sound of nails scratching the door became louder again.

The father and daughter of the Wang family discovered this strange phenomenon, their faces turned pale, and an atmosphere of panic shrouded their hearts.

Both of them forgot to close the door last night, so who helped them close the door of the health product store, is there anyone else in the health product store now? Or some other dirty stuff?

"do not be afraid!"

Ye Dou said coldly, "The wind is a bit strong tonight. It must have hit something, and it just hit the door, or a wild cat got into the store."

"Yeah, it should be like this. I have encountered a similar situation before. There should be a wild cat in the store." Boss Wang quickly explained with a smile, comforting his shivering daughter.

Wang Xiaomei nodded and took a steady breath.

"You go ahead."

Ye Dou took a big step, letting the father and daughter of the Wang family walk in front and behind him.

He intends to send the two people out of a safe distance and come back to deal with the emergency here.

As a result, as soon as the three of them turned to a dark alley, the father and daughter of the Wang family stopped and froze in place.

"Front... Front."

Boss Wang shivered, and Wang Xiaomei opened her mouth wide.

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes.

It turned out to be the Lao Wang health care product store in front of it, and the candles swaying in the wind were still lit at the door, exuding a faint red light, which was very eye-catching in the dark night.

"What the **** is going on..." Boss Wang and Wang Xiaomei almost stopped breathing, just staring blankly at the Lao Wang health care product store in front of them.

This shop is their family's property, but now they are deeply afraid.

Boss Wang's forehead is like waterfalls of sweat. He has tried his best not to collapse, to keep himself calm, and to not want his daughter to be afraid together, but the strangeness now makes him feel that he has reached his limit.

Ye Dou stared coldly at the candle in front of him.

He took a step and walked slowly towards the door of the health care product.

"The two of you continue to move forward and stay away from here, you should be fine."

"Ye Dou, at this time..."

Seeing this, Old Wang was stunned.

The original rolling door trembled violently, and the sound of nails scratching the door became more and more harsh.


The door was pulled open from the inside, a slit was opened, and a red dress could even be seen floating in it, as if a woman was inside.

Upon seeing this, the father and daughter of the Wang family were about to pop out their eyes, which reminded them of the ghost in red last night who the doctor called a hallucination.

The female ghost in red is hiding in the health supplement store?

"Come on!" Ye Dou waved his hand.

Step forward alone, standing in front of the gate.

Soon, the messy footsteps of the Wang family's father and daughter disappeared, leaving only the motionless Ye Dou.

He wiggled his neck from left to right, pointing directly at the door of the health product store in front of him.

"Beauty in Pink, right? I'm here, right here, come out and kill me!"

Ye Dou sneered slightly: "The curse of the Pink Lady can't kill me at all, that Hall Master Red sent you to kill me? It's a pity, you can't kill me, not only can you not kill me, I have to strip your clothes off. Press you to the ground and rub and rub, then get a good **** on you."

"Do you think you can beat me? You think you're a ghost so you won't be raped by a man, come out, I promise to strip you out, turn you a hundred times, find a few male dogs to have **** with you, and then Pee on you."

hey hey hey...


Ye Dou's bad laughter was not over yet, when the shutter door of the health care product store was suddenly pulled open by someone.

"Hey, are you angry? Why don't you go out and die for grandpa? Grandpa urinates a lot, so I promise to give you a drink. Do you wear stockings? Grandpa likes women who wear stockings the most. It's Ye Dou continued his unabashed provocation.

With the light of the red candle, he saw a young woman in a red dress floating in the empty and dark health care store. The woman's limbs were drooping, and her long black messy hair covered most of her face, leaving only a pair of scarlet scarlet. Spicy eyes.

hey hey hey...

The woman's mouth made a strange and sinister laughter, which made people shudder.

She turned her body slowly, and stared at Ye Dou with those **** eyes.

"You're supposed to be the premium version of Pretty in Pink, right?"

He clasped his hands together, put on a strong vajra palm, bowed his head slightly, bowed his body, and his eyes were as cold as winter: "You are the red hall master who came to kill me? Then what are you waiting for?"

Today is Sunday, the fourth watch, a small outbreak, thank you for your subscription and ticket support!

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