The Hero Kneels

Chapter 147: give you two hundred and fifty

"This sword weighs 50 pounds. Do you think it is too light?"

Zhang Lao's scalp was numb, and the corners of his mouth were twitching. ?шщЩ.suimEnG.1a

Fifty pounds!

That is the weight of a bag of cement or a bag of rice. Ordinary people are very strenuous to carry it with both hands, but this one thinks it is too light, and is simply looking for the rhythm of the golden hoop.

The problem is, we don't have a golden hoop at all!

"Huh? What kind of sword is that?"

Ye Dou looked around, and found a sword-like weapon in an inconspicuous corner.

He hurriedly walked over and found that the blade on the shelf was completely gray, it was obviously made of metal, but the silver-white surface of the blade was dull, covered with dust, and the hilt was very simple and simple, and There are no frills.

This is a heavy sword, thicker than the previous horse-chopping sword.

The blade of the whole sword is as wide and thick as the palm of the hand. It is not as long as the horse-chopping sword. The overall length is only one meter two or three. The marks appear to have been used before.

Ye Dou suddenly felt a familiar feeling in his heart.

He directly held the hilt of the sword, and immediately noticed a strange aura that spread upwards along the palm of his hand. The aura was light, but aggressive.

This is…

Ye Dou recognized this breath.


He has felt this breath on the player more than once. This kind of breath is domineering and tricky, like yin qi, but it is thicker and more violent than yin qi.

"What's the origin of this sword?" Ye Dou couldn't help but ask Elder Zhang who was beside him.

Zhang Lao looked at the sword, frowned and thought for a while: "It seems... it seems that a man in a black cloak came to our sword Zhang more than ten years ago, saying that he wanted to temporarily **** this sword, he said I will come to find this sword in two months, but no one has come to get it... I almost forgot, this sword is actually very heavy, maybe it will suit you."


Ye Dou immediately raised the epee, held the hilt with one hand and lifted it up, and found that the sword was a bit heavier than the previous sword. .


Ye Dou directly lifted the epee in his hand. With the strong instillation of the wedding gown's infuriating energy, the evil energy in the blade was continuously washed away by the domineering wedding gown's infuriating energy, completely disintegrating and destroying.

As the infuriating energy poured in, the originally dull blade began to tremble slightly, the dust on the blade automatically shook off, and the surface of the blade seemed to be much clearer.

"Good sword!"

The blade was standing in front of him, and he saw his eyes and face from the slightly luminous blade, reflecting on it, it turned out to be as clear as a mirror.

"What material is this blade made of? I use it quite well." Ye Dou said in surprise.

"Material...cough, we haven't tested this, but this sword has finally found its owner. Since you like it so much, I can give you a discount and sell it to you for 10,000 yuan!" Lao Zhang immediately gave the price.

"A discount of ten thousand yuan?"

Ye Dou's mouth twitched, is this old man crazy about money?

The origin of this sword is unknown, I don't know what material it is made of, and there are still some scratches. It is obviously second-hand. The other party dares to ask for such a price, it's so black!

Five hundred dollars!

Ye Dou waved his hand and stretched out five fingers.

"Five hundred dollars? How is this possible? I spent a lot of money to receive this sword. You've also cut the price too fiercely." Zhang Lao couldn't help but complain.

"What are you talking about? There is only a handful of second-hand goods, and I don't even know how many hundreds of dollars are in the box. How dare you ask me for 10,000 yuan?"

The terrifying aura made Old Zhang almost suffocate, and he couldn't even speak.

Several staff members next to him could feel this amazing aura, and they all retreated with pale faces, as if the man in front of him was a fierce tiger going down the mountain, ready to eat people at any time.

Zhang Lao was also covered in cold sweat by the breath. The other party said it well. This thing is the bottom of the box. Because it is too heavy, it can't be sold. The most important thing is to sell second-hand goods.

"Five hundred won't do, but I spent thousands of dollars when I received this sword!" Zhang Lao shook his head. It was very uncomfortable to speak in the strong aura of the other party, and his head was full of cold sweat, but as a businessman, he must persevere.

"I think it's worth 250 yuan."

Ye Dou waved the blade in his hand, causing a strong wind to blow on Lao Zhang's face, he couldn't help but back out.

Although this sword is second-hand, he likes it very much. Not only is the blade heavy enough, but its power should also be good. When dealing with ghosts, it will undoubtedly add an extra layer of damage. When paired with the Dugu Nine Swords, the power will definitely double.

The epee has no sharp edge, and it does not work well.

It's about the sword in his hand.

"Two hundred and fifty yuan? Are you cursing?"

Zhang Lao felt that his nose was going to be crooked, but the pressure of the other party's breath made him unable to breathe, so he simply nodded: "Five hundred yuan is five hundred yuan, everyone should give it to a friend, I am a loss today. Ben, cough cough... It's really yours."

Zhang Lao couldn't find the words to describe Ye Dou. He just felt that standing opposite, he was very insignificant, and he didn't even have the courage to bargain, so he could only sell at a loss.

Ye Dou waved the sword at random, bringing out strong winds, feeling that the more he held it, the more comfortable he was, and he was more satisfied: "Is there a place to try the sword for me?"

"Our sword Zhang is naturally ready, come with me." Zhang Lao felt that the breath of the other party had subsided, and then he let out a sigh of relief.

Walking on the road, Ye Dou couldn't help asking: "Does this sword have a name?"

"There is no name, if I remember correctly, there is a brand at the end of the hilt of this sword." Zhang Lao reminded.

Ye Dou took a closer look at the blade.


At the bottom of the blade, there is a seemingly very light "Pa" character, which can't be seen if you don't look for it carefully.

"Domineering! From now on, this sword will be called Domineering Ye Dou nodded and said directly.


"What's this name? How can a sword be described as a tyrant? It should be used to describe a sword." Zhang Lao was speechless, and couldn't help complaining about the lack of culture of young people.

The sword is the king of a hundred soldiers, and the sword is the courage of a hundred soldiers.

Ye Dou pouted and didn't answer, and the two quickly left an empty martial arts field outside the arsenal.

There were also some people on the martial arts field waving swords at several hardwood dummies, and there were weapon racks full of cold weapons next to them.

After all, it is Sword Zhang, and there is even a special martial arts field. It is estimated that it is specially used by some martial arts practitioners.

"These wooden figures are made of a special kind of hardwood plus a potion cannon. They are very tough, comparable to steel, enough to reach any attack. Your sword can only leave a mark on it at most." They are all wooden humanities with traces of swords.

Without saying a word, Ye Dou suddenly waved his sword towards the wooden man.

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