The Hero Kneels

Chapter 157: Valkyrie Reincarnation

Ye Dou said inexplicably: "I will teach you your internal skills below. If you can't complete your cultivation, I won't accept you as a disciple, and you won't be able to join my hero school, understand?"

"I understand!" Ming Kai nodded repeatedly.

"Listen carefully below..." Ye Dou said lightly, sitting cross-legged on the ground.

Ming Kai also followed him and sat cross-legged on the flat concrete floor.

"Concentrate on your breath, close your eyes and let go of your mind, take a deep breath, and imagine that there is a gust of breath three points below the navel..." Ye Dou slowly taught the other party the breathing technique.

Mingkai looked solemn, closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and did the same.

Pure Yang Gong has been modified to become simpler. Although it does not have the kind of pure Yang Qi that is cultivated by Pure Yang Boy Gong, it is not much different.

As long as ordinary men have enough yang energy, they can still cultivate pure yang inner strength.

Although the first step of breathing and training is easy, it is difficult for ordinary people to do.

Because it is necessary to cut off the thoughts, let people enter the realm of no thoughts and no thoughts like a baby, and then guide the qi into the body step by step, and gradually reach the point of condensing the true qi.

Easier said than done.

The seemingly simple and playful little fat man did it unexpectedly.

Ming Kai just breathed out calmly for about ten minutes, and actually entered a state of meditation.

So fast!

Ye Dou was a little surprised. When he practiced the Chunyang Boys' Art, he didn't seem to be able to get past that fast. Could it be that the little fat man has more yang energy and a better mood?

This guy usually plays games one after the other, isn't there a bit of characterization?

You know, once you enter the state of cultivation, the sense of qi will naturally come.

"Ye Dou, I feel a clear flow in the dantian area... A little mouse is moving, and it is scurrying around in the body with thoughts, this is internal strength?" Before Ye Dou could regain his senses, Ming Kai spoke up.

"Is this kid a martial arts prodigy? It's only been so long, it seems to be much faster than when I was practising Tongzi Gong to find a sense of qi."

Ye Dou raised his brows and said calmly, "This is the sense of qi. These energies are actually hidden in the blood and qi. They belong to the energy in your body, which is the essence of the food you eat on weekdays."

"From now on, you have to cultivate this qi for at least three hours every day. It will gradually grow until it forms a true inner strength. If you stop cultivating, these qi will gradually disappear."

"Oh, then how long does it take to cultivate inner strength true qi?" Ming Kai opened his eyes, his expression excited.

He never imagined that the inner strength true qi in martial arts novels can be so easily cultivated. The feeling of the air flow in the dantian is exactly the same, which is really exciting.

"It should take three to five years to cultivate the inner strength true qi. If you have excellent talent, it is estimated that it will take two or three years." Ye Dou directly stated his inference.

Ming Kai's expression suddenly froze, feeling the corners of his mouth twitching.

Never imagined that it would take such a long time for an entry-level internal practice method to be successful?

this this this...

"Then how long did it take you to cultivate your inner strength?" Ming Kai asked.

"I...cough, it took about three days?" Ye Dou didn't want to hit the other party, so he simply extended the time.

But he started to practice martial arts, this is really hard to say.

"What? Three days? Are you kidding me?" The little fat man wrinkled his nose, obviously in disbelief.

"Because I'm a rare martial arts prodigy in a thousand years, all martial arts will be quickly mastered in my hands. To put it simply, you can think that I have practiced the Jiuyang divine art Zhang Wuji, no, it is ten Zhang Wuji plus together."

Ye Dou puffed out his chest, domineering: "Single-round martial arts talent, there is no one in the world that can match me, even if I say that the **** of martial arts is born again, it is not an exaggeration."

Don't think I'm bragging x, because brother is a bull x!

He glanced at the little fat man and continued: "This internal skill is much more difficult to cultivate than external skill. For an ordinary person like you, it is normal to practice for several years to develop internal power, and it may not be able to deal with ghosts.

, you also need to practice some external skills to assist, otherwise even ordinary people can't beat it. "

This voice was so firm as a hammer, it struck Ming Kai's heart, causing him to be deeply shocked.

At this moment, this old classmate who used to be funny and playful in front of him is incomparably tall in his eyes, and that majestic atmosphere is stronger than that of the old man who has been in the shopping mall for many years, so that he dare not have any doubts.

"Then can I practice outer martial arts?" Ming Kai asked.

"Join the Daxiamen and worship me as a teacher, and then I will teach you real kung fu, but do you understand the principle of being a teacher for one day and a father for life?" Ye Dou said simply.

"I know!"

Ming Kai was excited. He knew that Ye Dou was extraordinary, so naturally he would not give up this opportunity: "Please teach me martial arts, Teacher Ye!"

After he finished speaking, the little fat man turned his head and bowed his head.

Ye Dou didn't stop him, so he should have the appearance of being a teacher. Besides, he had saved Ming Kai twice, so he couldn't stand it.

Ming Kai looked so sincere, like a scholar.

After three kneeling and nine kowtows, Ye Dou lifted the little fat man with a dark forehead.

"From now on, you will be the first disciple of my Hero Sect. Practice martial arts well, there are a lot of peerless martial arts waiting for you."

"What? You mean the first disciple? How many people are there in our Hero Sect?" Ming Kai found that something was wrong.

"At the moment, it's just our teacher and apprentice."

Ming Kai: "…"

Why does it feel like being fooled into a beggar gang?

"Remember the formula of the heart, this internal power is known as pure Yang Gong, try your best to practice every day, do not stop, and be close to women, so as not to damage your Yang Qi... Let me see what martial arts are suitable for you?" Ye Doumi He glanced at the white and tender little fat man.

According to the moves of Vigorously Vajra Palm and Qishangquan, he made several moves and asked the opponent to follow them.

As a result, Ming Kai learned very reluctantly. He was out of breath before he played a few moves, and he couldn't perform many movements at all. It was estimated that the reason for the stiffness of the bones and joints.

It seems that this person is temporarily unable to practice martial arts. He is too old, and his body has become rigid, unless he cuts the scriptures and washes the marrow.

He thought about it carefully: "Your body is too stiff, and there are limitations in practicing many martial arts. Let's go, let me teach you a set of peerless martial arts!"

"Peerless martial arts? What is it?" Ming Kai asked eagerly.

"Yi Jin Jing."

"Yi Jin Jing!?" Ming Kai felt like he was going to fly.

In fact, Ye Dou is just trying it out. The Yi Jin Jing is an ordinary version. It should have a good physical fitness effect for ordinary people, and it is very suitable for Ming Kai.

"Can I practice the Shaolin Treasure Yi Jin Jing?" Ming Kai felt his heart pounding. This is the world-famous Buddhist martial arts.

Ye Dou smiled slightly: "Actually, Yi Jin Jing is not an internal skill, but a set of movements, similar to yoga, as long as you practice every day, you can strengthen your body, your physique is far superior to that of ordinary people, your blood qi will also be enhanced, and your spiritual qi will be enhanced. It will also become prosperous, and the exuberant spirit will make the three fires more prosperous, and ghosts cannot enter you, so there should be no problem in protecting yourself."

Mingkai's heartbeat accelerated.

Time After noon, the two came out of the secluded place in the park. Ming Kai's face was flushed and his body was soaked with sweat, but he looked very excited and his spirits were very good.

"Just now, there were a lot of inaccuracies in your movements. After I go back, I will send you a photo of the Yi Jin Jing secret book. You follow the above formulas and movements, do you understand?"

"Whether it's Yi Jin Jing or pure Yang Gong, you have to practice it for a long time. In addition, your blood is strong enough, so stay close to your mother. Ordinary ghosts don't like to be close to people with strong blood. In addition, the first three postures in Yi Jin Jing. It can be passed on to your parents to strengthen their blood, and the rest cannot be passed on to anyone."

Seeing the text message of 100,000 yuan that had just arrived in his mobile phone, Ye Dou urged the other party.

Little Fatty was born in a merchant family. He was quite clever in this regard. As soon as he saw that the two martial arts were effective, he directly paid 100,000 apprentice fees.

Ye Dou was about to put away his phone when a saliva rang.


Press the answer button, and Tian Tian is on the opposite side: "Ye Dou, are you in the cross street? There is a battle that wants us to finish here. We are short of people here. I'm afraid I can't handle it alone. Let's go together."

"Cough, okay, wait for me, I'll be there soon." Ye Dou shrugged and hung up the phone.

Whoever called the patrol's responsibilities also included cleaning the battlefield and wiping the buttocks to clean up the aftermath. After all, he was considered a public eater, so he should go there and go shopping with his sister. js3v3

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