The Hero Kneels

Chapter 164: God of War Catalog

Twenty minutes later, Ye Dou appeared in Li Yongzheng's small hut.

"Cough, big brother, you came at the right time. I just finished creating the innate qi, and I went to the market to find someone to get a painting." Li Yongzheng was drinking and eating some snacks.

When he saw Ye Dou, the gold master, he immediately got up and greeted him. His mouth was full of alcohol, his steps were unsteady, and he looked like a drunk cat, but the smile on his face was exaggerated.

"You drank too much, my secret book?" Ye Dou didn't talk too much with the other party, he just stretched out his hand.

This guy really loves wine, and he hasn't been here for a while. There are all kinds of wine bottles and cans in the shack, which are almost piled up into a hill, and I don't know how much the other party can drink a day.

Li Yongzheng staggered out of the drawer and took out the secret book of Innate Astral Qi, and handed it over respectfully.

Ye Dou flipped through the cheat book and took a look. This cheat book is really exquisitely crafted. As long as others don't understand the content, it can definitely be confused with the real one.

"Hey hey, Brother Ye, let me show you a painting I just found. I spent a full five hundred yuan to buy it. You will definitely like it."

Just as Ye Dou was about to leave, he was stopped by Li Yongzheng, who forced him to look at the painting.

I saw Li Yongzheng carefully take out a painting from the bottom of the bed and slowly spread it out. The painting is two feet long and wide.

In the painting, there is a very strange hall. The hall is very tall and empty. The color facilities inside are mysterious and ethereal, giving people a sense of grandeur and majesty. The huge and simple walls are amazing, and there seem to be many large reliefs floating in the hall. On the huge wall facing the front entrance, a large seal is carved from top to bottom: Heaven and Earth are not benevolent, and all things are regarded as cud dogs.

In the hall, a sturdy man in shorts and bare upper body was looking up at the huge relief pictures floating in the air, looking extremely small, just like the little black man against the earth in the WeChat startup screen.

"This is…"

Seeing this, Ye Dou felt his heart beat faster.

He seemed to have seen the line "Heaven and earth are not benevolent and all things are dogs" somewhere, and the scene in this hall.

His eyes turned sharply, and he found a few lines of teeny small letters at the bottom right of the two-foot-long scroll. The first four characters were relatively large. Just glanced at it, and he stared.

I saw that the first four characters were written!


The painting was so shocking that Ye Dou couldn't help but take a deep breath.

"I knew that Brother Ye liked it. I spent five hundred yuan to buy it back. It's a good painter, and the characters are well written. It's definitely a fine work." Li Yongzheng pushed the bridge of his nose. glasses, looking quite excited.

In his eyes Ye Dou is also very excited, but Ye Dou is not excited by this painting, but the meaning of the painting to him!

Gold fingers can turn fake cheats!

Essentially, it's an ability to revise deductions.

The God of War Catalogue is the highest and most mysterious martial arts secret book of the Yellow Element. Because it involves the Shattered Void, it has left the category of ordinary martial arts and entered the realm of high martial arts.

However, the God of War catalog does not exist in the form of a cheat book, but in the form of a relief in the Temple of War, so the golden finger cannot be touched.

But the appearance of this picture has made the God of War catalogue possible.

So Ye Dou couldn't help trembling when he saw it, he couldn't hide his excitement.

So here comes the problem.

Can Goldfinger enlighten this God of War catalog?

"Cough, this painting..."

Before Ye Dou finished speaking, Li Yongzheng said directly: "Give this painting to Brother Ye!"

You're really observant.

He smiled: "Thank you, no, I am very satisfied with the Innate Astral Qi written by Brother Li. Come on, I still have 2,000 yuan as a thank you fee."

He doesn't like to owe favors, so he can give it away, and it's better to buy it with money.

Stuffing the money into Li Yongzheng's hands, he took over the scroll.

Seeing that the other party insisted, Li Yongzheng smiled a little embarrassedly.

"By the way, who painted this painting?" Ye Dou asked.

"It's next door

An old man in the street is also my master who learned to paint. " Li Yongzheng replied.

God is such a teacher and apprentice price.

Ye Dou snorted: "This painting is very good, I like it very much, I must come to visit the old man another day."

"My master has a very weird temper. He doesn't like outsiders. If Brother Ye wants to see him, he can try to buy a few bottles of Maotai or something." Li Yongzhong suggested.

"No hurry, no hurry, just wait for the time." Ye Dou smiled, now he wants to find a place as soon as possible to try to embellish the picture of the God of War.

Just as he was in a hurry to leave, Li Yongzheng over there asked, "Brother Ye, what other secrets do you need, you can tell me directly."

"Will you write some other types of martial arts, such as martial arts in anime?" Ye Dou's mind flashed and he turned to ask.

"Martial arts in anime? I really don't understand this. It seems that martial arts in anime are very And we haven't watched much anime." Li Yongzheng shook his head slightly.

"Then you should write one Yang Finger first, and then write the Six Veins Divine Sword." Ye Dou said simply.

Now that he has complete hard skills, internal skills, light skills, martial arts, and swordsmanship, he lacks a long-range attack.

Li Yongzheng nodded again and again with a smile on his face, as if he saw twenty hundred-yuan bills coming into his account.

"In addition, I'll give you another task. You are going to watch an island country animation called Beidou Shenquan. I want you to read the Beidou Shenquan in your spare time. Use your brain to read it, and you must remember the martial arts in it. Names and martial arts effects."


Li Yongzheng was stunned.

He is in his thirties, and he wants to watch cartoons?

Please, Brother Ye, are you asking me to reminisce about my childhood?

Ye Dou looked serious and said nothing.

He has long guessed a possibility. Since the golden finger can be turned into a real one, and the deduction can be corrected, then the martial arts skills in the anime may also be enlightened. Sending qigong and other powerful attack methods will greatly strengthen his attack methods.

It is estimated that learning skills in anime requires a lot of souls.

Fortunately, he will be able to go to the opposite Baiyou Sect right away! js3v3

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