The Hero Kneels

Chapter 166: The head is worth 1 million

"Of course, I was interested in you, and then I investigated you, and the results were astonishing..."

Song Qian looked at the other party with some dread and said, "You almost killed a leader of the Hall of Impermanence with your mortal body, and you turned out to be a waste spirit. This is unbelievable. [WWw.SuiMеng.lā "

"Don't talk nonsense, unless you want to fight me, my stuff?" Ye Dou asked coldly.

This Song Qian is indeed not simple. She actually knew all about what she had done in the underworld. The intelligence ability of the other party was really impressive.

"I brought something. It took me a lot of effort to get it, but there are only 12 pieces of information. I've used the other information from the You-Beiyou Sect to make up 20 pieces of information. Is the evil soldier I want?"

Ye Dou grinned: "I brought the evil soldiers, you can show me first, if the information is accurate, then everything is easy to say, you can take the evil soldiers away today."

Song Qian nodded.

She reached out and took out a notebook smaller than a slap from her breast pocket, and threw it to Ye Dou.

"These twelve hidden places for worshiping the secluded are very hidden, but I spent a lot of effort to get them. Most of these places are the places where the ghosts are raised, and they are considered to be the ghosts. Hide the army."

Ye Dou got the notebook and immediately flipped through it. The notebook was densely recorded with information about the strongholds of the Ghost Worship Sect. It looked quite detailed, and it looked like it was real.

In addition, there are some secret information about the worship of you, some of which he knows, and some of which he has never heard of.

"Next." He threw the evil soldier directly.

After receiving the evil soldier Song Qian's delicate body, she looked at the evil soldier and asked in shock, "You don't check the authenticity of the information, then give me the evil soldier?"

"I believe in your intelligence ability." Ye Dou said lightly, and took the notebook into his pocket.

Song Qian smiled, and looked at the other party unexpectedly again: "I didn't expect you to be so cheerful, so I'll send you another important message, which is related to your life and wealth."


Ye Dou immediately narrowed his eyes.

"Just two days ago, our player organization received a deal. The content of this deal was to assassinate a patrolman named Ye Dou. The other party often operates in Maiqiao Cross Street."

Song Qian blinked a few times and said with a smile, "The client's asking price is one million yuan, and he asks that the patrolman's head be cut off and given to him."

Ye Dou's face was expressionless, and there was already a wave in his heart.

Who is buying players to kill themselves?

Do you teach?

or someone else?

"This one comes with great value."

Ye Dou nodded slightly: "We have cleared things up, and it looks like a player will kill me soon."

"Don't worry, players who will kill for a mere one million will be a piece of cake for you. As long as these players don't go berserk, they will never be your opponents."

Song Qian said, "That's it. Contact me often in the future. If you need any information, just ask me directly. You only need to exchange information of the same value. Maybe I will want to ask you for information in the future."

Ye Dou nodded and said nothing.

He turned around and left, and walked forward, walking very slowly.

At dusk, he slowly came to a grove in a dark park.

"Aren't you tired of following me for so long? Come out!" Ye Dou shouted while standing in the empty woods.


A shrill laughter suddenly sounded in his ears: "That's Ye Dou, who dares to touch the player rashly and knows Song Qian, this little girl, is really asking for his own death, let's see how I will kill you?"

"No wonder I always felt that someone was watching me just now. You came for the one million?" Ye Dou narrowed his eyes.

"Of course, our players also want to make money. You are just patrolling, and you are killing yourself when you meet me."

The high-pitched voice was full of threats: "Looking at you're strong, the meat should taste very good. Wait until your head is cut off, and then eat the meat slowly."

Ye Dou frowned slightly, he must have killed his player for the bounty, and he threatened to eat him. Now he is the beast among the players.

It seems that he felt this guy just after seeing Song Qian, which means that Song Qian knew the existence of the other party and brought this guy with him.

These players are a real headache.

"Come and try."

He couldn't help sneering: "After cultivating the Nine Swords of Dugu, I haven't had a good fight with anyone. The Song Qian just now was too weak and not enough to look at. I hope you can bring me some happiness."

The wedding dress magic started slowly, and a scorching aura stirred his clothes.

Usually, he fights too many ghosts, and too few people. Now that the other party came to the door, he just moved his muscles and bones, and practiced his hands.

I just don't know what Song Qian means? Bring this player to yourself.

"court death!"

The shrill voice shouted angrily, followed by a gust of wind, and an extremely fast dagger suddenly flew out, hitting the back of Ye Dou's heart.

This dagger is indeed fast enough to fly, and it is shot from the rear, with a tricky angle and decisive killing intent.

Broken Arrow!

Ye Dou's big sword slashed directly on the dagger as if it had eyes.


At the same time that the dagger splashed a spark, it was picked up by the blade and flew upside down to a seemingly lush grass, and the speed was also fast.


There was a muffled humming in the grass.

Before the sound fell, a cold light sword that was wider than the thigh slammed into the grass with a slamming sound, and cut the tree next to it in half with a single sword, and the grass was also cut into pieces. half.


At the same time as the big tree fell, a tall and thin young man was smashed by a fierce and unparalleled sword and flew out. The whole person hit another tree like a kite with a broken string, knocking the other one out. The big tree with the thickness of the mouth of the bowl was completely broken.


Ye Dou shouted loudly, raised the Ba Jian with both hands, and jumped suddenly. From top to bottom, it was a jumping slash, slashing directly from the opponent's head, without giving the opponent any time to react.


The great sword was unparalleled, cutting the tall and thin young man from head to toe.

A blood line spread from the opponent's forehead to the neck, chest, stomach, and then burst and scattered. It could be seen that his body was still in constant deformation, and his limbs were no longer human-like, and he seemed to want to enter a rampant state.

It's a pity that Ye Dou's swift and violent attack directly interrupted the opponent's transformation, so that this man could only stare at a pair of dark and dark eyes, his limbs twitched constantly, and he wanted to attack Ye Dou, which shows how terrifying the vitality of this guy is.

"You want to eat me? I don't even give you a chance to transform, you eat it!" Ye Dou showed a cruel smile and stepped directly on the opponent's head.


The opponent's entire head exploded like a watermelon, and the red and white things gradually settled on the tree trunk. At the same time, a big sword was inserted into the opponent's deformed heart that was constantly expanding and beating.

After doing all this, the tall and thin young man just finished playing with his ass, completely lost his breath.

Too bad there is no soul!

Ye Dou sighed Players are a very strange species. If they are killed without transforming, their souls will not appear, but once they pass through, they will appear after killing them.

It seems that after the runaway, not only the player's body but also the player's soul is mutated.

Ye Dou really wanted to get some souls out of this player, but unfortunately he couldn't give the opponent a chance to completely transform into a rampage, otherwise he would not be sure to kill this player.

blah blah blah...

After the player's corpse died, it seemed to have lost some kind of strength support and began to rot at a speed that could be seen by the naked eye. Black bubbling pus flowed from the wound, and the stench was abnormal.

"This smell is so unpleasant. It seems that it is best to kill with one hit in the future, so that the player will not even have time to transform." Ye Dou narrowed his eyes, recalling the previous judge's methods, and stepped out of the small room. forest.

Now, it's time to brush your soul. The red hall master of the You Sect, aren't you looking for me?

You wait, I'll play with you below!

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