The Hero Kneels

Chapter 170: Kill 18 layers of hell

When he came to the base hall, he did not see the ghosts who were in a hurry on weekdays.

The entire hall was empty, only a few staff were cleaning it, there was a lot of blood on the ground, and even some facilities were damaged, the door at the entrance of the hall collapsed and destroyed, and there were all kinds of big holes around.

Obviously, this base was attacked, and the opponent was aggressive and almost broke the hall defense.

"Hey, brother, what the **** is going on?" Ye Dou asked a ghost messenger who hurriedly left the hall with a backpack.

"Hey, hey, you are so strange, don't you know about the assault battle yesterday? Yesterday, a group of players attacked directly." The ghost said.

"The player attacked the base? So how is the situation in the underworld now?" Ye Dou asked again.

"The situation is very bad. I have to rush to the headquarters of the underworld now. It is being besieged by the worshipers and players. Ordinary ghosts must gather to go there to support."

This ghost messenger looked at Ye Dou, turned his head and left, and quickly walked away, a little puzzled: "Hey, hey, if you go alone, you are going to die."

In the eighteenth floor of the Underworld headquarters.

The apse of the Temple of Impermanence.

Hall Master Luo was lying on the hospital bed, with bandages all over her body and bandages on her forehead. The aura of the talisman circulated on her body, healing her injuries.

There are still many people standing in the apse, including Master Wuxiang and Long Judgment, as well as several leaders of the Hall of Impermanence, as well as a lot of ghost leaders.

Judge Long sat in front of the bed, quietly looking at the frail Hall Master Luo, with a complicated expression.

Xue Fei next to him served Hall Master Luo with a spoon and took a sip of medicine. The other party coughed a few times, turned his face, and looked at Judge Long and others: "Senior brother, did things finally develop into this situation? We can't get it back?"

"Yes, there's no way to get it back."

Judge Long nodded, Yingwu's face looked helpless and tired.

These days, Rosie was haggard, watching the foundation of the underworld collapse so easily. She was injured again, and overworked, and finally fell ill.

"This time Youcheng is in crisis, and the player organization is involved in it. If this goes on, they will definitely have an advantage. The worship of You will definitely rule the entire Youcheng, and then the life will be ruined..."

Rosie coughed for a moment and looked at the other party deeply: "Senior brother, I will hand over the command of the Hall of Impermanence to you. You are a senior judge in the Hall of Judges, and you have the highest combat power here. Since you choose to stay, you can Help Youcheng resist this disaster."

The people around couldn't help but take a deep breath. They never expected that Hall Master Luo would give in at this time.

"Senior brother, are you willing or not?" She looked at Judge Long.

"My injury is not good, I'm afraid I can't resist the attack of Baiyou Sect." Judge Long shook his head slightly and sighed.

"Then we can only withdraw from Youcheng? Let all the civilians in Youcheng die?" Hall Master Luo smiled bitterly.

The rest of the people listened, and their faces instantly turned pale, and they couldn't help frowning slightly.

If you withdraw from Youcheng at this time, the foundation of the underworld will be destroyed. Once it is a trivial matter, the people of the entire Youcheng will be in bad luck.

"Forget it, let me try it. If you can't stop it, everyone will withdraw directly."

"Then it's a given."

Hall Master Luo smiled.

Judge Long has extraordinary strength and is the best among judges. Even if his injuries are not healed, his combat effectiveness is still not much worse than that of Zhuang Xiaoqing. He may be able to lead them to fight for a way out of the Hall of Impermanence and the remaining ghosts, and there is even a chance to recapture them. initiative.

"If you fail, I'm ready, Senior Brother, just go straight to the northern headquarters with all the troops."

"It's useless, we can't escape. The Evil Ghost Church of the You Sect has been fighting with us in You City for a hundred years. The grievances between us and them have long been unresolved."

Judge Long shook his head and said, "If we escape, the situation will collapse faster, and more people will die."

Rosie's voice stopped abruptly and finally nodded.

"From today onwards, Judge Long will lead my Youcheng Impermanence Hall, as well as all the subordinate ghost dispatch departments."

A moment later, in the huge impermanence hall, Rosie's cold and tired voice sounded.

Many leaders below whispered to each other. Although the judge had higher authority than the impermanence, he would never manage the impermanence hall. The judge hall and the impermanence hall were two unrelated departments.

Hall Master Luo handed over the ruling power of the Hall of Impermanence to Judge Long, which was unprecedented.

Master Wuxiang stood aside with a worried look on his face, not knowing what he was thinking.

At a time like this, they really can't allow them to think too much about the Hall of Impermanence, because the situation is so bad, if there is no suitable person to take over this mess, then the underworld headquarters of Youcheng is very likely to be leveled in a few years.

After finishing speaking, Hall Master Luo directly took out the Yin-Yang Seal representing the Hall of Impermanence, and handed it over to the other party in front of everyone.

The voices in the hall were loud and noisy at first, and everyone seemed to have some suggestions, but after Hall Master Luo finished handing over the Yin-Yang Seal, it immediately became quiet.

Full power transfer completed.

Gradually, everyone's attention was focused on Judge Long.

"Dragon is immoral and incompetent. He once lost in the competition for the Qinglong Seal, and has since lost his reputation, but this time I will never let everyone down. Now I will lead you through this disaster..."


Before he finished speaking, there was a loud noise.

The door of the Hall of Impermanence shook violently, and all the impermanence, ghosts, judges, etc. present all frowned.


Another loud noise came, and at the same time as the whole door vibrated, the huge carved stainless steel door also bulged.

"Amitabha, it's not good!" Master Wuxiang's face darkened.

These stainless steel gates are heavy, and the defensive formation with spiritual patterns is indestructible. Unexpectedly, there are obvious cracks now.

Everyone looked at each other, and had a premonition that something was wrong.

With such a big movement outside, the guards didn't even have any information from the guards.

You must know that the guards outside the main hall are not ordinary ghosts, but impermanence. They quickly reported one thing, but now there is no news.

"Return immediately." Master Wuxiang's voice is extremely penetrating.

But there was no sound behind the door.

"there is a problem."

"It's impossible to worship you so soon, right?"

"There are so many people outside, it is impossible for them to be silent in such a short time.

The complexions of many high-level officials began to change.

These days, everyone has a new understanding of the players and the worship of you. After these two forces are combined into one, the lethality of the underworld is not generally large, maybe the defense outside may really be broken.

I just didn't expect that things would develop so fast.

"Amitabha, Lao Na brought people to take a look." Master Wuxiang clasped his hands together, and resolutely stepped forward, followed by Liu Gangdan and others immediately.


Another bang.

The stainless steel door has long been deformed, with obvious bulges on it.

The power contained in this loud noise is truly frightening.

I saw one of the steel plates flying out. Through this doorway, I could vaguely see that the outside was enveloped by a dark aura, and these dark auras continued to spread like tentacles.

Everyone in the hall held their breath.

bang bang bang...

More than a dozen people's blood-stained heads flew out of the doorway and rolled into the hall.

These heads, like bowling balls, rolled around in the hall, paving the ground.

There was a large panic in the originally silent hall, and many people began to be forced by this fearful aura, and kept backing out.

A lot of ghosts took out the spirit talismans and were ready to go, and many ghosts couldn't help exclaiming, because these people had their comrades-in-arms, impermanence and ghosts.

There is great terror outside this gate!

"Quiet, quiet, the other party is at most a hundred-year-old ghost, there is nothing to worry about." Master Wuxiang displayed the martial arts of Buddhism's lion's roar. suppress.

"Everyone, you can rest assured, I will lead everyone to resist this disaster..." Judge Long stood firm, his tall body came to the gate, and a Coiling Dragon spear appeared in his hand.

This is his Soul Soldier Dragon Spear!

At the beginning, he used this gun to fight head-on with the Red Hall Master. Now even if he was injured, he still had the confidence to fight the opponent. UU reading www.


There was another heavy impact, and the heavy steel door was finally knocked open by some kind of strange force.

Everyone in the hall held their breath for a moment, their eyes widened, and they were ready to go.

woo woo woo woo!

A strong, cold and dark wind rushed from the crack of the door, making everyone shudder like falling into an ice cellar.

Everyone saw that a pretty little snow-white hand holding a black folding fan protruded from the black air under the door, but the black nails were stained with a lot of blood, and then a **** human head was thrown in...

The big guy took a closer look and couldn't help but turn pale in shock.

The owner of this head was known to the high-level people at the scene, and the other party turned out to be the judge Wang who was in charge of guarding the gate of the underworld.

A judge with extraordinary strength, just died like this?

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