The Hero Kneels

Chapter 175: Nuclear level? Peace?


The big guy was dumbfounded. Mobile terminal


Is it peaceful?

Or nuclear flat?

We heard it right, the two sides have been fighting against each other for so long, why do you suddenly want to talk about peace?

What do you want to do?

"Dear leaders of the underworld, I am overbearing, and I will formally negotiate with you on behalf of the player organization!"

After speaking, Ba Dao Tianyue took out a red letter and threw it forward.

Ye Dou directly took the letter with one hand and handed it over to Judge Long.

Judge Long frowned slightly, opened the envelope, and his expression suddenly changed after a glance: "This is the commission of the country! Do you want the underworld to withdraw from Youcheng? Become the guardian of Youcheng?"

"Yes, Youcheng is already under our control and appointed by the state. It is already a fact that it has become a guardian. Our organization only needs your statement at present. No matter whether you agree or disagree, nothing can be changed."

Tianyue said: "Your underworld has been using our players as street mice, and has carried out extensive capture experiments on players, forcing us to join forces with the Worship of You Sect... Of course, the ghosts were not killed by us, you must blame the ghosts of the Worship of You Sect. Next, please hand over the corpse king Li Gang to us, and immediately release the imprisoned players and submit to the player organization."

He paused, stretched out three fingers and said coldly: "The organization will give you three days to consider the underworld, you have three options, one can continue to stay in Youcheng, but after that, you must act in accordance with our organization's regulations, and you must not cooperate with The player is the enemy, the second takes your troops to leave Youcheng, and the third fights us to the death."

The people in the underworld were silent.

Domineering, coercion, intimidation...

Well, they can only choose one from three.

After all, they have even obtained the State Appointment Certificate, which represents the meaning of the high-level.

Judge Long nodded and said loudly: "I will report this matter to Mian, and I will give you a reply within three days."

"Then there will be a period later. It's up to you to decide whether to live or die next time... I forgot to remind us that we have broken with the group of ghosts who worship You Sect and are already hostile. You can do whatever you want."

After Tianyue finished speaking, he glanced at Ye Dou meaningfully, and then gradually moved away from the dozen or so players hidden in the gray fog.

After the aura of these players disappeared, everyone in the underworld was relieved.

"Amitabha, I didn't expect the player's power to develop so fast, to develop so terribly in a short period of time, and to obtain a certificate of appointment issued by the state..." Master Wuxiang was really speechless.

The letter of appointment means that the official also recognizes the player organization, making them the guardians of Youcheng, and the Youcheng Underworld seems to be abandoned by the face.

Judge Long and Hall Master Luo looked at each other with bitterness and helplessness on their faces.

In fact, the two were not too surprised by this letter of appointment.

Some time ago, Zhuang Xiaoqing took advantage of the fact that the owner of the red hall was not in Youcheng, and the act of eradicating the evil ghost hall of worshiping you was very arrogant, and it also led to many ghosts in the ghost hall. Ordinary people were killed because of this, and while public grievances were boiling, the situation was almost exposed.

This made him very dissatisfied with the actions of the Underworld of Youcheng. He thought that the ghost messenger did things too rudely and caused too much wind and waves. For this reason, he specially criticized and warned him.

Everyone is very depressed at the moment.

It seems that the regular army was suddenly replaced by the original robbers and bandits, and then the other party was riding on the neck to urinate.

So frustrating!

Ye Dou's voice sounded at this time: "Do you know where the entrance to the hall of the ghosts is?"

"Ye Dou, what do you want?" Hall Master Luo asked in shock.

"I plan to go to the hall of the Evil Ghost Hall to harass and harass." Ye Dou said in a low voice.

In fact, he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of the Evil Ghost Hall's break with the player to get rid of the soul.

"No, absolutely not, Hall Master Hong is a demon-level supernatural disaster, and the shadow just now is much stronger. Even if the four judges are one-on-one, they may not be able to destroy Hall Master Hong." Hall Master Luo hurriedly advised.

"Where did the Red Hall Master go? During this time, the underworld and the Evil Ghost Hall have been fighting for so long, and I haven't seen her come out." Ye Dou asked back.

As a temporary worker, he did not know the movements of the Red Hall Master, so he had this doubt.

"According to the information, Hall Master Hong should have gone to the forbidden area of ​​worshiping You, and is currently not in Youcheng. This is also the primary reason for Zhuang Xiaoqing's attack on Evil Ghost Hall." Hall Master Luo replied.

"Now the player and the You Baijiao are separated from each other. The Red Hall Master is not in Youcheng. This is the opportunity for us to attack the Evil Ghost Hall on a large scale. We can find the entrance of the Evil Ghost Hall and annihilate these guys in one fell swoop." Ye Dou suggested.

Now that he has become the number one enemy of the Evil Ghost Hall, this makes him very unhappy, and he wants to immediately eliminate all possible threats to him.

"You are right, now is indeed a good time to attack the Evil Ghost Hall. It's a pity that there are internal and external troubles in the underworld, and there is simply no time to deal with the worship of You Sect. Moreover, the Evil Ghost Hall has been operating Youcheng for a hundred years. It does not mean eradication and eradication. Yes, we also need to consider the revenge of the Red Hall Master...cough, cough." After Judge Long finished speaking, he coughed in a low voice.

"That's too slow, I'll try it out by myself, and if it doesn't work, I'll retreat immediately." Ye Dou suggested Hall Master Luo shook his head slightly: "It's really a good time now, but we have to put the players first. The matter is resolved, I am worried that they have other plans, the underworld will have to take a long-term plan and regroup its strength, and the Evil Ghost Hall has been lurking in the dark, our underworld has no information about the hall, and in case you touch the red hall master..."

Ye Dou thought about it carefully: "Indeed... If I really touch the Red Hall Master, I really can't do it with my strength. With the current strength of the underworld, I can't stop it. I'll just wait for a while."

Indeed, his martial arts are still not high enough, and he is not fully confident in the face of real demon-level supernatural disasters.

Or don't be impatient and wait patiently for your martial arts to improve to the next level.

Next, Hall Master Luo and Judge Long went to report, and the rest of the ghost leaders also started to clean up the mess.

In fact, most of the ghost guards stationed outside did not die, but were stunned by the player's strange ability. Ye Dou and others were at the ghost guard's station and found a large number of fainted ghost guards.

He can't sigh about the abilities of the players. The abilities of these players are really strange and unpredictable. They can actually bring down so many ghosts at one time. This ability is so powerful.

The powerhouse of this player is probably as good as the four judges of the underworld. I wonder what the level of these players is?

Is it the legendary level 100?

Fortunately, according to the actual situation, these Teana players have attacked the underground bases many times, destroying them, but there is no sign of deliberately killing the ghosts. They are basically stunned and injured, and the ghosts are killed and injured by evil ghosts. Church caused.

It also means that the player's organization keeps things behind, and has no plan to become a mortal enemy with the underworld.

Ye Dou was thoughtful as he looked at the unstoppable ghosts on the ground.

"This day has really changed, will it be the era of players?"

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