The Hero Kneels

Chapter 177: 1 mountain cannot hold 2 tigers

Leng Qingqiu said directly to Judge Long: "Our female players need your underworld to obey the organization and will not interfere much with the inside of the underworld. After all, dealing with ghosts is your specialty, our organization will give the underworld a certain degree of autonomy, but You have to report everything to us, you are not allowed to hide all kinds of information in Youcheng, and we can also guarantee that you will not be attacked and harassed by players. Please Baidu search () to read the most complete! The fastest updated novel!"

Next to him, Ba Dao Tianyue said: "Our male organization is actually not interested in the underworld. In the future, we will only be equivalent to a level department. As long as you don't oppose our organization, of course, our male players do not protect the underworld, we only need to share information. ."

One wants to bring the underworld under its own jurisdiction, but provides all kinds of security guarantees, and the other wants to be leveled, but does not provide protection.

The word protection means a lot. The current world is not the same as before. Players are emerging in an endless stream, and their power is growing. Players have the evil energy to restrain spirits, which is very difficult to deal with.

If there is no protection from the player organization, it is very likely that some players will be threatened or troubled in the future in the Underworld.

It can be seen that female players want to control the underworld as much as possible, so they propose protection, while male players have no plans to control the underworld.

Judge Long was caught in a dilemma. Now, if the underworld wants the city to be unimpeded, it must show its obedience to one of its player forces, or wait for them to drive away or fight.

But what are the two player forces to choose?

He raised his head and looked at Li Hujiang, who acted as the intermediary.

Li Hu Jiang said with a dry smile: "Brother Long, don't look at me, we only need some of you to protect Youcheng from supernatural events and harassment of runaway players, and ensure the safety of people's lives and properties. As for your choice, it has nothing to do with our officials. "

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes, knowing that Judge Long was in trouble.

The player organization is very strange. It is divided into two types: men's organization and women's organization. The two aspects are not harmonious, and their attitudes towards the underworld are also very different, which makes people really uncertain.

Ye Dou simply asked: "I have never understood, what is the difference between this male organization and the female organization? Can you please explain to the two of you."

"Good question."

Li Hujiang looked at the two players, then smiled, "Then let me answer for you."

"Male organizations are all composed of male players. The male members are more powerful in physical changes, with various physical magical powers attached, and the frontal combat effectiveness is extremely strong, but the number of them is small."

"The female organization is composed of female players. Female players are better at controlling evil energy and can control more evil energy. The number of female players is almost three times that of male players."

"There is not much difference between the two in combat power. Except for the difference in number, male players are not weaker than female players, and the frontal combat is even stronger..."

Leng Qingqiu interrupted in a cold voice: "Old man Li, why didn't you say why there are so few male players?

It's because male players are very easy to go berserk and then be beheaded by us, which leads to their scarcity..."

Tian Yue couldn't help but snorted: "Miss Leng is right about this. Men are indeed not as strong as women in controlling fel energy, but this does not prevent us from having more high-ranking players."

Ye Dou nodded, expressing satisfaction.

Unexpectedly, this kind of very confidential information was also asked, which was unheard of.

"I want to ask one last question."

He looked straight at Ba Dao Tianyue; "Brother Tianyue, I would like to ask your male players' attitude towards you worship?"

Domineering Tianyue, sighed slightly: "Beiyoujiao has completely broken with our players, and the organization does not plan to take care of Yayoujiao, but if Yayoujiao dares to make trouble, we will definitely eradicate Youyoujiao."

Ye Dou nodded slightly.

He turned to look at Leng Qingqiu.

The other party looked at the other party very beautiful and cold, like a cold-faced goddess aloof.

She just forgot one glance at Ye Dou with her cold eyes: "These ghosts have harmed Youcheng for a long time, it is not easy to eradicate them, as long as you hand over the command of the underworld, we will immediately send troops to attack the evil ghost hall of the You Sect, Worshiping You Sect drives away Youcheng, but if there is no underworld command, we will not take the initiative to pay attention to Worshiping You Sect."

Her tone was extremely cold.

Ye Dou nodded and pondered for a while.

He glanced at Judge Long who was hesitant to decide, and simply made up his own mind: "We still trouble Brother Tianyue, and the underworld will contact Duo in the future."

This is a statement, on behalf of the Youcheng Underworld has chosen the superintendent.

Judge Long was stunned for a while, and looked at Tianyue thoughtfully, but didn't say anything, apparently tacitly agreeing.

"Congratulations to your group of male players." Leng Qingqiu's face was a little unhappy, and he got up and left.

Tian Yue looked at Ye Dou in surprise.

The conditions given by the organization are not good, why did Ye Dou choose to belong to their organization?

You must know that women's organizations are very powerful and powerful.

"Congratulations, your two organizations can cooperate with each other to maintain the safety of Youcheng together. This is the best thing." Li Hu couldn't help but let out a hearty laugh.

"Ye Dou, you made a good choice to become our subordinate department. We male players will not interfere much with the affairs of the underworld." Then Tian Yue glanced at Ye Dou approvingly.

"Brother Tianyue, can you ask why this player organization separates men and women?" Ye Dou took the opportunity to ask.

Tianyue shook his head: "It's about the secrets of the game and the players themselves, sorry I can't answer."

"Then please take care of me in the future." Ye Dou didn't ask any further.

There are too many taboos about players and games, and it is understandable that the other party is not easy to answer, but the setting of the player organization being divided into male and female factions is too weird, which makes him overflowing with good intentions.

It is said that two tigers cannot be tolerated in one mountain, unless there is a male and a female, but the players turn it around. There is a sense of incompatibility between a man and a This is unbelievable.

"Since a few are confirmed, why don't you have a good meal and drink in the clubhouse and discuss the following work matters."

Li Hujiang proposed: "Let's work together to build a harmonious new socialist society, defeat those ghosts and defend the world."

"My game has started, farewell." Ba Dao Tianyue refused directly, he stood up, and his body disappeared directly into the air.


Ye Dou was inexplicably horrified, the other party was not invisible, but also left, but disappeared out of thin air.


Judge Long's eyelids also twitched: "What kind of ability is this?"

"Hehe, this is the player's ability when entering the game, isn't it very mysterious? It's a bit like teleportation, right?" Li Hu smiled.

Ye Dou suddenly felt something, and immediately looked at Li Hujiang: "You are also a player?"


He felt an undetectable evil energy aura on the other side.

"Your perception is pretty good, I was well hidden, and I was discovered by you."

Li Hujiang was stunned for a moment, and then showed a smile.

At this time, the tall officer next to Li Hujiang glanced at Ye Dou coldly, clenching his fists.

Ye Dou Xin felt something, and looked around, his pupils tightened: "This officer is also a player, no... all the military soldiers here are players!"

"Yeah, we are a special unit of the military." Li Hujiang smiled.

The corner of Judge Long's mouth twitched, and he suddenly understood something.

No wonder Mianhui directly appointed the player as the guardian of Youcheng, and let the player's attack on the underworld be ignored, so he did not move.

After a long time at the top of the military, some people have become players, and they have become players' umbrellas.

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