The Hero Kneels

Chapter 395: Big Divine Fist

"Ye Dou, I warn you, Lao Li is my man, you are not allowed to touch him, do you understand?"

Wang Xiaomei was like an old hen protecting her calf, protecting Li Yongzheng behind her.

Li Yongzheng quickly opened Wang Xiaomei: "Xiaomei, this is a misunderstanding, a pure misunderstanding. I, Teacher Ye, Brother Ye are friends, good teachers and good friends."

"A good teacher and a good friend? What did he teach you? Maybe it's about picking up girls, or he taught you some strange postures." Wang Xiaomei was still worried and looked annoyed.

"Hahaha, Xiaomei guessed well, it's something like this."

Ye Dou smiled and seemed to be very tolerant: "I heard that your old Li has something to hide, so I prescribed a prescription for him. You know, I am an expert in this area, and I want to give your old Li a gift. One thing to ensure that your married life will be very happy in the future."

With that, he took out a small box of things from his hand.

This box looks like a box of kidney tablets sold inside, but there is no person or label.

In addition, Ye Dou also used his luminous index finger, which others could not see, to tap on the medicine box before lowering: "This is a kind of magic medicine, after taking it, it will have unexpected good effects. It should be beneficial, and of course, it can also ensure a happy and happy life for you."

Seeing this, Li Yongzheng almost knelt down to Ye Dou: "Thank you Teacher Ye for giving the medicine."

Ye Dou said: "If you don't take thanks, you can eat a slice first."

Li Yongzheng nodded immediately, took out a seemingly strange light blue pill, and swallowed it directly.

Who knew that after swallowing, he felt hot all over his body, his whole body was boiling, his blood was surging, his left and right waists seemed to have been hit with hormones, and they began to heat up.

"Xiaomei, come back to the room with me, I have something urgent to tell you." Li Yongzheng put his arms around Wang Xiaomei's waist and couldn't help wiping his saliva.

"What's wrong with you? Why do you look like you haven't eaten meat in a hundred years?" Wang Xiaomei exclaimed as she was dragged into Room No. 18 by the other party.

Ye Dou showed a wicked smile: "Comrade Xiaomei, you called me a personal self-propelled gun, and you called me the gun king. Everyone knows what you did, and it made me very uncomfortable, so now I will let you The fiancé turned into a human-shaped self-propelled gun, I hope you can withstand his fire, hahahaha!"

"I wish the two of you had your son early, and I wish Comrade Xiaomei could not get out of bed within a month, wow ha ha ha!"

Having said that, Ye Pao Wang, who had succeeded in his evil plan, just disappeared from the sight of the confused crowd.

After returning to his residence, Ye Dou opened the Beidou Shenquan cheat book.

After thinking for a moment, he called out his golden finger and pointed at the Big Divine Fist.

With a flash of white light.

The secret book of the Big Divine Fist suddenly radiated a dark golden light, and the four large characters on the page turned into purple fonts like swords.

The number of white souls on the soul ring has also consumed seven, which is the level of ordinary peerless martial arts.

After opening this Big Divine Fist, a burst of dazzling golden light shot into his eyes.

After digesting it in his mind for half an hour, Ye Dou opened his eyes: "It is the martial arts that appeared in the anime, the theoretical system is very different from the traditional martial arts, it is more particular than the acupuncture points in the Yiyang finger, and It is also more esoteric, and the use of infuriating energy is also different.”

The setting of Beidou Shenquan is the world's number one assassination fist passed down from ancient China. It can attack the enemy's acupoints to cause delayed damage and explode the opponent's body.

It can be said that this type of boxing has many secrets.

This kind of boxing is set like acupuncture, but it is much higher than acupuncture, and it has the concept of infuriating, which is to bring the acupuncture martial arts to the extreme.

There is no problem with Li Yongzheng writing this martial arts. After all, the other party has studied Chinese medicine and has a good understanding of meridians and acupoints.

"Good martial arts, it has increased my understanding of various acupuncture points. It can be said that the mysteries of many acupoints in the human body have been thoroughly explained. Now that I have learned the principles of martial arts, it is time to write a good book of my own internal strength. already."

Ye Dou put away the Beidou Divine Fist Cheats.

Although under various conditions, he could even use the power of Tianlei to kill Li Tianxing in his rampant form, but that borrowed many factors due to the right time and place.

In detail, it is not his own strength, and it has too many limitations.

Whether it's Viagra or Thunderbolt.

According to his internal strength level, if he didn't master the aura of thunder and fire, then his strength could only be regarded as a demon-level elite, and it would not be so easy to kill players of the same level.

Even in the face of ghosts, he will not be so calm.

Moreover, he has now reached the bottleneck of martial arts. In fact, the magic of the wedding dress has been deduced to the highest level. Combined with the martial arts of the Temple of War, and the internal power in the Taixuan Sutra, the total internal power has reached an unprecedented height.

If, judging from the progress of martial arts cultivation, I am afraid that I have at least five hundred years of internal strength.

So that True Qi condenses into the legendary liquid shape, that is, True Yuan.

At the same time as he condensed his true essence, he also reached the state of the three flowers gathering at the top of the Taoist legend, the state of five qi chasing Yuan, that is, the realm of heaven and man.

But it is difficult to improve on this foundation.

If you want to break through, you must change a set of exercises, completely remove the wedding dress magic.

However, Li Yongzheng could not write such internal skills, because this type of practice has already involved the level of Chinese martial arts and above, it is very complicated, the theory is cumbersome, and it has to be suitable for him.

Only you can write it out by yourself.

Fortunately, Ye Dou has enough accumulation in martial arts now. He is at the level of a martial arts master in terms of acupoints, meridians, internal skills, movement skills, infuriating energy, Zhou Tian, ​​vision, theory, etc. He is even several times higher than the masters. This is considered a master of martial arts.

It's time to write your own inner strength.

Thinking of this, Ye Dou took out a blank cheat book without hesitation.

Squinting his eyes for a while, he picked up a pen and started writing.

What he wrote is that internal power is a brand-new type of exercise, which is different from ordinary exercises, and contains many of his insights and understandings of martial arts, as well as conjectures about exercises.

The level of the practice method, he defines it as the realm of high martial arts.

At least it is at the level of the Broken Void of the God of War Catalog.

[General introduction... It can absorb thunder and lightning, absorb the essence of heaven and earth and aura, call wind and rain, drive thunder, and can use thunder to continuously improve, condense into a thunder-type Dao body, can hold thousands of thunder in the body, can generate thunder in the flesh, and may be greatly enhanced Physical strength, and there is no upper limit to increase...]

[This exercise can be divided into ten layers in total, each layer will greatly increase the power of thunder, in addition, the final form is the form of the **** of thunder, and the body will be eternal, as strong as a stone, and can mobilize the electromagnetic force...]

Ye Dou wrote the general outline first, and then began to write the principles of the exercises contained in it step by step.

He just kept compiling the principles of the exercises, advancing step by step.

dong dong dong...

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, which directly interrupted his thoughts.

The organization has come to the task so soon?

He got up and opened the door. Since it was late at night, it was pitch black outside, and the door was empty, with only a one-meter-long express carton on it.

express delivery?

I haven't bought anything.

Ye Dou picked up the courier box, and the cashback had a courier label on it, with his name and phone number written on it, and it was clearly sent to him.

When he tore off the packaging and opened the express box, he found a strange-looking doll lying inside...

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