The Hero Kneels

Chapter 423: Encirclement and suppression of King Kong

"Five Thunder Dao Body, which can be condensed after cultivating the "Five Thunder Divine Art". After cultivation, it is the body of the Innate Dao, carrying thunder and lightning, manipulating various thunder and lightning, immune to thunder and lightning attacks, can generate thunder in the void, and generate thunder and lightning by itself , has five supernatural powers, and if you don’t cultivate into a first-level heaven, you will have one more supernatural power.”

"The first day, with the supernatural power of "100 million volts", the five thunders are initially trained, which can display voltages as high as 100 million volts, and are good at controlling lightning."

"Second day, with the supernatural power "electromagnetic control", you can greatly strengthen your physique, greatly enhance your combat power, and at the same time have a strong control over electromagnetic force."

"The third heaven, with the supernatural power "Lightning Enhancement", the five thunders are small, can control one billion volts of lightning, the heat generated by the current can melt rocks and steel, and the high-frequency waves emitted can even the blood in the human body. Evaporates, no matter what damage you take, as long as the wound will recover instantly."

"The fourth heaven, with the supernatural power "flash thunder", can be turned into thunder in an instant, and all actions are completed in an instant, at the same speed as lightning."

"The fifth heaven, with the supernatural power of "Destruction and Regeneration", the five thunders are complete, and the body can be turned into a real lightning. The body has the control power of 10 billion volts of voltage. "

The five-layered heaven of the Five Thunder God Technique, the practitioners will gain qualitative changes with each step up.

This is Ye Dou's collection of martial arts and Wulei Zhengfa, as well as the catalogue of the God of War and Taixuanjing.

In order to write this five thunder gods, he has raised the level of the exercises to the realm of super power and cultivation.

Therefore, the first-layer realm alone consumes a whole purple soul.

and this,

This is just the first day!

"I have done my best to write this exercise, but unfortunately it requires too many souls, but this power is not guaranteed, and there is a great future for development." Ye Doumu was exhausted.

The first level of the five thunder gods alone can drive thunder and lightning at will, and can display voltages as high as 100 million volts at any time. few.

This is no longer an internal skill, but akin to an ability.

"And I can use the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to replenish electricity, use real yuan to generate electricity, and replenish the consumed electricity anytime and anywhere." Ye Dou grinned, feeling quite good.

With a move in his heart, he slowly closed his eyes, let go of his body and mind, and left everything to that pure sense of transformation.

Ye Dou knew that after this baptism of thunder and lightning, he would truly step into a new field.

From then on, Martial Dao and magic will be one, and I am afraid that the future will be very self-cultivation.

Miserable screams, sirens blaring, and bursts of gunfire from time to time.

All kinds of debris were scattered on the ground, and there were many corpses.

The gray sky light cast down, making the surroundings even more gloomy.

At this time, from the empty playground, a giant man walked slowly.

This giant man has golden hair and an ugly appearance. His face looks like a gorilla. His muscles are well-proportioned and fierce, and his limbs are developed and powerful.


A gust of wind blew, the trees on both sides of the road swayed, and the falling leaves were carried by the wind and fell obliquely to the street, mixed with the blood on the ground.

Behind the giant man stood a woman in white with an umbrella.

The two walked in the messy playground, which seemed a bit abrupt.

"King Kong, you will be unhappy with such a big killing ring regardless of the 3721." The winking woman caught a falling leaf with a soul-stirring smile on her face.

"Hmph, if you want to blame it, it's the players who don't know what to do. Hell Hall is my direct line of troops. Now there's no one left. I have become a bare commander.

The giant man said angrily: "In the end, your intelligence ability is poor, and you didn't even notice that the player organization discovered the stronghold of Hell Hall. I will settle the account with you..."

Suddenly his voice stopped, his eyes sharpened, and he looked straight ahead.

Seeing the position directly in front, I don't know when, there is a man standing.

"King Kong, one of the Four Dharma Kings of the You Sect, how dare you start a massacre in Youcheng, this time you will definitely be called back and forth." A dazzling dagger suddenly appeared in the man's hand.

King Kong tilted his head slightly, looking to the left and right at the same time.

In the buildings on both sides, two women with long swords also walked out.

At the back, a man with a rocket launcher walked out. The other party was covered with various firearms and ammunition, like a heavily armed tank.

"Hmph, it's finally here." King Kong's face darkened.

"King Kong, now that you cut off your arms, we will let you leave, otherwise, you will stay here forever." The man in front said in a low voice.

"Do you think it's possible?"

King Kong showed a hint of sarcasm: "The four of you are here for the player organization?"

"What? Can't the four of us behead you?"

The man reached out and raised the short knife in his hand. The knife in his hand was short and wide, a bit like a bone cutter often used in the kitchen.

"Leave me?"

King Kong also stretched out his right palm, and golden hairs grew all over his body.

"All the masters of the player organization are trapped in the I can't log out of the game now, just a few of you juniors want to come and kill me, I think you are all here to die. "


The two started at the same time, and the two figures suddenly collided with each other.


The short knife flashed into a silver light group in an instant, releasing a huge invisible knife gas, slashing towards King Kong, and falling on the opponent with precision.

ding ding ding ding ding ding...

As a result, the blade slashed at King Kong, but there was a sound of iron and stone intersecting,

King Kong roared, and the huge force smashed down the blade in the man's hand, and the powerful force forcibly knocked the opponent out a few steps.

The other two female players holding long swords directly drew their swords and stepped forward. Their movements were extremely fast, almost giving birth to afterimages. The long swords in their hands brought a piercing scream and slashed across King Kong's side one after another.

Just the fierce sword energy brought by the weapon directly impacted the originally peaceful playground.

The combination of three people, two swords and one blade formed a strange formation, surrounded by King Kong, constantly moving at high speed, and from time to time, they exchanged fire and slashed with each other, and a real heart of fire broke out.


King Kong, covered in golden hair, is harder than steel.

The woman in white slapped Hache: "It's so boring, you fight slowly, kill slowly, I'll go take a beauty sleep first."

She understands that without the participation of top players in this battle, King Kong will never lose.

In the building in the distance, Ye Dou was watching the battle.

The cold wind whistled in his ears.

Beneath him is the amusement park, the two sides are fighting frantically, and the huge crash and roar keep coming.

"It's time for me to take action." Looking at the anxious battle situation, Ye Dou took a step forward, ready to pounce.

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