The Hero Kneels

Chapter 487: Can't close the legs

In the middle of the night, the 18th-floor building of the organization was ablaze with fire, thick smoke filled the sky, and the surrounding houses were on fire, making the surrounding streets extremely bright.

These buildings have long been empty, and the people among them have long been evacuated by the military.

A zombie and a skeleton with a blade are fighting the player and the evil warriors. From time to time, there are gunshots, various explosions, and various screams.

Ye Dou carried Yang Mimi on his back, and his stern face appeared calm and composed under the light of the fire.

There are many undead around, which is a good time to brush the soul, but he chooses to sneak, try not to disturb the undead around, cover the surrounding with spiritual consciousness, and probe the other side's progress.

Once he finds that there are undead in the nearby area, he will deliberately avoid it, preferring to take a long way, and try to avoid meeting the undead as much as possible, and will never show his face in front of these dead people.

This is definitely not because of fear, but because I don't want to get into unnecessary trouble, to alert the controllers of these undead, so as to expose myself, so as not to encounter such ferocious characters as the Skeleton King and the Demon Skin King, it will be troublesome at that time.

After all, in the face of the dragon-level elite power, he really won't be able to take it down for a while.

At this moment, he is rushing in the direction of the organization.

Yang Mimi's flamboyant figure was lying on his broad back. She was weak, so she could only blink and look at Ye Dou's profile.

"I wish I could go on like this..." she thought silently.

Ye Dou's footsteps suddenly stopped.

His eyes fell on the eighteen-story building surrounded by thick smoke.

I saw that the 18-story building that was supposed to be brightly lit, didn't even see a trace of light.

The surrounding undead creatures are also getting denser and denser, hitting the consciousness and scanning the building, there are no signs of living people.

Not right!

Ye Dou's face became heavy, and he had a bad feeling in his heart.

"The organization is surrounded? Baiyou Sect is attacking the underground ruins, so do I still need to go back?" He narrowed his eyes.

He has no feelings for the organization, nor does he belong to the organization. The organization treats him well, just because he can activate the seven spiritual pattern **** and crack the secrets hidden in them.

The only ones who have a little friendship are Song Shendao, Tian Yue, and Song Qian, and they can barely count as friends.

Today's worship of the secluded is too fierce, the two leaders are all out, there are all kinds of backbone elites, plus countless undead creatures.

If the organization doesn't use the trump card, it won't take long, and the city will become a dead city by then.

In this alley, he pondered for a while, but decided to return to the organization.

After all, he did not believe that the organization and the military were so weak that they would be easily defeated by these ghosts. Moreover, the cracking progress of the seven spirit **** was about to be completed. He also wanted to see, among the seven spirit **** What the heck.

It is impossible for him to run around with Yang Mimi, who is inconvenient to move. If he encounters someone who worships you, even if he can protect himself, I am afraid that he will not be able to protect Yang Mimi.

"It's really a dead end, I still have the horn of death, I can escape by blowing it!" Ye Dou thought so.

"Let's go back to the organization!" He suddenly looked back at Yang Mimi.

Seeing Yang Mimi's bright eyes, she was in a trance, and her glamorous cheeks showed an intoxicating rosy tinge.

"Okay." She nodded lightly, and said no more, she had a sense of subservience like marrying a chicken and following a chicken, marrying a dog and breaking a dog.

Ye Dou strode forward, and soon after, his footsteps stopped again.

Because he came to Maiqiao Cross Street, his hometown.

"Cross Street, it used to be really lively... now." Ye Dou looked at the deserted street and didn't know what to say.

At the moment, the Cross Street is devastated, bloodstains can be seen everywhere, and there are skeletons and limbs left by the undead. It is estimated that there has been a battle.

Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the front, and Ye Dou ran over immediately.

If there is no accident, the cross street at this time should be empty. Who is screaming?

At this moment, those undead creatures should be fighting against the army and players. How can there be people screaming in this cross street?

Hearing the violent movement over there, he knew that there were people fighting undead creatures on the block.

He didn't know which party it was from, but just after he released his divine sense, he saw a strange scene.

That's the decision to move on.

Ye Dou's face was solemn.

After thinking about it, he finally took another step, carrying Yang Mimi to the end of the cross street.

In the dark of night, at the end of the street at Cross Street, there were sounds of fighting, and there were bursts of zombies shouting and roaring.

On both sides of the cross street, several zombies armed with axes and knives were besieging the four people. Many of the besieged people even knew Ye Dou.

To be precise, there should be three people. These three people are Daoist Lin Zhengyin, Lin Yu and Shi Zhenxiang. In addition, there is the corpse of the golden Arhat waving his fists.

"Huh? Ye Dou!"

The big-chested Taoist girl Lin Yu suddenly drank.

I saw a figure suddenly appear on the cross street, and he was carrying a person on his back, appearing forward.

It was Ye Dou!

Shi Zhenxiang was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but look down at Ye Dou on the street.

"How could it be him? It seems that the rumor is true? This kid really ran out to save people." Daoist Lin Zhengyin was very puzzled.

Whoosh whoosh!

When everyone was surprised, Ye Douyi raised his hand and fired more than a dozen sword qi, headshots all the zombies in front, and fell to the ground.

"What are you all doing?"

Ye Dou smiled and walked quickly to the few people, greeting them as if nothing had happened.

"Good boy, I didn't expect you to run out? Do you know that the saints are all in a hurry?"

Lin Zhengyin said angrily: "You came out without cracking those spirit balls, you're really joking with your life."

"The Daoist doesn't need to be angry."

Ye Dou pouted: "I'm planning to go back to crack the spirit ball."

Shi Zhenxiang suddenly said at this time: "Ye Dou, it's better if you don't go, and leave Youcheng with me immediately, otherwise this disaster will definitely affect you."


Ye Dou looked at Shi Zhenxiang in amazement.

It was strange enough to see Shi Zhenxiang here, but now what the other party said left him at a loss.

Lin Zhengyin sighed: "My fellow Daoist is wrong. You and I are both spiritual practitioners, so it shouldn't be sensational. It's just a mere worship of the secluded sect. There is still a way for the UU reading player organization to deal with it. "

"Don't call me a daoist, as a half-ass psychic like you, I'd be embarrassed to be a daoist." Shi Zhenxiang scolded Lin Zhengyin, and directly said that Lin Daochang had nothing to say.

It could be seen that Daoist Lin, who was skilled in Taoism, was despised by Ms. Shi Zhenxiang.

"A master of spirits? Are you a master of spirits?"

Ye Dou looked at Shi Zhenxiang: "Who are you? Why should I believe what you say?"

"I know you won't trust strangers, but you should listen to someone."

After speaking, Shi Zhenxiang even tapped a green finger on her forehead, chin, and throat. Then, the face of the other party, which was so ugly to the depths of her soul, was suddenly pulled down like a liquid. hands completely opened.

A bright and attractive woman's face was revealed.

It's okay not to look at it, but after taking a closer look, Ye Dou couldn't help taking a deep breath.

turn out to be,

Ye Dou actually knew this face.

She is his old acquaintance.

The underworld chief Hei Wuchang "Palace Master Rosie Luo"!

How could it be you?

Seeing Shi Zhenxiang revealing the glamorous face of Hall Master Luo, Ye Dou didn't know what to say.

No wonder he always felt that Shi Zhenxiang's figure was extremely domineering and seemed familiar, especially the two coconuts on his chest made him very familiar.

After a long time, Shi Zhenxiang was the Hall Master Luo, and the Hall Master Luo was Shi Zhenxiang.

Both are one sky and one earth!

Well, this is really unexpected rhythm.

No wonder Luo Dianzhu made herself so ugly. If she used her coquettish pretty face to open the shampoo room, she could become a millionaire in a month, and her legs couldn't close together.

In other words, why did the other party pretend to be Shi Zhenxiang and have been lurking by his side, and what was it for?

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