The Hero Kneels

Chapter 492: carnage

In the square inside the spirit pattern ball, the purple eyes of the head carefully looked at Ye Dou.

"Young man, my name is Jiuli. As long as you are willing to help me, I can teach you the most profound evil martial arts and make your cultivation progress by leaps and bounds. It is not difficult to reach the holy realm in a short period of time."


Ye Dou hesitated for a moment, and then asked, "So, did the evil martial arts that those evil warriors understand from the surface of the spirit pattern ball come from you?"

"Yes, I made Xie Wu appear on the spirit pattern ball." Jiuli's evil purple eyes shone with a charming light: "Do you want to learn my Xie Wu?"

Ye Dou solved the doubts in his heart and did not answer the other party, so he was too lazy to learn any evil martial arts.

He asked, "How can I help you get out of here?"

Jiuli's eyes suddenly lit up, he rolled his purple eyes and looked at the Big Dipper above his head: "You can completely lift the seal of the spirit ball outside, and then the seal of the Big Dipper here will be lifted automatically, and I can leave easily. here."

Hearing this, Ye Dou's consciousness looked towards the spirit pattern ball representing the greedy wolf in the sky. He could feel that the body of the spirit pattern ball was the same as the outside spirit pattern ball, and there was an extremely critical part that was different. It seems that as long as it is activated with divine consciousness.

The other party did not lie.

He re-condensed his consciousness and said lightly: "Indeed, I should break these seals."

Jiuli's purple pupils shone slightly.

"It's okay to let you out, but how can you promise to listen to me?" Ye Dou asked.

"Listen to you?"

Jiuli's face, his eyes were sunken, his eyes were very large, and there was a terrifying and gloomy cold light in his eyes: "I can't listen to you! Unless you want to die."

"Huh? Your strength is very strong, it can be said to be unfathomable, let you out, what if you bite me back?"

After Ye Dou finished speaking, he immediately took back his consciousness and left, leaving a sentence: "Think about it again!"

In a blink of an eye, without waiting for the other party to get angry, he has returned to the square where the seven spirit pattern **** are located.

"You, have you communicated with him?"

Lin Zhengyin didn't know when he was standing opposite Ye Dou. Seeing him come back to his senses, he hurriedly asked, "Have you really communicated with the head inside?"


Ye Dou nodded and said in a low voice: "This head deliberately released various evil martial arts and martial arts, in order to make the evil warriors flock to it, deliberately activate the spiritual pattern ball, thereby consuming the power of the spiritual pattern ball, trying to escape. "

Lin Zhengyin raised one of his eyebrows, and panic and unease appeared on his face: "This is too weird. It is estimated that the head is very big. It is best for us to tell them to the saints and let them decide."

"Tell the saint?"

Ye Douyi frowned: "This person is called Jiuli's head, maybe he is a big devil, and he has fel energy fluctuations, I am afraid he is the ancestor of evil martial arts, this Jiuli has been banned for thousands of years, I don't know what secrets he has in him Now the situation is critical, if the Saint Master is informed about him, most of them will desperately save him, and the consequences may be unimaginable."

"Jiuli? Is it a figure from an ancient legend?"

"Well, it's the name of this person. There is a Jiuli tribe in Chinese legend."

"It's just that the other party is not trustworthy at all. I can be sure that the head is lying to me with a fake name..."

Ye Dou pondered for a while, and planned to re-enter that mysterious space to explore.

Just then, there was a deafening cheer from outside.

"Commander Song is back!"

"Hurry up and close the gate, Commander Song is back!"

"Be careful of the undead outside!"

Ye Dou simply went to the elevator gate, and saw Commander Song appearing at the gate covered in blood.

He was holding the Dragon Saber and facing the open elevator door. He seemed to have killed all the way from the blocked elevator. At this moment, the door of the elevator that had been blocked for a long time broke through a large hole with a length of five or six meters, and countless zombies were Climb inside from the hole.

Many players around the gate who were responsible for guarding the gate were taken aback. These zombies were all their dead colleagues and friends. They were all covered with wounds, and there were all kinds of fel energy fluctuations. .

This kind of zombie is much more powerful than ordinary zombies. It inherits the strong physique of the players. It has infinite strength and is not afraid of evil energy. Even the corpses of these players have entered a rampant state.

The corpse of the player in the runaway state changed its form and turned into a monster. At the same time as the fel energy skyrocketed, the combat power also increased rapidly.

Obviously, the cult of worship is manipulating their corpses.

For a time, everyone panicked.

Such a scene is indeed much more terrifying than Resident Evil, it is really frightening, and I can't help but stand upright with sweat pores all over my body.

The crumbling Song Shendao was about to slash to kill the rampant zombies in front of him, but Ye Dou blocked the front: "Commander Song, you go to rest first, leave it to me here!"

After he finished speaking, his muscles swelled, his bones crackled, and thunder flashed on his body. In the blink of an eye, he rushed into the group of runaway zombies.

Among the vast number of rampaging zombies among the crowd, Ye Dou was like a lion rushing into the flock, ramming and punching wildly, crushing the fel energy with the power of thunder, and blowing up any rampant corpse he touched.

The corpses of the berserkers poured out of the elevator passage in an endless stream, and it seemed that they could not be killed.

Three Ye Dou blasted one punch with one punch, two punches blasted a pair, and three punches blasted a string.

Seeing this, Song Shendao let out a long sigh and said to the people around him, "It's safe, help me to go to the temple for healing!"

The more Ye Dou killed, the more courageous he became, and the more excited he became.

He found that there were still souls floating out of the corpses that killed these berserkers, and the souls of the berserkers were not very But the amount of money added up, and there were even some extremely powerful beasts who even provided Red Soul.

The surrounding guards stared blankly at Ye Dou who was slaughtering madly, feeling that the other party could kill more than a killing machine.

After a short while, the entrance of the originally crowded elevator passage was cleared. All the rampaging zombies were slaughtered. Ye Dou walked out from the piles of liquefied and corroded corpses covered in blood.

Lightning flashed on his body, and soon the high temperature generated by the thunder and lightning burned the stains on his body to ashes, and his hair was standing upright with thunder and light, as if the **** of thunder had come to the world, people couldn't help but stretch out The heart of worship.

"Have to blow up the elevator tunnel!"

He shouted loudly, and in each of his hands there appeared a lightning ball of shining thunder.

In the blink of an eye, the two thunderballs were thrown out like grenades.


With two loud bangs, the elevator door was completely destroyed, and it fell into ruins. The entrance was completely blocked by gravel.

Under the horrified eyes of everyone, he gradually disappeared.

"That head may be useful, but enslaving an undead old devil with a lifespan of thousands of years is too dangerous to use. It is worth trying until the end of the mountain."

Arriving in a secluded and unmanned stone house, Ye Dou narrowed his eyes and sighed: "In the final analysis, I still have to rely on myself. This time I have done a good job of brushing my soul."

He looked at the soul ring on the index finger of his right hand and squinted slightly: "Not bad, two purple souls, two red souls, and five white souls!"

Before the time was too tight, he had the soul but also no time to practice, now seize the time to improve his strength.

"Hongxue, give me the Five Thunder Magic Book and the Indestructible Golden Body Book!" Ye Dou ordered, the soul ring on the index finger flickered slightly, and a beauty in red appeared...

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