The Hero Kneels

Chapter 504: Chi You

Ye Dou's words suddenly caused a thousand waves.

Chi You?

Isn't Chiyou the great devil of myths and legends? Any Chinese son or daughter knows the story of Chi You, the great devil who was beheaded by Emperor Yan and Yellow Emperor in ancient legends.

How could such a mythical figure still be alive?

It's incredible.

hey hey, is this a joke?

The only people who were not surprised were Ye Dou and Lin Zhengyin.

They had long guessed that Jiuli didn't use his real name, and based on what the other party said, they also guessed the origin of this head.

Jiuli snorted coldly: "So you already knew that, so why are you acting stupid?"

The Saint Master was stunned for a long time, and then asked humbly to the head: "Are you the soldier Chiyou?"

Jiuli didn't speak, and was too lazy to talk to the old man at all.

Ye Dou nodded and looked deeply at the old face full of: "He is Chi You's head, there is no doubt about that."

The holy teacher's body trembled, and he knelt down and kowtowed to Ye Dou: "King of soldiers, Wu Zu Chiyou, we finally waited for you!"

The rest of the four elders knelt down one by one and threw their five bodies to the ground in a great salute. All of them were excited and flushed, as if the second spring was ushering in, and their demeanor was staggering.

This made Song Qian, Song Bing, Yang Mimi, and a group of young players and evil warriors bewildered.

One by one they looked at each other.

Is this big head really Chi You?

No one expected that the big figures in myths and legends were right in front of them.

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes and did not speak. He naturally knew that these old men were not kneeling on him, but on Chiyou's head in his hands.

It can be seen that these old men are hiding some truth, some truth about evil warriors.

Ye Dou simply asked the saint teacher: "You should have concealed the origins of some evil warriors. If you can, please tell me directly."

The saint pondered for a moment, then nodded slightly: "We did hide some information about the evil warriors, that's for historical reasons."

"Speaking of which, all the evil warriors today are the juniors and disciples of Lord Chiyou, because Lord Chiyou is the oldest evil warrior, and has created various evil martial arts.

"But after the Battle of Yan and Huang, Lord Chiyou was defeated. In order to beautify the achievements of Emperor Yan and Emperor Huang, people of later generations deliberately smeared Lord Chiyou and called Lord Chiyou the devil."

"So our evil warriors concealed some content about Lord Chiyou. In fact, the legendary master of evil martial arts is Lord Chiyou!"

Ye Dou's face was expressionless: "You know that Chiyou is imprisoned by the seven spirit **** here, so you specifically concealed the relevant legends, released the legends, and let the evil warriors try to decipher the evil martial arts?"

The saint and others immediately shook their heads: "We don't know, it's just because the seven spirit pattern **** can comprehend the evil martial arts."

The surrounding evil warriors could not help but be silent.

No one would have imagined that the grandfather of the evil martial artist turned out to be the big devil in the textbooks of primary and secondary schools.

Can the evil warrior really not die?

"It is calculated that the lifespan of an evil warrior is only about 200 years old at most. Unless you step into the holy realm, you can live longer. How could this Chiyou live for such a long time? He must not be human, so he is the legendary devil." Song. Qian couldn't help but question.

"Yeah, whether this guy is Chi You or not, it's not worth believing."

"This head is not human at all, he is a monster."

A group of young evil warriors around them came out one after another, and couldn't help but agree, and they didn't want to see this strange head.

The sage and others looked bitter. They understood that it was almost impossible for the players to respect and recognize Chi You from the bottom of their hearts.

Compared with humans, the Chiyou in front of him is indeed very different in all aspects, and the other side is more like a monster.

Chi You didn't seem to care, as if the old **** was there, as if the people in front of him were like ants in his eyes.

"Without him, the player organization would have been dead long ago."

Ye Dou frowned: "Without him, you would have long since become walking corpses under the worship of You Sect."

Everyone was silent, knowing that what Ye Dou said was true.

Ye Dou knew that it was difficult for these people who had received modern education to accept the existence of Chi You, a thousand-year-old devil.

"The things in the future will be discussed later. Now players need to rely on his strength. Otherwise, the organization will be wiped out by worshipping you." Ye Dou said very seriously.

The holy teacher and the four elders are okay to say, they know the legend of Chiyou, even if they have scruples in their hearts, they know the general situation, but they also believe that Chiyou is the ancestor of evil martial arts.

Some of the people around knew that it was absolutely impossible to judge Chiyou's good and evil based on legends and stories, so they nodded one after another, temporarily acknowledging Chiyou.

"There are still a lot of undead gathered in Youcheng today, and the You Cult is still waiting for the opportunity to attack!" Song Qian gritted her teeth.

Song Bing nodded and said with a sullen face: "Baiyou Sect seems to be bound to win the underground ruins, why is this?"

"Holy teacher, please tell me, why did Baiyou Sect have to attack this underground ruins? And it is so inspiring." Ye Dou asked at this time.

This question has been bothering him for a long time.

Since the time of Hongxue's Evil Ghost Hall, the worshiping You Sect has been working in You City, looking for something.

Later, he learned that this area used to be the ancestral altar of the You Worship Sect, and Youcheng even got its name from it, but he did not expect that the You Worship Church was so interested in the underground ruins, and it looked like it was inevitable.

All the bosses of Baiyou Sect were dispatched, and even the leader of Huang Quan dispatched his clone to participate in the battle.

"It's better not to hide anything from the Holy Master. Although this place is quite good for the evil warriors, what is it that worshipers want? Why are they so persistent and want to seize the underground ruins?" Lin Zhengyin Also asked.

The holy master held his beard in his hand and couldn't help but sighed: "...In fact, there is a heart of the ancestor of the worship of the secluded sect hidden in the underground ruins. This heart may be the key to the resurrection of the ancestor of the sect of seclusion. According to the records of the classics, the heart was It is called the Heart of Yasha King, which is also the heart of the ancestor You!"

Ye Dou asked, "So where is this heart? Can you destroy it?"

The saint shook his head: "We don't know where the heart is? Every inch of the underground ruins was searched, but nothing was found. Maybe there is some special mechanism, maybe only the worshipers know where the heart is. , or you don't even know where the heart is..."

After speaking the saint started coughing, coughing out a few mouthfuls of blood, his face was extremely bleak, and his body was almost shaky.

The opponent's heart was dug out before, and the injury was really serious. It seemed that the source had been injured. This was fatal to a 200-year-old evil warrior.

Ye Dou immediately stretched out a hand, used internal force to penetrate into the opponent's body, and used the power of thunder and fire to help the opponent to heal the injury.

As for the player's body, he knows better than the player, and after a while, the Saint Master's injury has returned to stability.

Who would have thought that the two-hundred-year-old old man had been looking at Ye Dou deeply, and finally took a deep breath, as if he had made some important decision.

So he shouted loudly around: "Now I announce that Ye Dou will take over the position of the top leader of the organization - the holy teacher, and all players or evil warriors, including senior elders, must obey his dispatch and orders!"

"From now on, Ye Dou is the master of the organization! Lead the organization! Lead all the evil warriors and players!"

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