The Hero Kneels

Chapter 513: Eat my 1 electromagnetic cannon

Immediately after the Five Thunder Magic Manual was enlightened, an extremely strong dark golden light burst forth.

Ye Dou directly opened the secret book and learned the third level of the Five Thunders.

"The third heaven, with the supernatural power "Lightning Enhancement", the five thunders are small, can control one billion volts of lightning, the heat generated by the current can melt rocks and steel, and the high-frequency waves emitted can even the blood in the human body. Evaporates, no matter what damage you take, as long as the wound will recover instantly."

"There is no problem with the exercises, but there is no thunder and lightning, and there is no real essence liquid in my thunder pool. Now it's time to use the horn!" Ye Dou blew the horn of death without saying a word.

As the sound of the quaint horn sounded, a wave of spatial fluctuations appeared.

He reappeared in the ancient cave. The stone statue with the face of a bull and a horse stood in the cave, exuding an indescribable majesty, and the surroundings were still dead.

Surrounded by these giant beasts, the dark underground cave seemed to be able to devour everything.

Ye Dou didn't say a word, just threw two rocks bigger than his fist in a row.

"Boom boom boom! Chi Chi Chi!"

Accompanied by the sound of thunder and detonation, an astonishing electric current burst out from the hole, and the endless thunder and lightning began to flow for a while, causing the electric and light in the cave to appear frequently, and the shining stone cave was so bright.

At the same time, the outer thunder was intertwined, deafening, and the electric dragons raged in the flashing, entwining the stone statues that turned their heads.

Intensive thunder and lightning fell, as if attracted by some mysterious power, and rushed to Ye Dou.

"Come on, be more violent!"

In the wide stone cave, Ye Dou was full of excitement, roaring in the dense grid.


In the endless current, fluorescent splashes, like sharp swords, all burst towards his body!

"Ah, my mother!"

Countless fine lightning bolts shot, Ye Dou only felt that while his body was being attacked, his soul seemed to be stabbed by ten thousand steel needles, and he couldn't help screaming.

In the inhuman pain, Ye Dou's body twitched, but there was a mad and violent meaning in his eyes, like a beast on the verge of desperation.

I rely on!

This time the baby is playing big.

Enduring the severe pain that ordinary people can't bear, Ye Dou gritted his teeth and performed the Five Thunder God Art. After the fine thunderbolts entered his body, they quickly flowed through his tenacious muscles and veins, merging into his flesh and bones.

This kind of thunder and lightning is very tyrannical, much stronger than the lightning strike he suffered directly, and the destructive mood contained in it is extremely strong. If it is not for his five thunder gods, he would have fallen into a violent body and died. to the point of.

A trace of the power of thunder and lightning quickly flowed in the tendons and lay down, guided by him, and gradually moved in the direction of the Dantian department, converging the power of lightning and lightning into the thunder pool.

Wherever the thunder and lightning passed, his flesh, blood, meridians and bones were in severe pain, but he knew very well that in the severe pain, those thunder and lightning were also transforming his body little by little, making his body gradually adapt to the more intense destruction. thunder.

Through this destructive power of lightning, he tempered his muscles, flesh, limbs and bones little by little, and tempered his internal organs.

This is the five thunder gods. When he can fully withstand the attack of this kind of destruction thunder, he will also enter a new height and strength and become a lightning-like figure.


The fine thunder and lightning finally followed the muscles and veins of the limbs and penetrated into the internal organs. Ye Dou's body twitched in an instant, curling up like a prawn that was shocked by electricity.

I fuck!

This time I played too much, I really couldn't bear it.

I feel that even the chrysanthemum is filled with endless thunder.

In the cave, the power of thunder became more and more fierce, and the lightning swooped down like a giant dragon, slamming violently like Ye Dou's body. .

Ye Dou's body was suddenly dazzling, and the current flowing in his body became more and more terrifying. In the huge net of lightning and lightning, his whole body was scorched black, trembling and roaring.


The roar gradually became low and weak, and finally the sound gradually ceased, and his body covered with electricity stopped twisting.

After the thunder and lightning, there was no more thunder spewing out of the underground cave, the cave became dim, and there was no more light of thunder to shine.

At noon on the third day, outside the city, there were dense clouds, and the cries of death were everywhere.

The troops guarding the outskirts of Youcheng did not dare to enter it at all, and could only station troops outside Youcheng.

There is no way, as long as you enter the place covered by the dark cloud, people will go crazy and be possessed by ghosts.

The missile launchers of each army have been aimed at Youcheng. As long as Youcheng is lost, the military will directly destroy Youcheng, because the person commanding the army at this moment is a Yama from the underworld.

"Master Huangquan is in the secluded city, don't act rashly, if you want to attack directly use a nuclear bomb!" The Yama ordered.

The underworld is finally here!

It's just that they didn't want to rescue Youcheng, but wanted to take Baiyoujiao in one pot.

A kind of boss of the You Sect is gathering outside the ruins of the eighteenth-story building.

A majestic yellow river flew out of thin air and fell in front of the people of the You Worship Sect. The dead corpses were all over the place, and there were bursts of miserable mourning.

"See the leader!"

"Meet the Holy Hierarch."

A group of cult leaders knelt down and saluted.

In the Yellow River, an emotionless voice sounded directly: "You have failed again!"

"Sect Master, this attack was destroyed by Ye Dou again. Except for Chi You's head, those players came back." The Demon Skin King's face was gloomy.

"That's fine, these evil warriors have all returned, and we can catch them all in one go."

The leader of Huang Quan didn't say anything, and said, "I heard the message from the archmage just now that the game was destroyed. Do you think Ye Dou did it?"

"Yes, he did it. We heard it with our own ears," replied the Skeleton King.

"This junior named Ye Dou, this sect mainly handles it himself, he has a big secret, don't kill him yet!"

The sect leader of Huang Quan ordered: "Launch the attack, and the sect leader will come to the front!"


Several leaders of the You Sect, with their subordinates, rushed to the underground ruins again.

In the square of the underground ruins, the holy teacher and several elders, Song Shendao, Bai Lu and other important figures gathered together.

While discussing countermeasures, they understood that this was also waiting for death.

The rest of the places where they even died have been chosen in advance.

At the open door of the underground ruins, the powerhouses of the secluded religion reappeared again, each with the powerhouses under their command, file in, unimpeded.

on the square.

Yang Mimi, Song Bing and the others looked gloomy. They approached their brows, as if they had indescribable sadness.

"What are you doing back at this time?" Yang Mimi complained in a low voice.

"Ye Dou, you shouldn't come back." Song Bing also sighed faintly.

The holy teacher and several elders, even Song Shendao and others. Looking at Ye Dou at this moment, he also had a complicated expression.

When they heard about Ye Dou destroying the game, they were all shocked and their eyes were a little weird.


Everyone wanted to ask Ye Dou questions, but Ye Dou didn't want to answer them at all.

At this point, regret is useless, they will all see the destruction of the organization.

"See you the fox king in white!"

"See you Lord Ghost!"

"See the Skeleton King!"

"See you, Demon Leather King!"

Suddenly, loud and evil voices came from the gate of the organization.

It's exactly the same as the previous attack, but this time, the people who worship you are more confident, because the leader of Huangquan is about to come.

In the center of the square, the ghost mother in black had a smile on her face, she couldn't help but get excited, "Damn Ye Dou, this time you have to die!"

"Ye Dou!"

The gloomy voice of the Skeleton King came: "Ye This seat will strip Ye Dou's flesh and blood from his body piece by piece!"

"This kid Ye Dou is making waves, and he will never be allowed to die happily, we will take him out of his soul!" The Demon Skin King sneered.

Ye Dou in the square heard the voices threatening him one by one, and he had been silently watching the blueprint of the electromagnetic gun's wish, Ye Dou suddenly raised his head.

His eyes suddenly became violent, and a killing intent burst out uncontrollably, and his face suddenly showed a ferocious look: "You sect worshippers, if you want to kill me, I want you to die now!"

A dollar coin suddenly emerged from his palm, wrapped in strips of electric light, raised his hand and aimed at the arrogant worshipers.

"Let's eat my newly comprehended electromagnetic cannon!"

Ye Dou shouted: "Electromagnetic gun, shoot!"

Thank you Junchen for the 10,000 book coins reward!

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