The Hero Kneels

Chapter 520: I believe in your evil

Chi You's expression became solemn. He stared at the seven deep pits in the ground, and his face became more and more ugly.

He really regretted it.

Originally, he had noticed that the seals of these seven spirit patterns were a bit strange. After all, the seals of these seven spirit patterns were far beyond his own strength. He did not expect that after opening the seals, ghosts like the Netherworld Channel appeared.

Big trouble now!

The leader of Huang Quan, who has always been emotionless, couldn't help laughing up to the sky, and said with a smile: "Hahahaha, I didn't expect that there is a passage to the Netherworld hidden under these seven spirit-patterned balls. !"

"This sect master wanted to find the heart of Yasha King and use the resurrection of Yasha King to open up the passage of the secluded world. I didn't expect that under these seven spiritual pattern balls, the passage to the secluded world was actually suppressed!"

"As long as the archmage does the following, you can use the power of the game to completely open this channel and establish a complete gate to the secluded world. I have achieved the goal of worshipping secluded sects for thousands of years. The above will definitely give generous rewards. Ben It is hoped that the leader will become a god."

"It turned out to be the passage of the secluded world for a long time, this time it is really a miscalculation!" The magic mirror king in the mirror said fiercely.

All the players turned pale, wondering what happened?

Could it be that the purpose of worshipping you is to open the gate of the secluded world?

What kind of existence is the Netherworld?

Hearing an inexplicable roar from the seven voids.

Everyone realized the seriousness of the problem.

It is estimated that the opening of the secluded world channel is definitely not a good thing.

"Boom boom boom! Huh!"

After a while of shaking the ground, seven spirit-patterned **** suspended in the sky, trembling and about to fall.

Ye Dou was also shocked.

Driving these seven spiritual pattern **** is really laborious, and his spiritual sense is simply not enough, and I am afraid that he will not be able to last for long.

"Ye Dou! As long as you can seal this place again! Any conditions can be negotiated, and our underworld is willing to agree to any conditions for you." The white-clothed fox king screamed.

"Ye Dou, hurry up and seal this place, or the consequences will be disastrous!" Hungry Wolf shouted.

"Hurry up and seal it! I guarantee that the underworld will not hurt you, and I will help you destroy the leader of Huangquan." The Mirror King, who was hiding in the mirror, said impatiently.

"Ye Dou! Hurry up and seal it, the passage of the secluded world must not be opened!"

The saint teacher and the others were excited, and they were also urging Ye Dou to do it.

They saw hope for life.

Ye Dou is also urging Dayan Jue to condense all his divine senses, so that the spiritual pattern ball in the sky will fall again.

The leader of Huang Quan continued to laugh loudly: "Hahaha, do you want to reopen the seal? It's absolutely impossible. The seal has been opened, and the cracks in space have been opened, unless Yama, who is proficient in the power of space, can match seven spiritual balls. To be able to seal it again, Ye Dou's strength is simply not enough to seal it again!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Sure enough, before he had time to activate the seven spirit-pattern balls, there was a terrifying wave from the ground again, followed by two spirit-pattern **** that seemed to be greatly attracted, falling down, smashing down. on the ground.

"Huhuhu! Huhuhu!"

More and more black smoke clouds rose out of it, accompanied by bursts of terrifying howls, coming from the deep tunnel, shocking everyone's hearts and souls. !

"It's too late."

Chi You suddenly interrupted.

He closed his eyes as he spoke, and said something in his mouth. A powerful wave of fel energy suddenly appeared and spread wildly around.

Immediately afterwards, the tragically killed players around, as well as the corpses of the controlled players and the mutilated bodies of the berserkers, frantically poured out evil energy. These evil energy seemed to be attracted by magnets and flew towards Chi You. of nothing left.

Chi You's seemingly shriveled head slowly swelled up as if it had been injected with blood, and the blue-black skin gradually became ruddy and regained its blood color.

That kind of weird fel energy fluctuations re-entered his body.

He also suddenly opened his eyes, and at this moment his ugly and terrifying face became handsome and young.

Originally, his face was odd and shriveled and terrifying, but now he looks rather handsome and unrestrained.

It's just that when the pair of purple eyes turned, they still showed a strange and extraordinary charm.

"Chi You!"

Ye Dou drank lowly, his eyes lit up.

At this moment, not only did Chi You's temperament change drastically, but even the aura on his body was extremely terrifying, and his strength had definitely skyrocketed in an instant.

Ye Dou also understands that Chi You has always been holding back, slacking off in the water, and doesn't have to fight with all his strength. This is a bug that took advantage of the blood oath.

This old slippery head is really unreliable.

"Boom! Boom!"

Two more spiritual pattern **** fell into the abyss, and the surrounding ground collapsed again, with more cracks appearing.

"Chi You! Can you have a way to suppress the passage of the secluded world?" the white-clothed fox king over there shouted.

Chi You grinned and laughed.

He is handsome and wild now, and now he is so handsome when he smiles, enough to make any woman look at him.

After a long time, this man used to be a beautiful man.

He didn't pay attention to the others at all, just looked at Ye Dou: "Ye Dou, don't waste your time, you can't seal the passage of the secluded world here, once the passage is opened, the secluded world will invade this land again, they are far more than anything. Worshiping You Sect is terrifying, this area is completely finished, you should make a plan and escape."

Ye Dou had a sullen face and didn't say anything.

Only then did Chi You look at the ghosts such as the leader of Huang Quan, smiled, and said in a calm and natural tone: "You guys did a good job of worshipping you, but you don't know that the next thing here will far exceed your estimates, don't think that the group of Youjie Creatures will take you seriously."

He looked in the direction of the Mirror King and the White Fox King again: "This passage is a space crack left in the last era, it is estimated that it is related to the end of the age of mythology, it leads directly to the Netherworld, which will be opened soon, your underworld currently has no power seal. Knowing the crack, maybe someone in the future can."

The Mirror King, the Fox King in White, and the Hungry Wolf have heavy expressions on their Oh, yes, by the way, I would like to remind you. "

Chi You laughed and said: "If Ye Dou grows up, he might seal this place, hahaha!"

After saying that, Chi You's head turned into a purple light and flew outside, and he disappeared in an instant.

The other party left a sentence in the air: "Ye Dou, I can't complete the blood oath, it's not that I reneged on my promise, but it is excusable, now this situation is not something I can stop, it is not a violation of the blood oath... I still If something happens, let's meet again."

"Goodbye by fate? Destiny your old mother!" Ye Dou was so disgusted that he wanted to blow up the big head that broke his promise.

This guy instigated himself to open the seven spirit ball seals to deal with the leader of Huangquan. Now that something happened, this guy ran away first. He was really an old demon who caused trouble.

I believe you drop evil!

What should I do with this secluded passage below?

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