The Hero Kneels

Chapter 523: nuke him

These missiles can be said to be attacking from all directions, dragging the dazzling tails one by one, breaking through the thick black clouds, and turning into meteors full of destruction.

"The navy in the east, the southern military region and the northern military region launched missiles together. Does the military want to destroy this place?" Song Shendao really wanted to escape at this moment.

Even if these missiles are not nuclear bombs, they are definitely strategic missiles. One missile is enough to destroy a small town. It is estimated that if so many missiles fly, the entire center of the city will be blown up.

Under such intensive bombardment, nothing will remain, even if he is an evil warrior!

But just as he was about to get up and leave, there was an inexplicable wave of yin energy in front of him, and he saw countless yellow water **** surging on the yellow moat formed by the leader of the Yellow Springs in front of him.

These yellow water balloons soared into the sky, like surface-to-air missiles, and flew towards those meteors at a very fast speed.

boom boom boom...

Under the bombardment of countless water balloons, the meteors exploded in mid-air and turned into fireworks, turning the sky under the dim haze instantly pale, as if countless fireworks were released.

In an instant, these flying missiles were all shot down by yellow liquid.

"The leader of Huangquan is worthy of the leader of Huangquan. If these missiles are blocked below, the military will use nuclear bombs."

Song Shendao squinted and muttered to himself, looking in the direction Ye Dou was leaving: "Ye Dou, take the players away from here, the farther the better, I'm afraid I can't go with you anymore... Next, uh!"

Before he finished speaking, Song Shendao felt an abnormal beating in his heart, which made him feel that his chest was about to burst open, and the evil energy in his body became extremely active. He was burning, he was running wild, he was Variety!

Immediately afterwards, with his red eyes, he suddenly inserted the Dragon Slayer Sword into the heart of his chest.


Blood spurted out and flowed all over the ground, but the fel energy fluctuations on Song Shendao's body were getting stronger and stronger.

Youcheng is more than 300 kilometers east.

There is a wide plain, and there is a huge city on the plain.

This is Haicheng, the largest coastal city in the east of the motherland, at least three times the size of Youcheng, with a population of more than 10 million.

There is an aircraft carrier parked outside Haicheng, this aircraft carrier is called Dingyuan ship.

In the command room of the Dingyuan ship, many military leaders are gathering at this moment.

Most of these soldiers have the rank of generals, and even the commander-in-chief of your navy is among them.

Under the gazes of everyone, the two majestic men in ancient robes were both solemn and conspicuous.

Beside these two men, there were also many men and women in fancy clothes, all of them had serious expressions, they all stood straight and expressionless, and among them was Hall Master Luo.

The white-clothed fox king and the hungry wolf, under everyone's attention, reported the battle that had just happened in the underground ruins.

Under the narration of the white-clothed fox king, she explained the known information in detail, word for word, and explained the seriousness of the problem to the two Lord Yama who came over.

The two Yamas were distinguished as Huo Yanluo Li Yan and Feng Yanluo Wang Feng, and they also represented the two major families of the underworld.

There is also Jing Yan Luo in the mirror of the white-clothed fox king, who is also here at the moment. The three Yan Luo and a group of military bosses are discussing this matter.

"We have been delayed for too long because of the passage, and this time it is indeed late. I didn't expect to worship the secluded sect and plot the passage of the secluded world."

Li Yan, who was wearing a red robe, shook his head slightly, his brows furrowed, and he couldn't help but say, "I didn't expect that those seven spirit-patterned **** were the passages of the secluded world that were sealed from the previous era. This is really troublesome."

He looked at Wang Feng and asked for his opinion.

"The passage of the secluded world is only recorded in the ancient books, and no one knows what the consequences will be in the eyes."

Wang Feng frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "Let's take a look at the effect of the missile. The missile said that it may not be able to blow up the passage of the secluded world, but it is also possible to directly open the gate of the secluded world."

He said solemnly: "I am very concerned about that Ye Dou, this person has created miracles many times, using ancient martial arts to cultivate to the state of the legendary spirit king body, and can transform into a ten-meter-high giant, can destroy the game field, He even opened the passage to the underworld in the last era... He has created too many miracles, we really need to pay attention, I want to see him."

Li Yan said: "I heard that he was an ordinary person more than a year ago. A young man who has just graduated has grown to such a level in a short period of time. It is really incredible. There must be some secrets in him."

The white-clothed fox king said: "We suspect that he is a spirit king who lives in the world, or that he has some kind of secret. Before he transformed, I saw him taking some strange pills. In addition, we specially asked him to try to unlock Thor. Seal, he can absorb the lightning in it."

"Is this really the case?"

Li Yan's eyes showed a strange light, he pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "It seems that this person has an extraordinary background, or he has a big secret, or he may not be a person from Earth..."

An old man with the rank of general shouted: "The two commanders of the combined army, please discuss something serious. Immediately after the missile attack, our army, navy, and air force will march into Youcheng together. They are the most advanced mechanized forces in our country, and they will definitely be able to attack. Xiayoucheng, all monsters and ghosts will be killed!"

The old man's voice was vigorous and powerful, with an air of disbelief in evil.

Everyone looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"With all due respect, General Luo, the secluded world we are facing is not a so-called ordinary monster, but another world. Their combat power and technological level may easily surpass all of us, and may even completely crush human beings. "Li Yan said lightly.

General Luo shook his head slightly: "Alien? Fuck your mother with a nuclear bomb."

At this time, a correspondent reported: "Report to the heads, all the missiles of our fleet and the missiles of the southern military region and the northern military region have failed to hit their targets."

General Luo widened his eyes: "This is impossible! We have launched more than 30 strategic cruise missiles in total, and none of them were hit?"

A general next to him said solemnly: "Then do you want to use a nuclear bomb and wipe it out directly?"

General Luo nodded and looked at the two commanders of the coalition forces who had just been appointed above, wanting to ask for their advice.

Wang Feng immediately shook his head: "The passage of the secluded world is a kind of space crack. Once a powerful nuclear bomb is used, it may squeeze the space crack, which may have the opposite effect. , the nuclear bomb may not be able to go in."

"Go on, temporarily disable nuclear bombs."

Li Yan pondered and issued an order: "The two of us will try to attack the leader of Huangquan, see if we can seize the opportunity, try to block the passage of the secluded world, and postpone the opening of the passage... If we fail, we can try a nuclear bomb. The last resort, but that Ye Dou... After all, opening the gate to the underworld requires the support of the game field."

Wang Feng nodded: "Yes, Ye Dou who can destroy the game is the key. If he doesn't want to help, we can forcefully use the soul-questioning technique!"

In the mirror of the white-clothed fox king, Jing Yan Luo, who has not spoken for a long time, finally said: "This person is extraordinary, you better not use any coercive methods, I will personally persuade Ye Dou and try to let him help us. !"

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