The Hero Kneels

Chapter 538: I will destroy

Under the two Yama spirit techniques, the curse of life in Ye Dou's left hand was instantly activated.

He suddenly felt a hot feeling from his left hand.

In the blink of an eye, his eyes were rendered by green light, behind a strange pattern of interlaced black and white.

Ye Dou slowly opened his eyes, and found himself still standing in the deserted town, surrounded by gray clouds.

"I really don't know how this so-called shadow world came from. It is a completely independent world, but it has the appearance of the original world." Ye Dou narrowed his eyes slightly.

Ye Dou frowned and looked around.

The surroundings are dark, and there are many disillusioned black spots on the walls of various buildings. Many items also look old and old. Many buildings are stained with black substances on the surface, like many mildew spots.

He touched these mildew-like black substances with his hands, and the black substances stained his fingers like poison, trying to drill down his body.

He hurriedly activated his inner strength, and a faint thunder light flashed on his fingertips, which forced the black matter out of the body and turned it into a shred of fly ash.

The black matter just now was overbearing and unusual, and its properties were somewhat like evil energy, but it was more aggressive and corrosive than evil energy, like some kind of highly toxic substance.

"I don't have time to study, let's destroy the other five game venues first!" Ye Dou let out a long sigh and looked towards Youcheng.

There was no one around, it was quiet, and there was no one except myself.

The sky and the surroundings were shrouded in a thick layer of gray fog, the visibility was less than 100 meters, and the atmosphere was unusually eerie.

Before taking a few steps, there was a strange scream in the distance, followed by strange-shaped monsters with twisted bodies, galloping over.

This monster has no feet, and its figure seems to be translucent, and its shape is inhuman and inhuman.

Evil spirit!

Six Veins Divine Sword!

Ye Dou didn't dare to be negligent, raised his middle finger, and directly shot at the opponent, one after another, a majestic mid-rushing sword.

The air sword he used was full of lightning and destruction.

These evil spirits have no resistance to the destruction of the mood, and are destroyed in an instant.

He ran all the way to the amusement park in Lake Mo.

This amusement park was shrouded in a layer of mist, and the surroundings were full of black objects like mildew, and it looked like it was about to be submerged by the black mist.

There are still many evil spirits wandering around, looking like guards guarding the place.

Seeing the sudden appearance of a human being, these evil spirits swooped up and wanted to tear Ye Dou apart completely.

Destroy it!

At this time, countless thunders burst out from his body, and all the evil spirits that rushed up were turned into flying ashes, and then he watched a lot of spirits fly over.

The meaning of destruction in thunder and lightning is indeed useful, and the evil spirits simply cannot bear the concept of destruction.

Second block!

Ye Dou's body flashed with lightning, his bones crackled, his whole body was red, his muscles swelled, his height skyrocketed, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a little giant more than two meters tall.

He called out the Ring of Sighs.

The **** came together, the index finger soul ring and the **** sigh ring touched together, and a red soul in the soul ring was inhaled into the sigh ring.

Ye Dou's unicorn arm emerged instantly and began to expand, becoming as thick as a telephone pole in an instant.

His body is constantly expanding, and the real essence fluid in his body begins to burn frantically, and directly opens the third gear. His height is instantly raised to about five meters, and the muscles of his body become like armor. Madness poured into the right arm.

The power in the right arm began to increase wildly, including the Destruction Concept, which was continuously improved and improved, and it was increased tenfold!

The unicorn arm that has been rapidly raised all the way, exudes a powerful and terrifying wave, and the thunder on the arm is swaying, making the surrounding air hot, full of unbelievable terrifying aura, and people can't help but feel heartbroken. Frightened.

"Ten times the sea tiger blasting punch!"

Ye Dou suddenly swung a big fist and bombarded the front.


The big fist with the aura of destruction slammed into the seemingly weird gray fog wall, setting off a huge wave, causing the surrounding buildings to be shattered by the shock wave.

A huge hole appeared on the gray fog wall.

Ye Dou swept his senses and went straight in.

At the moment, the playground is still so thick with fog.

And the game is in progress.

Looking up, I saw that in the direction of the shadowy Ferris wheel, many players ran over. Most of the players were blood-stained and their faces were terrified. Many people were missing their arms. Some people ran over with their stomachs covered. .

There are men and women among them, most of them are young, and they all seem to be frightened enough.

"So many players? This game is still forcibly collecting souls, I won't let them succeed!"

Ye Dou did not retreat but advanced, and saw a tall and strong figure appearing in the fog behind him, and there was also a strange motor sound, which seemed to be the sound of a chainsaw.


Immediately afterwards, I saw a giant rushing out of the thick fog.

The giant was holding a huge chainsaw in his hand. The chainsaw was big and long, and it was very deadly when swung. It smashed a running man to the ground with blood splashing all over the place, but the other party did not immediately death, but moaning in place.


In the screams of people, a clown with a chainsaw rushed out from the depths of the playground.

The opponent's stature was extremely tall, stronger and taller than Yao Ming. It was estimated that he was at least 2.5 meters tall, and the chainsaw in his hand was at least 2 meters long, as huge as a door.

He was wearing a clown suit, with a clown's makeup on his face, a big red nose, a pale face, and a **** mouth full of sharp teeth, an undead mouth, and he didn't look like a human being.

He waved the chainsaw in his hand and kept attacking the two people running in front of him, sawing them to the ground, making their flesh fly, but these people did not die immediately.

It was hung by the clown on the merry-go-rounds that could be seen everywhere, and there was an awl-like thing on the seat of the merry-go-round.

Anyone sitting on the seat of the merry-go-round, male or female, almost all of them were pierced by chrysanthemums, making a painful wailing sound, and then the merry-go-round would spin up and down.

The screams are endless!

This scene is too yellow and violent, even a person can't bear to watch it.

Frightened tourists are running wild in the park at the moment, trying to find a way out, but the gate of the park is closed at the moment, and no one can go out at all.

"Why is the door locked? Let us out!"

"What the **** is this place, open the door!"

"Help, help, I can't get through."

Everyone shouted, panicked, slammed on the door one by one, and kept calling for help.

It can be seen that many people don't even know why they suddenly appeared here, and none of them understand what happened.

The huge clown figure slowly walked out of the thick fog, and death was gradually approaching.

At this time, the terrifying clown had already arrived.

He raised the buzzing big chainsaw and rushed into the rampantly, while waving the chainsaw frantically, he launched a frenzied massacre. After a while, countless people screamed at the gate. Then one by one was put on the Trojan horse, staged the tragedy of chrysanthemum residue.

"Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice...hehehe!"

The clown with a **** mouth, repeated such a word in his mouth, with a frantic expression on his face, and laughed again and again, it seems that only killing people can make the other party feel extremely happy.

Suddenly, a fist full of thunder and lightning slammed into the opponent's chest, and then a huge fist like a hammer smashed the clown's head completely.

The players saw a giant full of thunder, with a strange scar on his chest, appearing in front of the big guy.

Then I saw the giant raised a thick arm and shouted: "Second one, destroy!"

Immediately, the blood moon in the sky turned into a huge eye, and then, the sky began to gradually crack...

Among the eighteen kidney deficiencies, it is the beginning of the month, ask for a monthly pass!

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