The Hero Kneels

Chapter 541: I cum, I cum, I **** cum

"Retreat!, Retreat first!"

Seeing this, the general Luo finally gave an order: "All of your players must follow the military's actions. Next, we will arrange accommodation for you, and everyone is not allowed to leave the residence without authorization."

"Hey, hey, are you mistaken? We're not prisoners."

"That's right, is the military trying to imprison us?"

"Everyone, stop talking, as long as you don't get killed, it's fine."

The players were very dissatisfied, but they had to obey the military's orders.

After all, players also think of themselves as time bombs.

It is almost impossible for the military to set him free.

Song Shendao didn't say anything, took a step away from the scene, and marched towards Youcheng step by step, no one stepped forward to stop the other party, and no one asked anything.

Everyone can feel the monstrous killing intent on the other side. This person is probably going to Youcheng to kill all directions.

Seeing Song Shendao leaving, the first people to breathe a sigh of relief were the two Yamas.

Song Shendao's fel energy fluctuations at the moment are compelling, like a volcano that may erupt at any time, putting a lot of pressure on the two of them.

Watching the players leave, Ye Dou did not move.

He opened his mouth to ask the two Yamas on the opposite side: "The underworld has an extraordinary background, and it shouldn't be so easy to capture. If there is any way for the underworld to deal with this disaster, if you need my help, just say it."

Bai Wuchen came floating at this time and landed in front of several people. She was holding the mirror in her hand, and the mirror Yan Luo in the mirror said slowly: "Ye Dou, what you should have done, has already been done, the following things Let us come to the underworld."

"Yes, if you want to seal the passage of the secluded world, only the meaning of Jing Yanluo's space is useful. If you want to help, you can go back to the underworld with us." Li Yan invited.

Wang Feng echoed: "Ye Dou, you are very talented, and it is very likely that you have a rare spirit king body. Our underworld is in need of talents like you. Please follow us back to the underworld."

"No need."

Ye Dou looked at the two of them and smiled: "To be honest, I'm not a spirit king body, and your underworld should have noticed it... I don't want to be studied and studied when I go to the underworld."

He looked at the mirror and said, "What do you mean by space?"

Jing Yanluo didn't hide it, and said, "The seven spiritual pattern **** have been completely lost, and only the power of space below can completely seal the passage. I have practiced the meaning of space for many years, and I have a certain amount of space power, but I also I only know a little bit about the fur, I am afraid it is difficult to seal the hole, it can be delayed at most, but there is no second person in the world who knows the power of space..."

The power of space?

The God of War catalog can shatter the void at the last moment of cultivation, which should be the power of space.

It should be effective for the secluded world channel.

Bai Wuchen said at this time: "Ye Dou, the earth will become very dangerous in the future, and it is very likely that it will be destroyed. Come back to the underworld with us, the underworld will ensure your safety..."

Ye Dou refused directly: "No need, let's go, my fate with the underworld is over."

After speaking, he turned to leave.

Bai Wuchen still wanted to take steps to catch up with the opponent, but was stopped by Li Yan's hand, the Yan Luo with a thousand years of experience shook his head slightly: "Ye Dou is a strong man, and the Dao heart of a strong man will never be easily shaken by a woman. , you don't need to do anything more, if he figures it out, he will come to us on his own initiative."

"There are a lot of things you and Jing Yanluo have to do below. We can't waste any more time... Jing Yanluo only has a remnant soul, and the power of space that he exerts is not proficient. In the end, he doesn't want you to use it." Wang Feng sighed.

Jing Yanluo is not a living person. He had already died on the battlefield. Before his death, he had sealed his soul in the mirror. Although he was familiar with the artistic conception of space, the only person who performed the space spirit art could be Bai Wuchen.

After observing the departure of several Yamas with his divine sense, Ye Dou found a pharmacy in the small town.

He smashed the door with a punch and stepped into it. There was a mess here, but there were still many medicines in the cupboard. It is estimated that the owner of the pharmacy escaped too hastily and did not take away the many medicines in the pharmacy.

Ye Dou narrowed his eyes and murmured: "The power of space? Then there is only a picture of the God of War below. Now I am still too weak, and I must improve my strength as soon as possible!"

He said and touched the soul ring with his finger, and the beautiful red snow turned into a red light and appeared in front of him.

"Hongxue, I will retreat next time and help me protect the law!"

Ye Dou said sitting cross-legged on the ground, and then greeted: "Open your mouth, I will feed you well!

"Yes, Xianggong!" Hongxue nodded, immediately flew up, and couldn't wait to be in front of Lai Ye Dou.

On that beautiful and unparalleled face, she looked at Ye Dou with beautiful eyes like autumn water, and then Hongxue opened her cherry mouth and swallowed her upright index finger.

There was a strange feeling of coldness and silkiness between Ye Dou's index fingers.

In that small mouth as red as a cherry, there is a small red tongue licking and licking on his index finger, like a small goldfish that is constantly swimming, doing enchanting movements around the fingertips.


This action is so yellow and violent, it is simply exaggerated and sultry, every time I look at him, it is slightly hard.

Cough cough!

Ye Dou snorted: "Hey, Hongxue, why are you licking my fingers, I haven't used my soul yet."

Hongxue reluctantly spit out Ye Dou's index finger from Cherry's small mouth, blushing and said, "Xiang Gong, it's all your fault that your fingers are so delicious, hurry up and give me something to eat, the slave family has been hungry for a long time."

After speaking, Hongxue Cherry swallowed her index finger into her mouth again and continued to lick it.

Seeing Hongxue's starving look, Ye Dou didn't know what to say, so he could only look down at his soul ring.

Now the number of souls in the soul ring is extremely large, reaching the highest peak in history of nine purple souls, five red souls, and seven white souls.

This is thanks to Comrade Huang Quan's leader, as well as the contribution of a group of Yaksha bosses in the Netherworld, especially Huang Quan's leader, this guy is simply a soul machine.

Immediately, he did not hesitate and directly enlightened.

As the golden finger trembled slightly, he directly shot a red soul to Hongxue.

woo woo woo...

Suddenly, Hongxue whimpered for a while, as if too much was injected into her throat, and she was a little choked.

But she immediately adjusted, her breath became much heavier, and the charm in her eyes continued like a river of spring water.

"Xianggong, the slave family still wants it, do you want it, do you want it..."

Hongxue licked her red lips, and hugged Ye Dou's arms with both arms, and took the initiative to act like a spoiled child.

Seeing the glamorous female ghost being so coquettish, Ye Doutun's bones were crispy and crisp, and the other party's expression was so imaginative that no man in the world could eat it.

He hadn't fed the female ghosts well before, but now he has plenty of souls, and he doesn't give up what the other party wants at all.

Hong Xuejiao said angrily, "Master, the slave family still wants..."

Before she finished speaking, her mouth was suddenly blocked by that firm finger, and when she looked down, it turned out that Ye Dou had actively fed her index finger again.

Hongxue's cheeks were blushing and she was a little shy, but she was quickly intoxicated by this feeling, and the scarlet tongue licked again, like a kitten drinking milk.

I shoot!

I shoot!

I'll shoot again!

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