The Hero Kneels

Chapter 552: Niu Tau Ma Noodles

Bottom of Bingling Mountain.

Yang Mimi looked at the huge stone statue standing in the ground from a distance, and looked at the behemoth, showing a very obvious shock.

No one could imagine that in such a place, there are actually many huge stone statues with heads of cows and horses, each of which is tens of meters in height.

And it's still nearly fifty or sixty.

It shocked her.

Ye Dou said to release these giant beasts!

Are these giant beasts alive?

How dangerous would it be if it were released?

At this moment, Ye Dou slowly walked out of the cave.

At this time, in addition to the faint lightning flashes all over his body, he also exudes an extremely terrifying aura of destruction. Every step he takes, his footsteps are abnormally heavy, making people feel like they are suffocating.

He wants to unlock the seal here!

An incomparably strong beast, who once ravaged the ancient earth, may have displayed monstrous ferocity in the last era.

They seem to have fallen into a long sleep and petrification, slumbering silently like lions and dragons.

Today, Ye Dou was really provoked, and he planned to wake up these giant monsters who didn't know good and evil. He had to drive these monsters to smash the underworld first, and then smash the Yaksha in the secluded world!

"Once these ferocious creatures wake up, the earth doesn't know what disaster will happen, Ye Dou really wants to do this?" Yang Mimi trembled slightly.

"Hope... I hope these terrifying monsters can communicate with Ye Dou normally and control them, otherwise..." Yang Mimi said softly.

Yang Mimi didn't dare to think further, the existence of these monsters was beyond her imagination.

Lightning flashes, and a picture is formed in a blink of an eye!

Ye Dou began to draw a picture of thunder and lightning in the void.

The stone statues erected around them spread out, flickering and flowing on the huge stone statues.

"You have been turned into stone statues by a certain existence, and thunder and lightning are the source of your seal. You can avoid being destroyed by thunder and lightning by keeping petrified, but you can only be released by mastering the mystery of this kind of thunder and lightning."

Ye Dou said lightly: "Then I will use lightning to help you get out of the petrified state."

"Zizzizi! Quack quack!"

As the electric current flickered, cracks appeared in the tall stone statues, and these cracks were filled with wisps of thunder light, which were connected together, and finally became a painting.

Under the continuous emergence of lightning bolts, small stones began to fall.

Standing in front of these huge stone statues, Ye Dou used his divine sense to paint the picture of thunder and lightning, and touched the shackles on these stone statues.

Large blocks of stones, like being cut by sharp blades, fell to the ground continuously, making a roaring sound.

The thunder marks on Ye Dou's chest kept flashing, filled with a mysterious aura of destruction.

It even condensed into a beautiful thunder and lightning artistic conception map in the void, suspended above Ye Dou's head.

Wisps of mysterious consciousness, commanding the current lightning, flew towards the body of the giant stone statue.


A stone statue dozens of meters high suddenly burst open, and countless stones fell to the ground and shot.

A gigantic minotaur revealed its stature.

This is a minotaur with a length of nearly 100 meters, strong muscles, and a dark body.

One after another thunder and lightning were tightly wrapped around the Minotaur, flowing through the body. It was a meandering river of dazzling lightning, releasing the earth-shattering might of thunder.

On the top of the Minotaur's head, there are two long sharp horns that stand tall like the horns of a giant dragon.


After a dazzling thunder light, the Minotaur opened his eyes.

Almost instantly, a tyrannical, ferocious, and tyrannical breath covered the entire bottom of Bingling Mountain.


The Minotaur roared in anger.

The whistling sound brought thunder and lightning, and for a while, the surrounding stone statues accelerated and fell, and the entire cave was shaking.


When the various stone statues exploded, there were various deafening roars, like a big earthquake.

babe babe...

A horse-faced monster with a length of nearly 100 meters and golden mane hair suddenly grinned with big feet. He opened his mouth, revealing two rows of white teeth, and the white teeth seemed to be like door panels, and his nose spewed two streams of smoke like smoke. breath.

Smashed behind him, a huge red horse face appeared, the muscles of the whole body swelled, and the mane was burning like a fire, and it opened and spewed out a mouthful of red fire, and the breath was extremely hot.

Another bull's head rushed out of the stone, and then the granite-like skin on his body suddenly spewed out a blue flame. Those flames were like a long dragon, flying out of his body and began to burn the surrounding stones, instantly destroying the stones. Melted into red juice.

Suddenly, the surroundings lit up, turning into a world of blue light.

The weakest beasts are all dragons, and the leaders should also be demigods.

If this is put into the outside world, it is estimated that the earth cannot bear it.

"Cow power!"

Ye Dou coldly looked at the giant black bull that was nearly 100 meters tall, and said in a thunderous voice, "The seal on your flesh has been undone, but I can destroy you at any time, or be sealed again. I control the meaning of destruction!"

He suddenly raised his giant hand, and a lightning spear suddenly appeared in his hand!

This thunder and lightning spear is about three meters long, and the thunder light bursts and crackles, and the aura of destruction is extremely strong and volatile, and it can destroy the world almost instantly.

This tyrannical aura has always been hidden deep in their souls, as long as Ye Dou mobilized the lightning spear, they would tremble all over, and couldn't help being petrified.


Niu Li roared in the ancient language.

All the bullheads and horses calmed down in an instant.

Their eyes quickly converged on Ye Dou, with fierce, brutal, and murderous eyes staring at Ye Dou, as if they wanted to eat Ye Dou.

However, they were all very afraid of the lightning spear in Ye Dou's hands, and they were eager to try, but they didn't dare to go forward.

"We turned our heads and horses to face the two clansmen to get out of trouble, all because of the credit of this young man of the human race. I just made an agreement with him."

Niu Li looked at the giant bulls around him and shouted, "Listen to me!"

"Niu Li! Rush out of this place first and follow me to Youcheng!" Ye Dou shouted.


Niu Li agreed and stretched out his hand: "Let's leave it to us!"

"I come!"

The golden hair on the horse's face was full of scorching hot rays of light. At a glance, he seemed to be made of golden molten iron, full of domineering power to smash everything.


The golden horse roared and kicked out a pair of big feet. The big feet turned into a golden edge that pierced the sky, and like a sharp golden mountain, it slammed into the stone wall.


With a loud noise, the surrounding walls shattered, and the boulders shattered one after another. UU Reading

"Break down this mountain for me!" Niu Li roared.

I saw each and everyone behemoths, waving their arms, hammering and blasting those boulders.

"Break this mountain and rush out of this place!" Ferocious beasts roared, extremely excited.

They can't speak, but with their mental fluctuations, Ye Dou can easily feel what they want to express.


In the depths of Shenlongjia, a snow-capped ice peak suddenly shattered and shattered.


Accompanied by a howl that resounded through the heavens and the earth, a powerful minotaur covered in pitch black rose into the sky from the blasted ice peak.

This earth-shattering loud noise shocked everyone within a hundred miles.


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