The Hero Kneels

Chapter 562: ghost ship

Chapter 563 Ghost Ship

"Look, it's Mysterious Turtle Island!"

"Ha, the mysterious turtle is really big, then we are about to arrive at Dragon King Island in the East China Sea."

"I heard that the turtles in Dragon King Island in the East China Sea are bigger, even bigger than mountains."

Ye Dou has been meditating to recover his inner strength for the past few days. Now, after a few days of practice, his inner strength has recovered seven to eighty-eight, and the lightning real essence liquid has begun to condense in the thunder pool.

It seems that the spiritual energy in this world is extremely abundant. Even if he does not take medicine, his cultivation speed is extremely exaggerated, at least more than ten times the original cultivation speed.

Hearing the sound from outside, he pushed open the window and looked towards the red glowing sea.

Sure enough, I saw a huge incomparable island tortoise. This giant tortoise is estimated to be at least three or four square kilometers in size, and it is very spectacular to float on the sea.

But looking at him, he realized that something was wrong, because there were many corpses floating on the sea.

At the beginning, I only saw one or two occasionally, and then more and more corpses floated along the tide. There were at least forty or fifty corpses floating from the sea. These corpses were not injured, but their backs were facing down. .

His hunch was a little bad.

As time went by, more and more corpses floated on the sea, and even the sea water was dyed red, which made all the warriors on the boat a little scared, and the merchants who were accompanying them were terrified.

"No, the nearby merchant ships are estimated to have been attacked!"

The black-skinned man couldn't help shouting: "Everyone, be careful and prepare for battle. There are often accidents near Xuangui Island."

The accompanying warriors on the ship stepped onto the deck one after another, holding swords and inexplicably nervous.

Today, there are less than 100 warriors on the whole ship. They are all bodyguards hired by the fleet, and they are specially responsible for protecting the safety of merchant ships. After all, this route is not very safe.

In particular, this Black Tortoise Island is a very special place. It was considered as the last transit, but it belongs to the three-needle area, and the flow of people is complicated.

The surrounding waters have always been unstable, and pirates have attacked merchant ships for a long time.

Although the Dragon King Island in the East China Sea is equal to some major forces, and although they have never given up the pursuit of pirates, the pirates are very deceitful, and they can even sneak into the water to avoid the attacks of the Dragon Knights in the East China Sea.

Along the way, seeing more and more floating corpses, many people on board realized that it was not good, and they all understood that those pirates might be rampant again.

Ye Dou frowned slightly as he looked at the sea water that was dyed red with blood.

He closed the window and sat silently on the bed, feeling a little uneasy.

On the sea, floating corpses appeared more and more frequently, which meant that there was bound to be danger ahead, and the force value of this new world made him feel uncertain.

After all, the two armored men riding the flying dragon just now seemed to be unparalleled and powerful, with a powerful spiritual pressure all over their bodies, and they didn't look weaker than him.

If this is a fight, I will definitely not be able to take advantage of it.

"It's useless to think too much, to comprehend the artistic conception of space."

Cutting off his thoughts, he asked Hongxue to take out the God of War catalogue, staring directly at it, and entering the catalogue to comprehend.

To put it bluntly, his spatial artistic conception is only at the entry level, otherwise he would not have nearly shattered himself to death when he shattered the void. This kind of artistic conception took a lot of time and spirit.

Ye Dou quickly entered the realm of no distractions, and quickly calmed down.

The collapsed void recorded in the last catalog of the God of War has an unparalleled magical effect. When he realized it, he could not help but feel at ease, and even his soul seemed to enter a wonderful artistic conception.

It is a pity that Melatonin is gone, otherwise, it will probably be able to accelerate the perception of the Shattered Void several times.

"Broken the void, the void is broken!"

Looking at the dark void that was constantly disillusioned in the last relief, blooming like petals, Ye Dou was full of emotions and fully realized.

I don't know when, a strange howling sound came from his ears. The horn sound was like thunder, like a dragon's roar. It made people's souls tremble and forced him to withdraw from his artistic conception.


In front of the ship, a cold voice came from afar.

Ye Dou walked off the deck in a hurry.

Looking around, I saw many humanoid shrimp soldiers with weapons standing on the back of a large turtle.


These guys turned out to be prawns, and they were still green prawns, and they were still standing.

Ye Dou frowned.

I rubbed it!

Shrimp soldiers and crab generals all appeared, shouldn't there really be a so-called Dragon King?

I saw one of the prawns and shouted loudly in human language: "Where is your destination?"

"It's the shrimp soldiers on patrol! I hope there will be no conflict." Many people on the boat whispered.

"We set off from the Bronze Continent and specially came to the Dragon King Island in the East China Sea to trade. We are a ship of the Feilu Chamber of Commerce and have the pass qualification. Why did you stop us?" The bow of the ship shouted.

"This place has been blocked, all ships retreat, turn back as soon as possible, otherwise we are welcome!" The blue prawn's voice was loud.

At this time, most of the people on the boat came out of the house and stood on the deck, watching these human-shaped prawns with Ye Dou.

The patrolling shrimp soldiers on Dragon King Island in the East China Sea are very strong and can be seen everywhere. They are responsible for cleaning up all kinds of pirates, maintaining the trade routes in the waters near the East China Sea, and keeping them smooth.

The strength of these shrimp soldiers is not very high, but they are backed by Dragon King Island in the East China Sea. The merchants do not dare to offend, and they are quite afraid. They dare not easily cause trouble in this sea area. Pay some tribute, all as RBI.

Everyone looked at each other, knowing that these shrimp soldiers were arrogant, but they didn't expect it to be so bad.

"If you both die, then go ahead, those floating corpses... have you all seen it?"

Many people on the boat nodded.

"There's something big going on ahead, and it's very bad."

Another prawn grabbed the conversation, and his attitude was much better: "The ghost ship appears, as long as it is in the past, it will be more fortunate than good."

Ghost ship? !

When everyone heard these three words, they suddenly took a deep breath and felt remorse.

"Okay, let's go back!"

"We can't afford the ghost ship!"

"Let's go!"

Many people expressed their opinions.

The ghost ship is a terrifying and eerie disaster that can devour everything, and many people have heard of it.

Many people on the boat scolded and shouted in a low voice, unwilling to take any risks.

At this moment on the sea in front of me, giant whirlpools were spinning crazily and moving forward. The surrounding sea level was bumped up because of this, and the surrounding waves were choppy.

"Damn, the ghost ship is here!"

"Damn! Hurry up and stay away!"

"Run away!"

The group of shrimp soldiers suddenly trumpeted, the sound was frightened, and the turtles below moved quickly.

Ye Dou took a look and found that in the sea area ahead, many shrimp soldiers were madly fleeing around the giant vortex, but they couldn't escape the vortex.

On the sea, in a huge whirlpool, an object like a giant black ship rushed out from it, setting off a stormy sea...

Eighteen has been updated less recently, and it is maintained twice a day. It is because I want to participate in the update event at the end of the month. It should be updated next month. I will try my best to save the manuscript now, please be patient.

(End of this chapter)

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