The Hero Kneels

Chapter 566: giant corpse with chrysanthemum

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He dived towards the dark seabed.

After diving for 200 meters, the surrounding light was extremely dim, and it seemed difficult to see the surroundings.


A suffocating sense of coercion struck, making his blood agitated, as if attracted by some powerful existence.

This kind of coercion is much stronger than the god-level existence he encountered in the passage of the secluded world before, and it feels extremely terrifying to him, and the blood and energy in his body are out of control.

He concentrated his consciousness and looked down suddenly.

It was a gigantic corpse that was found in the depths of the sea. It was more than 300 meters long and was quietly suspended in the deep sea. The two **** feet on the other side were very conspicuous, very similar to the black ghost ship.

This giant corpse has empty eyes and some rotten and broken face, but it has a big mouth like a black hole and is frantically devouring corpses one by one.

The human body, the corpse of the aquarium, swam along the ocean current in a spiral shape toward the big mouth and disappeared.

The giant hidden deep in the sea seems to be alive, but obviously dead.

"What kind of corpse is this!?"

After careful observation, this 100-meter-long corpse is not a human race, but just looks like a human being. The whole body is covered with green scales, and it is quietly suspended on the bottom of the sea.

The skin on the other side's face is wrinkled, and it looks bloody, with only two beards like dragon whiskers, and two horns on the head. The body has a well-developed muscle outline, and the whole body exudes terrifying power fluctuations. Just looking at it At a glance, it is awe-inspiring.

There was a wave of fluctuations on the other side, making Ye Dou's blood boil, feeling an irresistible attraction.

But looking at each other carefully, he could even feel a powerful sense of strength and vitality from the ancient wilderness.

It seems that the other party can walk out of the deep sea immediately, and destroy the world and the earth with every gesture.

It's just that the corpse's face was broken and rotten, almost turning into a hole, and the breath of death was exuding from it, and only the mouth was constantly swallowing corpses.

Obviously, the culprit that caused the maelstrom and the huge waves in this area before was this giant corpse several hundred meters high.

And the ghost ship that looks like a big ship is actually a big foot of this corpse.

This corpse is really too big, it is taller and bigger than many skyscrapers.

Ye Dou frowned deeply, not daring to continue diving, but carefully looking at the corpse in the distance.

The huge corpse has an ancient and wild aura, and I don't know how many years it has been dead, but the other party was still making waves just now, and now he is actually devouring the corpse.

"Is he dead?"

There were so many thoughts in Ye Dou's mind, and some of them couldn't figure out whether this guy was dead or asleep.

He could faintly feel a trace of death from the other party's blurred face.

But the other party is clearly relying on the corpse to eat?

Ye Dou was at a loss.

But he noticed that around the giant corpse, there were some soul-like glowing dots, like stars, and as he carefully observed it, his vision became clearer and clearer.

"It's a soul! It's definitely a soul!"

Ye Dou looked at these luminous spots, and the beads in his eyes were all round.

He didn't know which souls were, maybe the corpses, or the giant's own.

He couldn't wait to start paddling forward.

I am currently about three or four hundred meters away, and if I go further, I don't know if there will be any danger.

Leave him alone, he can't let go of his soul.

"What a powerful fluctuation of qi and blood!" Ye Dou felt that the surrounding sea water was shaking violently, and the attraction of that qi and blood was still increasing.

However, it was still within his tolerance.

He no longer hesitated, and while protecting his body with inner strength, he cautiously moved closer to this huge mysterious corpse.

The giant corpse was moving, and Ye Dou also swam very slowly for safety.

In about 20 minutes, he swam to a distance of thirty meters from the giant corpse, and a huge attraction that made his qi and blood disordered was naturally released from the surface of the giant corpse.

Ye Dou's blood flowed uncontrollably towards the corpse, his body involuntarily drifted towards the other side, and the whole person was trembling because of this.

"What a terrifying attraction, what a powerful blood force!" Ye Dou was horrified and did not dare to step forward.

He was too close to this giant corpse, it was really difficult to grasp the scale, and this distance was enough for the Soul Ring to come to **** the soul.

"This guy should be dead, if he were alive... I don't know how terrifying it would be?" Ye Dou was deeply shocked and couldn't help trembling all over.

The pressure of this kind of qi and blood is much stronger than that of the god-level Yaksha.

Could this giant corpse in front of him be a legendary god!

Suddenly, the soul ring began to absorb those white souls that seemed to flicker, and then the soul ring just opened to swallow a white soul the size of a grape, and the rest seemed to exist, but they escaped in an instant.

"Did these souls still take them away?" Ye Dou couldn't believe his eyes.

There are a lot of these white souls, covering the surface of this giant corpse. He can see it very clearly. These white light spots are obviously small souls, but they avoid the absorption of the soul ring as if they were conscious.

He continued to dive to a position twenty meters away from the corpse, and moved his body slowly. This was the limit, and it would be bad if he went further.

His eyes scrutinized the souls wandering in the muscles of the corpse.

In order to absorb these souls, he simply circled the Giant God twice, but he didn't absorb a single soul, and he didn't find any accessories or props.

These souls seemed to be deliberately avoiding him. As long as the distance between the two was less than thirty meters, these souls would spread out.

"There's nothing in it? So do you want to try elsewhere?" Ye Dou felt very troublesome, so he simply swam towards the opponent's head.

But suddenly felt a strange flow of water used.

He looked up and found that there was a dark part of his body on the giant corpse, where his legs met.


It's so dark, so deep, and it's still spraying water. Was this giant corpse still a mother?

No wonder this giant corpse has been drinking water with its mouth open, and it has not been burst by the sea water.

Alright, eldest sister, you have such a good appetite, that you are hiding in the sea of ​​​​gods to drink water?

Ye Dou swam forward, looking at the darkness ahead, and found that there was a dark cave in the source of the water, and there seemed to be a soul shining in the black cave.

What kind of organ is this?

Why do souls spew out of it?

All right,

Do you want to go cave exploring?

When Ye Dou just thought of, he felt a chill and goosebumps all over his body.


I don't want to go in.

While thinking about it, an incomparably powerful attraction suddenly appeared in the black hole. This attraction was so strong that he was horrified, and it wanted to pull him into the vortex, into the incomparably dark black hole.

"I don't want to enter your chrysanthemum!" Ye Dou clenched his teeth, thunder flashed all over his body, and came to retreat.

He wanted to leave, but his body became extremely heavy, and even his soul had a problem. He could even feel a pair of invisible hands pulling him out of his soul from his body.

The attraction of this vortex seems to have completely locked his soul, to **** it away.

His entire body was also involuntarily moving towards the black hole.

not good!

Brother, this is the rhythm to explore the chrysanthemum...

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