The Hero Kneels

Chapter 577: Kunpeng is alive

Chapter 578

Immediately, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier turned its bow and sailed into the distance, heading for the so-called Fallen Island.

Ye Dou entered the cabin room, silently refining the blood and energy in his body, and re-conditioning and repairing the muscles, bones, skin, flesh and blood, and reached the best state of the body.

Therefore, this time he accidentally obtained divine blood, and his physical strength has risen, and he has pushed the physical strength to a whole new level. His blood is like a coiled dragon, and the fluctuation of blood is surging.

Strength can be said to follow the rising tide.

"This so-called earth is obviously different from the original world, but there are many places that are exactly the same. This is simply incredible." Ye Dou narrowed his eyes, very puzzled.

This parallel world is also really weird. It is obviously very different from the earth, but it has many incredible existences.

There must be a reason why the Soul Ring brought his whole being here.

He didn't know exactly what he wanted him to do, and he was confused.

Anyway, now there is an opportunity to become a **** in front of him, and he must not miss it.

At least, you have to think and try to improve your own five thunder gods.

Three days later!

The aircraft carrier stopped on the island of the gods.

This Fallen God Island is really different, it is actually suspended in mid-air, hiding in the depths of the sky.

You can't find it without looking at it yourself.

I don't know what force made this seemingly huge island suspended in mid-air.

Ye Dou couldn't help sighing at the mystery of the different world.

During this period of time, after adjusting his blood energy, he has now reached the best state, blood is rushing in his blood vessels, eager to fight, and looking at the fight.

Everyone on the deck looked up at the floating island in the sky and didn't care much.

Instead, it is especially noticeable next to a whirlpool under the floating island.

I saw that around the whirlpool, and there were still boats staying on the periphery, many young talents gathered together, and those people were all full of energy and dressed in different clothes.

They kept shouting something around the vortex, as if to maintain order, and seemed to be shouting something.

These people have strange clothes, all races, yellow, black, ancient, some people wear suits constantly, some people wear ancient common clothes, and some only wear grass skirts.

However, most of them were armed with weapons and looked on guard, and did not approach each other without authorization.

In the face of such a scene of gathering forces from all sides, the aircraft carrier remained in a state of motionless, keeping a distance from other ships and islands, and trying not to contact those who were dressed in fancy clothes.

The atmosphere at the scene was also a bit weird. It could be seen that everyone was jealous of each other, and no one dared to provoke them. At most, they shouted in the air.

Suddenly, the small whirlpool in the sea suddenly turned into a huge water whirlpool.

In the depths of the water vortex, there are faintly visible streaks of seven-colored light, like a deep mouth.

"That's the entrance to the tomb of the gods, and it really opened today."

Haima said with narrowed eyes.

Ye Dou and the others were shocked, and they couldn't help looking at the entrance carefully, preparing secretly.

"The time is coming. As long as you enter the tomb of the gods, everything will be shuffled... In the tomb of the gods, except for the power of the flesh, the rest of the power will be suppressed."

Haima urged: "Everyone be careful, there may be Kunpeng appearing below. As long as Kunpeng only appears for a moment, you must enter Kunpeng's mouth. The space channel in Kunpeng's mouth is where the tomb of the gods is located."

He suddenly remembered something important and couldn't help reminding them: "Besides, you have to be very careful, those who can't bear Kunpeng's blood will immediately retreat, otherwise they will be in a coma, and your strength will be suppressed. …”

"Kunpeng, what the **** is that? Hey, you didn't say it before!" Ye Dou was stunned.

"It's really nothing? Kunpeng is only very big, and there is nothing else. You just treat it as a boat that can move. Why don't you even know about Kunpeng?"

He continued to exhort: "You should try your best to go together when you enter it. A few people are always better than one... It's a pity that we know very little about the tomb of the gods, and only know so much information."

After a pause, he continued to explain: "The various tribes of the Black Iron Continent and the major sects of the Bronze Continent have all shot elites. In addition to the heroes, the Silver Continent has also sent soldiers. They are extremely powerful, so be careful if you are caught by them. Locked, it is very likely to be killed."

"I didn't go in to hide." Ye Dou grinned.

This made Haima smile without realizing it, shook his head and smiled: "You are indeed very powerful, but the people who entered the tomb of the gods this time are the top masters."

"How big is the tomb of God?" Song Bing suddenly asked.

"Kunpeng can swallow Xumi, I don't know the size, and no one knows."

Haima pondered for a while and said, "The tomb of the gods was only opened once a thousand years ago, but there are really very few people who came out alive, and the records are incomplete."

"How dangerous is that?" she asked again.

"It's impossible to say. The world in Kunpeng's mouth is mysterious and unpredictable, big and small."

Haima narrowed his eyes, his face gradually became serious: "Remember this! In this tomb of the gods, everything is unknown. After all, it is the place where the gods fell. benefit!"

Taking a deep breath, Haima was serious and serious, "It is not ruled out that there are still high-level intelligent races in it, and it is not ruled out that there are powerful mythical beasts and monsters!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and deep fear appeared on their faces.

"The door to another world is very dangerous... Decades ago, we found the remains of a dead Kunpeng, and found that there was a closed channel to another world, so we organized an expedition, and the heroes were killed and injured countless times."

Haima smiled bitterly, sighed deeply, and said, "That secret realm is the current gate of the secluded realm."

"We opened the gate of the secluded world?" Someone around him exclaimed.

Seahorse nodded.

"My God!" Song Bing and the others clicked their tongues.

Most of the giant beasts like Kunpeng have so-called space passages in their mouths, which can enter different worlds.

That's how the gate of the secluded world was opened back then, and it also let everyone know that the gods in the age of myths were killed by the secluded world.

The creatures of the Netherworld are extremely war-loving and brutal, killing and sacrificing the creatures on the earth, blood stained on the spot, if someone hadn't blown up the gate of the Netherworld, the earth would have reappeared in the twilight of the gods.

Until now, there are still creatures from the Netherworld running out of the cracks in the Netherworld from time to time to do evil.

"The danger of the secluded world can be compared to the tomb of the gods?" Song Bing asked.

Haima sighed: "I don't know, UU read, but there will definitely be a **** storm when the tomb of the gods is opened, please be careful below, try to be careful when you go in, if you encounter a large number of high Intelligent race, then... run as far as you want."

Everyone fell silent.


At this moment, the whirlpool became bigger and bigger, and a huge strange fish appeared from the whirlpool. This strange fish was comparable to a mountain and at least ten times larger than an aircraft carrier.

This is Kunpeng!

Kunpeng slowly emerged from the whirlpool, opened his mouth, and began to take a deep breath, just like a whale trying to breathe on the water surface, and there were bursts of spatial fluctuations coming from it.

"Let's go, let's all go in and try." Haima smiled.

Speaking of which, everyone got up and got on the helicopter, but Ye Dou jumped directly, flew high, jumped into the big mouth of the Kunpeng, and disappeared without a trace...

(End of this chapter)

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