The Hero Kneels

Chapter 587: Thor shot

The four tall dragon knights took heavy steps and blocked the way of Ye Dou and others.

They stared at Ye Dou and the others with their eye-catching dragon eyes, full of murderous aura, and they didn't hide it.

"Leave the bead, and I can consider letting you all survive."

Ao Lie said lightly.

"Leave the Divine Pearl? It's all thunder here, I really don't know where you got the courage..."

Ye Dou looked at Ao Lie and several dragon knights: "You are not qualified for me to say this to me. Here, I, Ye Dou, are invincible!"

"Invincible? Human, you are too arrogant." Ao Lie pouted and sneered again and again.

Ye Dou didn't talk nonsense with these guys, he suddenly looked up at the sky, stretched out a hand, and shouted: "Come on, Thunder!"

The sound fell, and the thunderous thunder that destroyed the sky and the earth came from the depths of the thunder and lightning vortex in front.


The lightning as thick as a bucket was intertwined with countless thunder whirlpools, mixed with violent thunder, and the existences like thunder dragons swept out.

The twisted and chaotic thunder and lightning were violently violent, and they smashed the sky and covered the earth.

The target is Ye Dou!

At this moment, Ye Dou is standing in front of a group of dragon knights, like the **** of thunder who controls thunder.

He caused the surrounding thunder and lightning to start falling.

Now that you have turned your face, you should turn it over thoroughly.

He simply opened his hands and put on a posture of fully controlling the world.

Ye Dou seemed to embrace the whole world, shouting loudly, and thick and long lightning bolts appeared all over his body.

The thunder and lightning like thunder dragons in the sky, like wild horses, rushed out and shot down in the sound of thunder riots.

For a time, the thunderstorm caused by Ye Dou erupted with a destructive momentum.

The thunder and lightning in the sky pointed directly at Ye Dou!

Ye Dou stood in front, and an unprecedented aura of destruction erupted, as if he had been waiting for this moment.

At this moment, all the dragon knights changed color.

They all seemed to understand in an instant that the man in front of them was the one who was going to blast them all with thunder and lightning that filled the sky!

From the very beginning, Ye Dou was absolutely true to them!

Just leaving and fleeing, I am afraid it is basically an act of pretending to be a shrimp and eating a giant dragon.

He clearly wanted to wipe out all of them on Dragon King Island in the East China Sea!

"That bastard!"

Song Bing's beautiful eyes lit up, biting her teeth lightly: "With so many thunder and lightning summoned at such a close distance, aren't you afraid of splitting us too?"

Saying that, she and Haima and others quickly retreated, for fear that they would be electrocuted.


boom boom boom…

The raging storm is like an endless flood of thunder, like a waterfall of thunder.

Ao Lie's face became extremely gloomy and gloomy, he couldn't help screaming in unison: "Dodge all!"

Unfortunately, one after another dazzling electric dragons fell from the sky, without giving them any sight of reaction.

A group of dragon knights were violently bombarded by the thunderbolt, and they screamed, howled, and began to flee.

In just an instant, the four dragon knights were paralyzed by thunder and lightning, and they fell to the ground one after another, their whole bodies like burning charcoal, and they looked extremely dark.

The place where Ye Dou was located turned into a terrifying lightning field and became a forbidden area for life.

In particular, the dragon knight who had the deepest killing intent towards Ye Dou was hit by several thick and long lightning bolts intertwined, and his body was immediately submerged by the dense current.

The body of this dragon knight was like an explosion of meat balls, and his bones were shattered, and the power of destruction was poured into his body, causing his internal organs to instantly turn into coke.

The light of resentment in the opponent's eyes instantly extinguished, and his body was also split into slag.

The rest of the dragon knights, the weaker ones, were all smashed into **** by the extremely violent thunder, and only a few survived.

Ao Lie knew something was wrong, his face was gloomy, and with one hand he took out a silver dragon ball.

"Get up! Thunder Dragon Orb, guard!" He pinched a seal.

The silver radiant dragon ball suddenly burst out with a silver mask.

This silver mask is extremely powerful, blocking all the thunder.

"Hehe, I do have some skills. This is the first time I have seen a martial artist like you."

Ao Lie snorted coldly and said, "However, your thunder and lightning alone can't do anything to me, the three dragon generals, you ripped him alive for me!"

The three remaining dragon knights appeared, and they were also the strongest among the dragon knights. At the moment, their bodies turned black, but they exuded terrifying spiritual power fluctuations.

Ye Dou looked at the dead man and said indifferently: "Do you think I eat by lightning alone?"

"Human, since you want to court death, let's have a good fight with you."

Among them, the tallest dragon knight heard the words, and a ferocious light flashed in his eyes.

He took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy surged out of his body, his pupils turned dark purple, and his body was covered with cyan scales. In the blink of an eye, his height exceeded three meters.

This dragon knight's cultivation technique is very powerful. It combines bloodline and cultivation technique to elevate the physical body to an incredible realm. The light green scales on his body cover the whole body, like heavy armor, and at the same time greatly enhance his own strength.

In addition, the dragon knight's body is extremely powerful, and it can be said to be both offensive and defensive.

The other party stomped and stomped his feet, and the ground immediately shattered. The hard ground was easily stepped out of two large dirt pits, and the whole ground also made a roar.

And his whole person is ready to go, like a raptor, ready to charge towards Ye Dou.

The other dragon knight also showed his true fighting power at this moment. His pupils also became close-colored, white scales grew all over his body, his face began to deform slightly, and the horns on his head began to skyrocket.

Another dragon knight covered in cyan, his pupils turned cyan, the veins all over his body exploded, scales appeared on his skin, a strange horn appeared on the top of his head, and there was a dragon in the deep shadow. The aura wrapped around the whole body, and the height was nearly three meters.

These three dragon knights have pushed their own skills to the extreme!

They all regarded Ye Dou as a great enemy and did not dare to be careless.

This seemingly ordinary human being just now, while chatting and laughing, blasted and killed several of their partners with thunder, almost like a devil.

In an instant, Ye Dou seemed to be in a life-and-death situation.

"Be careful!"

"These dragon knights are all demigods of Shenqiao Realm."

"This is bad!"

Haima and Song Bing couldn't stop screaming.

She probably knew the strength of these dragon knights, but they were all demigods. Once these three dragon knights got serious, Ye Dou would have no chance of winning, and he would probably die.

"Hey, Ye Dou, no matter who you are, I will destroy you, and let you know that our Dragon King Island in the East China Sea is not easy to provoke. There are at least hundreds of warriors in the Shenqiao realm who died under my hands. You will Be one of them!"

Ao Lie said coldly.

Ye Dou's face was expressionless and his eyes were cold: "Stop talking nonsense, I'll send you on your way now!"

After he finished speaking, his body suddenly swelled, his muscles swelled like a balloon, his whole body turned red, white smoke rose, the temperature around him rose sharply, and his body jumped up to more than two meters.

A terrifying aura began to permeate the surroundings.

Second gear open!

Take the third gear!

Ye Dou's body continued to expand, and lightning flashed violently all over his body. The current in his body was extremely violent, and the thunder mark on his chest became unrecognizable. Become majestic, full of destructive coercion.

"What trick is this?"

Ao Lie suddenly changed color and was horrified.

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